

Is omnipresence a necessary prerequisite for a being to be considered a "god" or "goddess"?

Consider a ghost or spirit that is omnipresent. Can it be considered a god/goddess?

Do you have any personal experience or contact with an omnipresent being(s)?
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Is omnipresence a necessary prerequisite for a being to be considered a "god" or "goddess"?

Consider a ghost or spirit that is omnipresent. Can it be considered a god/goddess?

Do you have any personal experience or contact with an omnipresent being(s)?

M*W: Only my worst enemies and bill collectors seem to be omnipresent.
M*W: Only my worst enemies and bill collectors seem to be omnipresent.

Wait I got a few!

Women with PMS

Now they seem to be omnipresent too!
I submit that what humans percieve as "god" is nothing more than the collective consciousness of bacteria asserting itself. The idea is that by infecting humans with the faith concept, we would eradicate ourselves through sheer stupidity thus ridding the bacteria of the constant threat of lysol, antibiotics, etc.
well if god resides in the believers then he really is omnipresent because left and right there are religious nutters everywhere
I submit that what humans percieve as "god" is nothing more than the collective consciousness of bacteria asserting itself. The idea is that by infecting humans with the faith concept, we would eradicate ourselves through sheer stupidity thus ridding the bacteria of the constant threat of lysol, antibiotics, etc.

M*W: To relieve the symptoms of the religious faith," one need only take a dose of agnosticism and call me in the morning.

To relieve the heartbreak of religious disease, one need only embrace atheism 2-3 times a week to be cured once and for all.
Apathy is omnipresent at my workplace!
Does that count?

Also - I submit that God is "super-strings" - thus is everywhere - even where he's not detectable. I call him God 'cos it has less letters than "super-string". And so I can set up a religion to him.
So that I can blame him for everything.
And so that, when I die, I merely become part of God - and thus live for ever.
But then I'm already part of God - as he is omnipresent.

Of course, I have no evidence for such belief beyond my own dribbling drivel.

Everything can be contained within "existence". Accordingly, existence is omnipresent.
Everything can be contained within "existence". Accordingly, existence is omnipresent.

Yes, but existence is not god! God implies a seperate entity from existence. I know the illogic of theism might say, A non-existent universe was created by a superior being, thus creating existence. Right? So how can god be existence, and create it at the same time? It's a non-sequirtus to claim, existence is god!

The theistic assertion that existence is created is, indeed, untenable. That is, so long as God is both eternal and omnipresent.