ok.... i think this is it


Registered Senior Member
ok, now dont anyone laugh..... but i think i mightve been abducted.... last night, it was around 11:00 and i looked at the clock... and then i looked again, and it was 4:25 and i had theis huge headache, centralized in several area's but mostly in my nose... the little bump thing on the bone.. you know??? well it was killoing me, so i went and got some tylonal, and then i went back to sleep.
but i think that this might be an abduction, becasue of missing time.... from 11:00 to 4:25, thats quite a lot of time... and i dont evan remember going to sleep, or waking up..... so your the experts, tell me what you think.......

thats all i got


Every night I never notice going to sleep. it happens, don't worry about it.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.
Channelling Dana Scully, channelling Dana Scully...

Don't worry, Dex. I'm not here to make fun of you, because such things have happened to me.

Have you tried to lance the bump? Even if it's painful, it may be little more than an annoying little boil. In fact, it's most likely to be painful if this is the case. If it's far up the sinus cavity, it could be affecting your sinuses and causing the nasally-oriented headache. I know mine kill me when they go on the offensive.

Tylenol can knock me out something fierce. I don't dare take it for anything during the work week or else I will sleep through my alarm. It also makes me have some of the cooooooooolest dreams!

The missing time thing happened to me almost like you describe it. I was working as maintenance at a health club. At around 10PM I began vaccuuming one of the hallways. I looked up at the clock because there was a movie coming on at 3AM that I wanted to see and I wanted to set up my schedule around it. As I looked at it I saw the hands read about quarter after or so. Without blinking and apparently without moving, the hands then read 2:45AM. To confirm this, my movie started 15 minutes later and I had to move like crazy to catch up on my work.

I'm curious. Do you ever have periods of entire weeks where you keep waking up at a certain time, on the money? At first, I thought it was somebody down the street making a noise or something, but I sacrificed a few nights, randomly spaced, to hear what it was that kept waking me up, but to no avail. No sound was made.

If it's stress-related, I wonder what the significance of the hour is (2:45AM!)? When I was doing security work, 2:45AM was the time when the weird stuff would happen. I had to be very careful about what I put on my reports.
no, this is the first time that this missing time thing has ever really happend to me, and i know i didint go to sleep, because i wasnt tired at all...
and, i have had periods of entire eeks were i woke up at the same time.. but it wasnt from aomeone down the street, cause i live in the mdlle of nowere. and the pain in my nose, i dont think it was sinus, i think it mightve been like a probe or something, casue it was a real, sharp and intence, centeralized pain.... and it hurt like a bitch......

and if it was a abduction.... i dont remember anything about it....... yet

thats all i got


What type of tylenol do you take? with codeine? Otherwise, I can't imagine why it would knock you out.
Actually, codeine has no effect on me. Vicodin is a whole 'nuther matter, though. I usually take the extra-strength night-time Tylenol, without a 'chaser'. It just seems to do the job. Maybe it's psychosomatic.

Once I was in a world of pain from a minor illness that hit during a time when I was feeling depressed anyway. Normal doses weren't helping, so I made up my own concoction. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR ANYWHERE!!!!! I SAID I WAS DEPRESSED AND MAY HAVE BEEN SUBCONCIOUSLY TRYING TO KILL MYSELF!!!! I mixed 4 extra-strength night-time Tylenol, a Vicodin tablet, a big, BIG swallow of Nyquil, and an American pint of Newcastle. Then I got into bed and laid down and watched the colors swirl. (You ready for this?) Then a short, hairy individual came into my room and peeled my eyes open, shining a small flashlight into them. He was followed by two "Greys", one of whom turned on a device that engulfed me in a blue light. We floated out the window (which was closed) and up a light beam. I next found myself lying on a table. One of the "doctors" who looked a little more human than the others smiled and said "Let's see what's wrong now, shall we?" (Mechanical speech) They put all kinds of things around my head, then covered my eyes with a bizarre set of goggles and I watched more swirling colors and dancing lights while some really cool music played (It's hard to describe it as music. It was sound that had some kind of hypnotic rythym.) When the music stopped I was back in my bed. I was still fuzzy headed, but no longer in pain and no longer depressed.

What a trip! And it was all legal! Still, I'd never do it again unless I was in that much pain again. DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF! Just covering my butt with a warning.

dexter- Not ragging on you or anything, but it sounds like you've already made up your mind about what happened.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited January 15, 2000).]
I have been looking for some report I have somewhere here on the subject of being able to contact 'other' lifeforms mentally, after taking some chemical that seems to bridge some silly gap in a part of our brain that allows us to do some sort of weird mental connection....as you see...I really need to find that report.... perhaps, Oxygen, you may have done just that with your cocktail?? Sounded a bit too strong for your own mental good, but it fixed the problem - good on you!
I was hoping to find it and do a post on it but it seems like I better speed it up and present it as an option for what you may have experienced.
It'd be great if you could find that report and post it anyway, although after my cocktail, I doubt even Fox Mulder would believe me. ;)

I have heard of other reports where people see collorfull lights in a "helment" and here music.

In one case a little girl with heart trouble was abducted by grey and brown aliens. She saw the same light and music show and woke up with no heart problems what so ever.


Missing time is comin and could mean nothing, but the pain could maen someting, if it is as precice as you say. Did you have a nosebleed that night? Or do you find it hard two breathe out of both nostrols equaly at the same time?

