Ok I'm going mad


Registered Senior Member
Ok think I’m mad I have very vivid dreams and this is one that I cant explain, its 15 or twenty years into the future and it’s a cold winter morning theirs frost on the trees and the grass, when there is a almighty flash in the sky which the whole world can see, its so bright that were its night it becomes day. Theirs a news flash that a alien craft has landed in the USA. The whole world has now no dought that there is alien life. Every thing goes well and they start of by befriending us but they have a different agenda and they start to plunder our food and water they want this world for them self’s and there is nothing that we can do to stop them. It turns out that there was a alliance with 4 nations before they turned up but there had been many of them living under or feet for many years . They know that we wont use atomic weapons because we don’t want to kill our own world but they were wrong and we used atomic weapons on them after a few months of them arriving. They were destroyed and those that still lived went back under ground. The deserts were turned to glass half the world was destroyed by atomic weapons. Five months had passed and there was a new arrival from space he said he was our creator. Then I woke up.
Ok think I’m mad

Then you are the last person to find out.

i can dig that. thanks for the warning tho i am sure we will plant bugs up their backsides to keep tabs on em if and when they show up. fact is you cant play a player and we earthers know the game! bring it on, you alien bastards. come get some!
Time Loss

I am reading a book about Time Loss and it may be that your case maybe of alien abduction. I think you may find out more if you could have an Hypnotic session with your Psychiatrist. I know I might be sounding Cuckoo here ..but it so happens that people have realized that feeling of an alien presence is due to their abduction which the cannot remember because of some post Hypnotic suggestions or similar techniques used by these aliens abductors. These experiences are unlocked using Hypnosis ....try reading the book by Budd Hopkins...he talks about similar experiences....
I believe you....

I had a similair dream, also, while ago. You have no idea of how your dream relates to the many sites I searched and found that can relate.

Lately, my dreams I have been having - most of them- have been battles...against something seemingly undefeatable.
Something alien, and its size represents how serious and dangerous it is.

Never dying - I dont die in dreams anymore- never scared, just in awe and overwhelmed. And never running, tho I'm the one doing the most ducking and dodging.
You have weird dreams. Join the club. I dreamt that I was playing soccer with Tim Curry dressed up like in the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and that the moon was exploding--do you think it means something? Probably not. Why assume that your dream has special meaning?
Maybe Tim Curry represents financial success... was he sitting on that lip couch? At least is wasn't Tim Curry from the Worst Witch.

Look, Andrew, we often have dreams that leave us with intense feelings, sometimes that don't make any sense. I once awoke from a dream about looking for cats in an old railroad warehouse in the forest, and I couldn't get the word "idolatry" out of my head for about six hours.

If you don't want to have disturbing dreams, don't eat before you go to bed. That usually helps. Also, I understand beta blockers and certain other drugs can cause "lucid dreams" as a side effect.

the presence of alien thought in our thinking or should I say the awareness of alien thinking has a profound effect on our psychology. The first effect is fear. The second is over reaction, the third is the belief in a higher authority.

To me your dream cryptically shows all three.

Alien thought patterns creat fear because we sense their foreigness. We also sense their technological superiority.

I feel it is this reaction that actually keeps them away form the planet.

Culture shock can be a really big problem
Originally posted by Andrew111
. Theirs a news flash that a alien craft has landed in the USA.
i doubt they would land in the states :p

i had such a dream once and it was the most realistic, vivid, colorful dream EVER!

all it was, was lights, in the sky. differnt sizes, brightnesses, colors etc etc. it was wild! then thoes lights starting SHOOTING lights and lasers and fireballs. sooo colorfull!!!! at one point i remeber being in my house and one of thoes lights started comming towards me which turned into a fireball and crashed into my house right beside me, no big explosion or nothing it just went boom and everything was gone which was in its path. left a big hole in my house thur down to my basement. there was no explosions, no fires just blasting lights and holes and flashes.
and it was soo wierd cuase it felt like it was a (if they ever come up with such a thing) a 3d movie where you can see all around you at all times

the dream was just so unexplainable, too bad it happened a while ago and i can hardly remeber it

plus i could hear, feel, and see in color, in the dream, i couldnt smell nothing tho... i guess it was for the best :)

another wierd part of the dream was, i wasnt scared, not in the least :eek: