OMFG!question for anyone


all shalt bow before me!
Registered Senior Member
i have a question. what do you do when you g/f gets in a car crash, is in a coma, and her parents want to take her off life support just cause they hate her?
inuyaSHA0004 said:
i have a question. what do you do when you g/f gets in a car crash, is in a coma, and her parents want to take her off life support just cause they hate her?
In most countries, this decision is done by the husband. If not married, it´s done by the closest relatives - probably parents. If one find that those relatives are not capable of doing that decision, one should address this in court.
The case thedevilsreject refers to is that of Terry Schiavo.
Even with the diagnosis that she was in a persistent vegetative state, her husband had to go to court to gain authorization to remove her from life support because no 'living will' or other legal document detailing her wishes should such a situation arise had been made.

Don't know where you live, but I would contact local politicians and/or media outlets and give them the details. I don't think even the parents of this girl would have the right to make this decision, whether they "hate her" or not.

Laws differ from country to country of course, but I'd imagine the greater the hue and cry that is raised, the better.
I don't think the hospital is allowed to take her off life support if she is just diagnosed in a coma...I may be 100% wrong. If someone is in a persistent vegetative state thats a different matter.

p.s Did this happen to you, or is it just hypotheical?
inuyaSHA0004 said:
i have a question. what do you do when you g/f gets in a car crash, is in a coma, and her parents want to take her off life support just cause they hate her?

if this is you in this situation, then you should decide what to do. If you like the girl alot, then dont let her die. Come to the doctor and tell him you know his address and where his kids live and if he does not let ur gf live, you will suffocate the kids. By all means fight for it or just let it go, depends on you and not on society laws.
draqon said:
if this is you in this situation, then you should decide what to do. If you like the girl alot, then dont let her die. Come to the doctor and tell him you know his address and where his kids live and if he does not let ur gf live, you will suffocate the kids. By all means fight for it or just let it go, depends on you and not on society laws.
I believe thats totally illegal and immoral. Not to menion a totally fucking stupid suggestion.

I'd say go to the local and national media about it, make them kick up a fuss about it.
If she is a minor then her parents have the right and it will be difficult to fight. Even if she is an adult, her parents are her next of kin and in the absence of written instructions from her the decision is up to them.

You have to understand that life support is expensive, somebody has to pay for it. Even if it's a corporation like an insurance company--and they won't cover it forever--it's a drain on somebody's resources that could be spent on something else. To force whoever that is to continue paying when the doctors think she is already dead is being selfish.

You don't say how long she has been in a coma. It must be months or even years for the doctors to have given up on her. They don't give up easily. The longer it's been, the lower the probabilty is of her waking up and having a brain that still works for anything more than the autonomic nervous system. Use Google and find out what the actual probability is for someone who has been comatose for the same period of time as this woman. You'll find that it has a lot of zeros after the decimal point.

When these things happen they're blasted all over the news, and the reason is precisely because they are so rare. No one bothers to tell us about the millions of coma patients who don't revive. Do the googling. How many people wake up from these things in the whole world in a ten-year period?

While you're researching your statistics, look at the other things you find there. What is the probability that you will die by slipping in your own bathtub? It's not trivial, it happens to lots of people. Yet you probably ignore it because it's too low to take seriously. And it's probably a much greater probability than that of your girlfriend waking up.

So therefore you should not take that probability seriously either.

Another thing to consider. . . What if this were you? What if everyone who is looking at the situation rationally agrees that it's hopeless. Would you want your body to be lying there, day after day, with nurses taking care of it, with people who knew you when you were alive occasionally dropping in out of duty and seeing it like that, with the people who loved you in emotional limbo because they never got the closure of a death certificate and a funeral? Would you want your loved ones to never be given the opportunity to say goodbye and move on with their lives? Wouldn't that be not just undignified but cruel?

Some day somebody is going to have to pull the plug. The only question is: when?
Put an insurance policy out on her QUICK!
Now thats turnin a frown upside down my friend :)
I think the first question is, "What do you want them to do?" Then ask the parents if you can sit down with them to discuss the matter. You're really in no position to be argumentative, but a rational conversation between you and them will help all involved.
inuyaSHA0004 said:
her parents want to take her off life support just cause they hate her?

Can you be a little more clear, are you saying;

a) Her parents are desperate to turn the life support machine off the first chance they get because they hate her


b) Doctors have officially asked her parents if they can switch off the machine and her parents are thinking about it. You emotionally conclude that they must hate her.