Ok... lets say that


Dark Dementia is my name...
Registered Senior Member
The following is not proven or even thought of at all... just a small thought went through my brain:

Is telekinesis and telepathy possible due to the sending of brain waves through the air or signals? When your brain tells your arms or legs to move, it sends signals through nerves until it reaches that place. Could those signals be sent out of the body and through the air to connect to other things? Also, we know that brain waves can exist outside of the human brain, therefor we know they can move outside. Can we focus our energy and push them away so as to create telepathy or move things with all that energy?

Post any ideas you think of. =D
Could those signals be sent out of the body and through the air to connect to other things?

So what if they were? These brain waves being sent to the nerve trigger somatic muscles which causes them to contract or expand corresponding with the pns within our body. If these brain waves were sent out to an inanimate object no effect would happen since the brain waves need to be interpreted and responded with in the neuclues of a neuron.

Also, we know that brain waves can exist outside of the human brain, therefor we now they can move outside.

If this was possible we would not be able to move inanimate objects, instead we would be able to control other organisms since out brain waves would correspond with their neurons.
I've wondered if this is possible:

Hypnotize a person to, for example, raise their left arm if a certain other person says a key word, like "blue" for instance. Note that the condition is not if the suject hears the word, but only if the second person says the word. It should be obvious that, while in the room together, if person B says "blue", then person A will raise their left arm. But send person A to the other end of the building, have person B say "blue". Will person A raise their left arm? Can a telepathic link be forged that way?
No it can't. If the person cannot be heard then he will not raise his arm. People tend to think hypnotism is a mysterious power but its quite simple to explain. Test have been done to tshow this. Remember everything we do while hypnotised is mad up in our own minds.


The experimenter would hypnotise his patient so that the experimenter would be invisible to the patient. The experimenter would then pick up a piece of paper on the desk and the patient would be incredibly surprised, shocked and scared thinking there was a ghost in the room. Another person asks the patient to read a chart off the wall that he had never seen before and that the experimenter is standing in front of. Because our memory recollection is so good when hypnotised, if the patient even glanced at this chart before being hypnotised, he can sometimes recall some details of the chart. Generally, the patient is not able to see the chart behind the experimenter and so 'makes up' something to say (so that in his own head he can still justify the invisible experimenter). So in such hypnosis, the patients mind 'blocks' out the information that is still being received from the eyes that the experimenter is actually there. this is how hypnosis works.
John Connellan said:
Because our memory recollection is so good when hypnotised, if the patient even glanced at this chart before being hypnotised, he can sometimes recall some details of the chart.

Actualy Hypnotism does not improve memory. In fact, in this highly suggestible state we are very prone to making things up when ordered to give information which we do not rightly remember.
I've heard about cases where a witness to an accident was hypnotized to recall the scene in order to get certain details like license plate numbers, descriptions, etcetera, like in the aforementioned chart example. Is there any truth to this, and how successful was this technique?
SpyMoose said:
Actualy Hypnotism does not improve memory. In fact, in this highly suggestible state we are very prone to making things up when ordered to give information which we do not rightly remember.

No u are wrong. Hypnotism stimulates the subconscious state and that is where we hold ALL of our memories for future access if necessary. As time passes, access to the subconscious is difficult and slow but with hypnotism, most everything u ever experienced in life can be recalled at will. Hence regression analysis at hypnotherapy.
...brain waves do not and can not travel through air, a vaccuum or any other medium besides neurons (well, maybe water, but that would mean your brain would be exposed... ew).

People tend to believe in such things so much that they try to find some irrational reasoning behind their beliefs. Stop and think about it. You'll thank me later.
And yet we have machines that can read brainwaves without actually having to drill into the brain. They must be emitting something that can be picked up.
John Connellan said:
No u are wrong. Hypnotism stimulates the subconscious state and that is where we hold ALL of our memories for future access if necessary. As time passes, access to the subconscious is difficult and slow but with hypnotism, most everything u ever experienced in life can be recalled at will. Hence regression analysis at hypnotherapy.

