On age consent...


feeling blu
Registered Senior Member
The clause of Roman law, according to which a girl may wed at age twelve, was accepted by the church, and is still maintained in some of the United States. And that is marriage! In New Jersey, where I grew by and by the sea, the legal age of consent for sexual relations is sixteen. In Hawaii (an island), a nymphet can be freed at age thirteen. In Canada, all is copasetic at fourteen. Far away places of ancient mystery, like Africa, have consent laws that fall below eleven! And in Bermuda, a savage sweating monster of an old man might know the love of a trusting sixteen-year-old schoolgirl, and then go about his day like nothing was a wary.

I do not offer the facts as an excuse; I offer them as facts. At all corners of the globe, humanity is confused about the little girl. She is her own irony – being old enough to control the world with her sexuality, but not being old enough to understand why. Because, for her, the mind and the body mature at different speeds – we are befuddled and bemused by her temptation. Lolita will always be alive on the sharp edge of taboo, because she is a puzzled generalization.

Regardless.. it would be interesting to know your thoughts on this subject.
The rate at which children mature emotionally and intellectually depends directly on their surroundings.
Family life, immediate influences and culture.

Age is not the only factor at play here.

In the US, we have created a society that slows and stunts emotional and intellectual maturing.

The other aspects (family and other immediate influences) can counter-act that, but the laws should refect the norm to protect the majority.
In Holland, it is 16 BUT you will not be prosecuted IF you have sex with a 12 year old girl AND she or her parents do not complain.

So, if her neighbours complain NO BIG DEAL!, but if its under 12 anybody can complain/turn you in/you are prosecutable by definition of child molest.

It's a very ambigious law, designed to make explorative sex possible between 12-16 year old , but the loophole can be used by very carefull older guys, you just have to walk on eggs, because if the 12 year old girl is no longer amused by sugar daddy she can file a complaint for sexual harassment haha. It also makes ya vulnerable for blackmail.

Evil Rumour has it that this ambigious law still exist in Holland to make sex with young boys possible....

Age is a number, but I have occaisionally seen some 14 year old fruit more ready to be picked than some 18 year old, as the previous poster said, surroundings, mindsret and hormonal development play an important role, but I do feel that you have to draw a line somewhere. I remember this time in southern france on a camping when I was a bit drunk and stoned when this way too young but gorgious girl of the neighbours was kinda making a charm offensive towards me, In this state that I was It took an awfull lot of self-discipline, cause I knew I would just have to blink my eye and she would put her lips round the shaft of my cock.....but anyway, some older female got facially creamed that night, cause I felt really NEEDED BADLY to unload somewhere at that point....

IMO the law in Holland should be tightened to restrict sex between 12 year olds and anything older than 12+4=16 while allowing sex between for instance 12 year olds and a 14 year old. Also a 15 year old in this vision could have a sex with a 15+4=19 year old etc. and at age 16 the rules no longer apply and its free duck hunting hehe. The guys and girls that are ready for it will explore anyway, but this way you can sorta prevent dependancy situations and mental/financial/physical manipulation by much older males/females
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sevenblu said:
At all corners of the globe, humanity is confused about the little girl. She is her own irony – being old enough to control the world with her sexuality, but not being old enough to understand why. Because, for her, the mind and the body mature at different speeds – we are befuddled and bemused by her temptation.

Um... how is it that a "little girl" controls the world with her sexuality? If you find that you are suffering sexual "temptation" towards little girls, you should stop what you're doing, drive yourself to a psychiatrist, and GET HELP!
Re: Puberty comes early, so let more people marry young, if they are ready.

I don't see why anybody should be allowed to have consentual sex, before age 18. People need to be married anyway, before sex.

However, I have no problem with people getting married as young as 12, since puberty comes early anyway, with the parent's consent.

And if they are married, of course they may have sex and children.

As a society, we wait too long to get married. More people should be encouraged to marry young, and have that proper outlet for sex and their reproductive urges, and to welcome children into their families.
<i>At all corners of the globe, humanity is confused about the little girl.</i>

What you really mean is <b>you</b> are confused. Most people have thing very clear in their minds.

<i>She is her own irony – being old enough to control the world with her sexuality, but not being old enough to understand why.</i>

In what sense does a little girl control the world? Again, I think what you mean is that you can't control yourself.

<i>Because, for her, the mind and the body mature at different speeds – we are befuddled and bemused by her temptation.</i>

Read: <b>you</b> are tempted.

<i>Lolita will always be alive on the sharp edge of taboo, because she is a puzzled generalization.</i>

It is taboo because she is not capable of giving <b>informed consent</b>. Most people have no problem understanding this.
Originally posted by Pronatalist
People need to be married anyway, before sex.

i wouldnt buy a car without test driving it myself...

these threads about age of concent alwayse bring out such weird ideas about age and sex. The essence of it is that there is a segment of any nations population that are basicly lecherous horny old men, and we need laws to stop them from coercing young girls who will be emotionaly damaged by it into sleeping with them. IMHO 16 makes for a pretty good absolute minimum age of concent.

