OMG OMG The Beast... I'm a believer


Valued Senior Member
Why on Earth did they nickname Obama's car The Beast? Are people stupid?

People REALLY think this is their special sign from God to let them know Obama is the anti-Christ. The talk is Armageddon.

Theist REALLY are this superstitious, THAT'S the scary thing. The year is 2009 people. Pull your head out.

I think they named it the beast because of the way it is built. Did you happen to see how thick the doors were when they opened it? I think we needed to have a "safe" car for him due to all the crazy people that don't like the idea of a black president. I am thankful he made it through the day without some incident to mar his first day. May he live long and prosper..
His car is almost the same car that Bush was driven in. Why make a new car every 4 years when the old car was only used a few times with less than 5,000 miles on it with armor plating and all the electronic goodies available ?
Why on Earth did they nickname Obama's car The Beast? Are people stupid?

People REALLY think this is their special sign from God to let them know Obama is the anti-Christ. The talk is Armageddon.

Theist REALLY are this superstitious, THAT'S the scary thing. The year is 2009 people. Pull your head out.


HA!!! You've taken something far too seriously and WAY out of context.:D

It's actually quite common to nickname ANY large machine "Beast." I've seen it applied to very large cranes, car crushers and the massive dumptrucks used in open-pit mining (trucks that could hold 15 ordinary pickups). And I've no doubt that it's been applied to hundreds of other things as well.
I think they named it the beast because of the way it is built. Did you happen to see how thick the doors were when they opened it? I think we needed to have a "safe" car for him due to all the crazy people that don't like the idea of a black president. I am thankful he made it through the day without some incident to mar his first day. May he live long and prosper..

If only Ambassador spock was our president. Anywho, I'm grateful for that too.
I hope he survives his term in office.

It only takes one whackjob American to do it .