On August 3, 2002 -- He Will Travel Through Time


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Get in line for those tatoos, gang. :D
If I do not appear from the future, this does not mean that time travel is not possible! It simply means that I will never have access to time travel. It is still possible that SOMEONE out there (maybe even YOU), will someday have access to time travel. If that is the case, what time and place will you choose to go back to? If I fail to appear before myself, I will urge everyone on the free earth to tattoo a time and place into their arm, and then BE PRESENT at that specific time and place. Working together, there is a chance that we can force time travel to occur LONG before it ever should be possible. (Website here)
I tried this once before, but the authorities confiscated all my equipment and put me in a dark hole for a couple of years......

Alright that was a blatent lie...

I realised that physically I wouldn't be able to send myself or anything else through time without a little be of tampering and highly (expensive but) sophisticated pieces of equipment, that you just don't happen to stumble upon.

There is how ever the possibility that a person can send a message to themselves from the future, just with a few bits and pieces of electronic gizmogadgetry, but this would cause parallels and a few other smaller problems that would need to be dealt with properly or you could end up with the worlds governments complaining with you very loudly.
From the posted website: (nice one goofyfish) :D

Just ask yourself, "Why not?"And then ask, "What if?"
I don't care if you understand the idea or not...
I don't care if you think it's possible or not...
You're still going to wonder what happens to me on August 3rd, 2002 in New York City.

The Q wonders if any of us will wonder?

btw - if time travel were possible, the above event would have already taken place in the future. hehe
I can travel through time.

I am doing it right now.


Now give me all your money.
I can travel through time.

I am doing it right now.


I hail thee great and almighty Xev. May our times cross some day. :)

I may not give you ALL of my money. Will a Ferrari do instead?
Q, hearing your voice of reason in the midst of this pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo is worth more than any Ferrari. :)
Q, hearing your voice of reason in the midst of this pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo is worth more than any Ferrari.

Have greater and truer words ever been spoken. I remain at your service, m'lady.

I think the Q needs a cigarette right about now. :D
Time travel has interrested me for ages... BUT if time travel were possible we would already know about it? wouldn't we? BUT what if time travel were possible and it was possible to change the past. If someone did this, this might have changed the future so that time travel wasn't invented. BUT you would expect that in the infinite time left we would once again invent it, so we would know about it .... I could go on and on...

so time travel is not possible.
Time travel is not possible.
Most logical reasoning was given KMGURU in this respect in some Physics thread.

Remember that Coin example?

Actually time travel is possible.

When you create a wormhole (which has been done on a quantum scale and theoreticly be done on a normal scale) you can move one side of it so that time dialates. The you go through the worm hole and back you will return befor you left. I know the above is highly speculative and is not practical it is theorticaly possible.

Also it is suspected that casusality paradoxes can correct themselves. Or at least they can in all mathmatical models.

Read In search of the Edge of Time by John Gribbin if you don't believe me. :)
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