Omniscient & omnipotent at the same time?


Registered Senior Member
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
True enough, you just would set up the future that way in the first place but I think, in the religious sense, the idea was that God was everywhere (and therefore could see what you were doing) and he was all powerful (and could therefore undo anything that you had planned or done so doing even try).
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
What if Love was a circle? It was never ending. Forget our feeble brains, it's not about winning the lottery, it's about what we ultimately are? We'd know the entrance and we'd know the exit, does it matter what happens in between?
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.

Consider bring able to view the time dimension in the same way you view a spatial dimension.

If I know where the other end of my yardstick is, does that mean I can't move that end to another place?

You're thinking like a human, who can only ever see the near end of the yardstick.
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
Yeah, it's a version of the big stone conundrum.
The Christians outsmarted themselves, elevating their deity out of their own reach.
Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
Unless you already know you are within the future and know you are going to change it?

A wriggle out?

But I agree with your idea

We don't know the future and if god does the future is done and dusted, what is point of asking God for anything since it's already pre ordained?

Seems to me if you absolutely knew what the future is, you'd be unable to change it. If you subsequently change the future, you were initially wrong about it.
But, there's that pesky free will of humans that you're forgetting about. ;)
What if Love was a circle? It was never ending. Forget our feeble brains, it's not about winning the lottery, it's about what we ultimately are? We'd know the entrance and we'd know the exit, does it matter what happens in between?
I don't think a circle has an entrance and an exist doesn't it. That's kind of the concept of a circle. It's continuous.
I'm sorry, that does not parse. Is Claim the name of a person?
(Your post)
What if it's preordained that he cures your baby after yourprayers?
(My post was just a continuation)
Claim made gods will

Pray God grandma lives


Claim made gods will

Church wins 100% every time

But, there's that pesky free will of humans that you're forgetting about

Does the free will of puny humans override Gods knowledge of the future?

To me, the concept of Omniscience doesn't include the future. God might know everything, but he doesn't know the future.
I don't think a circle has an entrance and an exist doesn't it. That's kind of the concept of a circle. It's continuous.
Think of it more like a ferris wheel at an amusement park, and think of life as a ride. No matter how hard life is you have to remember it's just a ride and things will get better and sometimes worse but it constantly changes, similar to a roller coaster.
Think of it more like a ferris wheel at an amusement park, and think of life as a ride. No matter how hard life is you have to remember it's just a ride and things will get better and sometimes worse but it constantly changes, similar to a roller coaster.
Be terrified going nowhere for a short time, then arrive at the starting point.
Sounds about right.
Does the free will of puny humans override Gods knowledge of the future?
In my personal belief, no. God simply included free will as part of his plan. (imho)

To me, the concept of Omniscience doesn't include the future. God might know everything, but he doesn't know the future.

That’s interesting - why would he be limited to foreseeing future events, do you think?
Does the free will of puny humans override Gods knowledge of the future?

To me, the concept of Omniscience doesn't include the future. God might know everything, but he doesn't know the future.
I think it is that GOD knows all possible futures; each choice changes the possible outcomes. To calculate that volume of data you would have to be GOD.
I think it is that GOD knows all possible futures; each choice changes the possible outcomes. To calculate that volume of data you would have to be GOD.
Or there could be infinite realities where every possibility plays out.