No one seems to think a males age of concent really matters maybe its because by about 14 sex its all we think about anyway.
Re: Re: Puberty comes early, so let more people marry young, if they are ready.

Originally posted by Pronatalist
As a society, we wait too long to get married. More people should be encouraged to marry young, and have that proper outlet for sex and their reproductive urges, and to welcome children into their families.

Yes, lord knows that children should be rushed headlong into an institution, which rightly, should last the rest of their lives before they have the mental capacity to even comprehend what that really means, and certainly before they are emotionally mature enough to pick the right partner for them.

Good idea, let's get more people trapped in hopeless relationships, and then watch the divorce rate get even higher. Jesus Christ, and people say that allowing homosexuals to marry would defile the sanctity of marriage. What a crackpot idea.

Originally posted by James R
What you really mean is <b>you</b> are confused. Most people have thing very clear in their minds.

It is taboo because she is not capable of giving <b>informed consent</b>. Most people have no problem understanding this.

what is so clear? the clearness of america 200 yrs ago? primitives, a 1000 years ago? the clearness of hawaii (14 yrs-informed consent)? the clearness of cali (18=informed consent)? the clearness of an indian village in the present day? the clearness of bio/soc in the present?

I'm talking about clearness which followed the Age of Enlightenment (for those societies which were affected by it), which occurred several centuries ago.

well that certainly encompasses a fairly wide variety of mores/laws doesnt it?
when even now disparities exists b/w countries or even gender (hetero can fuck at younger age), how do we decide "informed assent? by what/whose standards? bio/psy/soc? let the individual culture decide?
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We live in a particular culture. Our culture is informed by progress in many fields of knowledge including sociology, human development, psychology, studies of learning, law and applied ethics.

How do we decided informed consent? Answer: we take into account the accumulated knowledge of our society, and weigh up the relevant factors in the fields I mentioned. Then we come to a decision as to where to set the bar.

The process by which we do this is culturally biased to a certain extent, but I would argue very strongly that we are in a better position to set the bar than, for example, a tribal society.

But perhaps you disagree (?)
James R, the particular culture we live in gets hysterical about the very mention of sex.
Did you even read Vortexx's post?

For the most part the age of consent laws in the U.S. are arbitrary, and regularly lead to stupidity like an 18 year old being prosecuted for having consensual sex with his 15 or 16 year old girlfriend.

When I was in highschool, many of the girls were having sex at 15, many more at 16, and even more at 17. And many of them were doing it with guys who were 18 and older. If the laws on the books were consistently applied, many of these guys could have been in big trouble. Few, if any, of these relationships could have been characterized as predatory.
Nobody gets hysterical about a 15 year old guy getting lucky with an older woman.
When I was 15, I would have considered myself the luckiest guy alive if a woman in her late teens or early 20's had been interested in me.

There are many mature for any age girls in their early teens. And there are many 18 year old women who could probably use the protection of a law saying they aren't emotionally ready for the possible consequences of a sexual relationship.

I'm all for a common sense set of rules for protecting children. But with our Puritan background, I don't see a strong possibility for such laws in the U.S. anytime soon.
Repo Man:

What you say is fair comment, but this thread did not start that way. The original posts were talking about sex with young girls (essentially pre-pubescent), which is a very different matter to a 16 year old girl having sex with her 18 year old boyfriend.

Age of consent laws are there to protect young people. They are there to empower a 15 year old girl to refuse sex with an 18 year old if she wishes, and to be able to back that up with the force of the law. But much more importantly, they are there to protect 14 year olds from predatory 50 year olds.

People are always ready to jump in with borderline examples in these kinds of things, while ignoring 95% of the actual cases which occur and which the law is aimed at.
At times though, I think the laws themselves are part of the problem; forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

I think there are hundreds of thousands of males that can identify with Kevin Spacey's attraction to Mena Suvari in American Beauty.
But in the end, he realized that she was still just a child, mentally if not physically.

People raised in a culture so hypocritical about sex as ours generally have a warped idea about what it is, and generally pass their unhealthy attitudes on to the next generation.

I think people should have sex when they think they are ready, and only with those they really want to.

But our culture is far from ready for such a liberal attitude.
all this talk is about young girls. i suppose boys become emotionally mature faster than girls? :bugeye: yeeeeah

the way i see it, sex should always be consensual regardless of age. some 15 year olds are ready to have sex. many are not. not everyone is the same. there is no magic space in time between 11:59 and the stroke of midnight of a person's 18th birthday that they suddenly mature and are ready to be adults. it can happen mid-teens or not until mid-twenties. there are 40 year olds who can be misled or pressured into having sex with someone they otherwise wouldn't be if they were thinking for themselves. it would be pretty impossible to take it case by case so a cutoff age must be set. i think 18 is pretty safe. it ensures that a good portion of the population has matured while letting kids sleep with people their own age (or anyone in their high school). relationships between teenagers and non-teenagers are seldom equal, there is almost always an unfair power divide.
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