Memories recovered under hypnosis are not admissible in court cases because of incidence in the past that it has caused. In the eighties alone this method was used to falsely convict many adult peoples parents of child molestation, and create a national scare that satanic cults were popping up all over the place. More recently in the nineties people were diagnosed with dozens of multiple personalities, all because of 'memories' they recovered while under hypnosis. No respectable psychologist will even try this technique for recovering memories anymore.
people may be able to emit brainwaves, but we cant recieve them, you have your nose to smell things, eyes to see them, unless we evolve soemthing that picks up brain waves we wont have telekenisis
people may be able to emit brainwaves, but we cant recieve them, you have your nose to smell things, eyes to see them, unless we evolve soemthing that picks up brain waves we wont have telekenisis

That was a very elementary answer. It shows that you didn't think for a second the kind of ways that we could receive brainwaves if they were trainsmitted. Think for a second. If we can emit brainwaves that would be it could pass through flesh and bone correct? Then it can pass through the air or vacuum. We would not have to conciously receive these brainwaves. It would automatically be perceived and interpeted within our neurons. Anyways, as I explained before, brainwaves have absolutely no way of moving inanimate objects therefore brainwaves cannot be the cause of "telekinesis". If someone were to tell you that telekinesis is the result of brainwaves being emitted from you're mind then he's a lying fanatic.
telepathy is more likely than telekinesis, ill tell you all that much.

telepathy- it is very similar to what you say, sending brain waves out, or transmitting your thoughts. it is also similar to what Dolphins use to communicate, and other sea animals that cannot see very well.
telepathy is the next big form of communication, like a "Instant Messaging System" in our minds. but if you think about it, we are not ready for this form of communication, at least not most people. think about all the bad things you think of every day, the smart-aleck responses you think in your head when in proximity with people you dislike... the sexual remarks some make as beautiful women walk past...
- see, all of this would be exposed in a Telepathic Community... there are no secrets.
whereas some might find that fact a bit surprising, and cause reluctance to accept having 'no secrets' - it is actually BETTER for mankind. not only could we access each other instantly, but any CRIES for help will be INSTANTLY heard. No more hiding your problems, we can hear them. we are here to help now!

TELEKINESIS is not what its made out to be. It is not the mind power of picking up an object and hurling it across the room without moving a muscle. it is not that dramatic, although it can be, if enough psi power is present. what do you think Poltergeists are?
Same Concept. except the people doing it are most likely spirits, deceased.

What if telekinesis is actually more related to Atomic and Molecular Structures and ALTERING THAT instead of moving objects. Maybe those peoples can see the genetic/atmoic code and alter/move it somehow ?

consider this: Miracles.
Jesus is said to have multiplied only a few Fish into ALOT of fish, in front of the public eye. Is this not some kind of Telekinesis ? By appearantly nothing other than his will, Jesus conjured or multiplied the food, so everyone could eat.

now, something else to consider: Ghosts, and Aliens.
Ghosts: lets consider ghosts for a second: the Spirit of a Body that Died. If you left your body, what is left? your Spirit. this means all you really have are your Soul, and its Thoughts. Having no physical body, you will now of course focus on your Spiritual 'Powers' - What i am getting at are the Paranormal Situations- like poltergeists, hauntings, voices, etc. What is this, if not some form of Telekinetic Alteration of the Physical World by the Mind of a Spirit ?

Aliens : If you know anything about Alien Theory, you know that most Alien life forms have Telepathic ability (a normal ability for higher beings). Even if u dont believe in Aliens or Alien Theory, you have probably seen a movie where Aliens communicate without speaking words. Telepathic Communication is part of advanced life. its part of an intelligent life form's evolution, if they want to survive as a race.

Telepathy is GOOD, and some already have bits and pieces of it. Close friends can almost read each other's thoughts, and some people know the phone is going to ring before it does. this is all telepathy, even though we are unaware of it, we are still all connected, if not so much in the conscious, then more in the subconscious.

I dont think it really has to do with anything travelling in the air. its far more complex than that i believe, and that the Thoughts and Words we would be communicating cannot be limited to being a physical "thing" that has to travel through air. I personally think it is embedded in the fabric of space-time, some kind of web of intertwining dimensions. rather complicating but if i can put it into words, ill try to post it. or if i get some answers :)
caffeine_fubar said:
The following is not proven or even thought of at all... just a small thought went through my brain:

Is telekinesis and telepathy possible due to the sending of brain waves through the air or signals? When your brain tells your arms or legs to move, it sends signals through nerves until it reaches that place. Could those signals be sent out of the body and through the air to connect to other things? Also, we know that brain waves can exist outside of the human brain, therefor we know they can move outside. Can we focus our energy and push them away so as to create telepathy or move things with all that energy?

