ok... now let me hear about this....

Dexter, once again I have to speak out against your quote. It is factually incorrect...although catholics (<u>not</u> christians) did rule europe (not the earth) during the dark ages, they also ruled it during the renasiance, and the greatest age of exploration known to mankind. Thanks to christian influence, we have abolished slavery, abandoned human sacrifice, etc., as well as all of our moral and ethical beliefs.

But about the page...kind of a waste of time, and factually unsupported. The stickers are pretty cool though. :)


P.S.-Im not christian, though I may sound like one :)
Do I always have to set you guys straiht?

christian- anyone who believes Jeasus was the son of "god"

catholics ARE christians.

Man yall are dense.


thanx dude, and yes, i used christian, becasue i think it sounds better than catholic, and i used to be christian, so i dont like them as much

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I understand that catholics are christian, but not all christians are catholics. Saying christians ruled the world may be factual, but is misleading.

Take this statement: Christians believe that Jesus visited america after his crucifixion.

Misleading? Yes. Factual? Yes. Mormons do believe the statement, and mormons are christian. See why the distinction is important?

And dexter, do you have a reponse for me, or are you afraid? Your statement is incorrect, and not just because of the catholic/christian thing. When catholics ruled the world, it was called the greatest ae of exploration, the renaisance, science emerged, and on and on and on.
Man can we please cut the religious crap? there is a religious forum i like the quote actually....and why dispute his quote? some peoples kids just have to look for an argument its a good quote regardless. Damn i need my puter back lol i'll be back on here all the time. Im sick of some xtians...sorry lori not you just those that need to ridicule others. Im Wiccan and am proud of that fact and you wont see me ridiculing any others based on religion.....i stay out of the religious forum......enough said

Eric Cooper
How dare you make such a general and stereotypical statement. I am disgusted with the attitudes of most people on this forum. You need to realize that Jerr Falwell is not christianity, he is an extreme end of it. Try using the sociological perspective, it might get you somewhere.

P.S.-I am not christian, though I often say I am on the religous board.