on going infection:

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
i have my cousion living with me (again) and he has this on going infection, we just got him into work after 6mths of not working, and his leg started burning and itching, so the dr put him on the sick, with the course of antibiotics, (eythromycin) and it went, but now it keeps comming abck, and he feels sick and dizzy, and the dr has given him more antibiotcis, (the same ones again)

why can some infections keep comming back, somtimes for years?

(obviously i want my lazy ass cousion back in work, but he can't go if he is sick all the time) any suggestions?
i have my cousion living with me (again) and he has this on going infection, we just got him into work after 6mths of not working, and his leg started burning and itching, so the dr put him on the sick, with the course of antibiotics, (eythromycin) and it went, but now it keeps comming abck, and he feels sick and dizzy, and the dr has given him more antibiotcis, (the same ones again)

why can some infections keep comming back, somtimes for years?

(obviously i want my lazy ass cousion back in work, but he can't go if he is sick all the time) any suggestions?

Get angry with the doctor and get him to prescribe a heavier dosage.
They try to get away with prescribing the absolute minimum. :)mad:)

Also, maybe it's a good idea to switch antibiotics in case the bacteria have become resistant.
Have they identified the microorganism that has infected him?

There are some really powerful antibiotics available. But you don't want to use them unless absolutely necessary because they can have some really dreadful second-order effects. It sounds like they might be indicated in this case. If your cousin is actually disabled it's time to try something better, otherwise eventually they'll have to resort to amputation. Perhaps you should tell him that and he'll become a little more motivated to take charge of his own medical care.

What country are you in? In some places with socialized medicine it can take forever to get one of the bureaucrats to make a decision.
Have they identified the microorganism that has infected him?

There are some really powerful antibiotics available. But you don't want to use them unless absolutely necessary because they can have some really dreadful second-order effects. It sounds like they might be indicated in this case. If your cousin is actually disabled it's time to try something better, otherwise eventually they'll have to resort to amputation. Perhaps you should tell him that and he'll become a little more motivated to take charge of his own medical care.

What country are you in? In some places with socialized medicine it can take forever to get one of the bureaucrats to make a decision.

no, the dr's are confused!

we are in Blackpool, UK!
Ahhhh, socialized medicine.

Heh. I caught a viral infection under my skin from crawling around in dusty areas, and the doctor thought it was a pimple. He tried for about 5 minutes to open it by squeezing it between two tongue depressors. Tears were streaming down my face because he was pressing so hard it made by eyes water. I told him it wasn't a pimple... I was a teenager for 6 or so years by that point, so I knew what a pimple was. Apparently he skipped that part in his medical training.

Went to a 2nd doctor and he cut it open with a scalpel, cleaned it out and then cauterized it. Took 2 minutes, no pain.

Another time I went to the doctor in another town for Dicofenac because I couldn't walk due to nerve inflammation. The guy told me that he doesn't prescribe narcotics. I tried to explain to him that it was a non-habit forming anti-inflammatory. He asked me if it was new. I told him it was older than I was. I basically told him to fuck himself and crawled out, went to a 2nd doctor and got the script without issue.

Another time I went to have a prescription renewed for a different type of medication, but my doctor was unavailable. The replacement doctor told me to be a good solider and pull up my bootstraps, and sent me on my way without a prescription... even after I told him that I had been taking this medication for years. What a moron.

I don't pay for medical insurance where I live, but yeah, being a doctor doesn't automatically imply common sense.
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Maybe he's not taking his meds correctly so all he's done is made the infection immune to the drugs.
lucifers angel, it could be MRSA, that is dam near impossable to get rid of and really gross too. We had a pt who when we found her had liquid running all down her legs, poor thing, she thought we would be angry at her for calling us when she was locked in a room with no care and break through odeama. God i hate some aged care facilities

Sorry back on topic
Are you sure its actually bacterial?
If you are have you tried contact antibototics insted of oral ones if its a surface infection

Also you could try a corse of IV antibotics, that stuff will kill ANYTHING. Its like flushing the body with pure achole.

The most comon reason would probably be he isnt taking the full course of antibiotics, just enough for the infection to go away. Thats what we see most in the elderly and they end up making it drug resistant and a BIG problem because the really strong antibiotics arnt good for the body
I think you first must know what the infectious agent is. Once you know what the infectious agent is you can track down sources of infection. It could be a multiple drug resistant strain of bacteria. But if satisfactorily treated it should not reoccur unless:
- drug treatment was stoped before fully treated (meaning when drug therapy stopped the infectious agent was still active in his body...which means he now has an even more drug resistant form of the agent
- he is getting reinfected from some yet unidentified source.

Those are the two possibilites.
lucifers angel, it could be MRSA, that is dam near impossable to get rid of and really gross too. We had a pt who when we found her had liquid running all down her legs, poor thing, she thought we would be angry at her for calling us when she was locked in a room with no care and break through odeama. God i hate some aged care facilities

Sorry back on topic
Are you sure its actually bacterial?
If you are have you tried contact antibototics insted of oral ones if its a surface infection

Also you could try a corse of IV antibotics, that stuff will kill ANYTHING. Its like flushing the body with pure achole.

The most comon reason would probably be he isnt taking the full course of antibiotics, just enough for the infection to go away. Thats what we see most in the elderly and they end up making it drug resistant and a BIG problem because the really strong antibiotics arnt good for the body

dont you have to have been in hospital to ahve MRSA?