Post any ideas you think of. =D

It was proven in Physics by the Pauli Effect.
zonabi said:
telepathy is more likely than telekinesis, ill tell you all that much.

telepathy- it is very similar to what you say, sending brain waves out, or transmitting your thoughts. it is also similar to what Dolphins use to communicate, and other sea animals that cannot see very well.
telepathy is the next big form of communication, like a "Instant Messaging System" in our minds. but if you think about it, we are not ready for this form of communication, at least not most people. think about all the bad things you think of every day, the smart-aleck responses you think in your head when in proximity with people you dislike... the sexual remarks some make as beautiful women walk past...
- see, all of this would be exposed in a Telepathic Community... there are no secrets.
whereas some might find that fact a bit surprising, and cause reluctance to accept having 'no secrets' - it is actually BETTER for mankind. not only could we access each other instantly, but any CRIES for help will be INSTANTLY heard. No more hiding your problems, we can hear them. we are here to help now!

TELEKINESIS is not what its made out to be. It is not the mind power of picking up an object and hurling it across the room without moving a muscle. it is not that dramatic, although it can be, if enough psi power is present. what do you think Poltergeists are?
Same Concept. except the people doing it are most likely spirits, deceased.

What if telekinesis is actually more related to Atomic and Molecular Structures and ALTERING THAT instead of moving objects. Maybe those peoples can see the genetic/atmoic code and alter/move it somehow ?

consider this: Miracles.
Jesus is said to have multiplied only a few Fish into ALOT of fish, in front of the public eye. Is this not some kind of Telekinesis ? By appearantly nothing other than his will, Jesus conjured or multiplied the food, so everyone could eat.

now, something else to consider: Ghosts, and Aliens.
Ghosts: lets consider ghosts for a second: the Spirit of a Body that Died. If you left your body, what is left? your Spirit. this means all you really have are your Soul, and its Thoughts. Having no physical body, you will now of course focus on your Spiritual 'Powers' - What i am getting at are the Paranormal Situations- like poltergeists, hauntings, voices, etc. What is this, if not some form of Telekinetic Alteration of the Physical World by the Mind of a Spirit ?

Aliens : If you know anything about Alien Theory, you know that most Alien life forms have Telepathic ability (a normal ability for higher beings). Even if u dont believe in Aliens or Alien Theory, you have probably seen a movie where Aliens communicate without speaking words. Telepathic Communication is part of advanced life. its part of an intelligent life form's evolution, if they want to survive as a race.

Telepathy is GOOD, and some already have bits and pieces of it. Close friends can almost read each other's thoughts, and some people know the phone is going to ring before it does. this is all telepathy, even though we are unaware of it, we are still all connected, if not so much in the conscious, then more in the subconscious.

I dont think it really has to do with anything travelling in the air. its far more complex than that i believe, and that the Thoughts and Words we would be communicating cannot be limited to being a physical "thing" that has to travel through air. I personally think it is embedded in the fabric of space-time, some kind of web of intertwining dimensions. rather complicating but if i can put it into words, ill try to post it. or if i get some answers :)

I like your comment, it shows thinking
What if telekinesis is actually more related to Atomic and Molecular Structures and ALTERING THAT instead of moving objects. Maybe those peoples can see the genetic/atmoic code and alter/move it somehow ?
Anyone that has had a psychic experience of the major kind knows that some "thing" has changed in them, for me to touch a computer, motor engine or other physical object, I first have to sense it's "whole being".
Hence I look to the subatomic level of the object, and note that 3000 year old Patanjali's Yoga Sutras also descripe this as a necessary medation to learn in order to become knowledgeable of the small, the hidden and the distant, (page 324, Science of Yoga, I. K. Taimni)
Also note that the "Atma" is the highest level spirit, and described centuries before the Greeks used the word.