Maybe this will help in the discussion, The below map shows the world with the current Atmospheric content of oxygen converted to water, which about 21% to 24% of the earths atmopshere, the remainder being Nitrogen.
The map it self sets the stage of former life on our planet, the world it self looks different today as the earths water has evaporated leaveing the current surface features we would see on a normal map. Also in the evaporation of sea water the earth has formed our oxygen atmosphere.
The surface land that is exsposed in the below map defines a unique area, as it is the primary locations of dinosaur nest found around the world. Which nearly defines in addition that dinosuars lived in a time when nitrogen was the only major atmospheric componet untill oxygen had evaporated into the air. it also defines that oxygen dependant lifeforms had to gain oxygen form the sea, simular to the way fish with their gills exstract oxygen from water.
In this prehistroric enviroment we would exspect to find abundant sea planet life, exspecially swamp and marsh lands.
The fossil record supports the orientaion of the below map, and we can exspect to find gas and oil depostits that are organically/ orginating from biological life in center spots of biolocialy activity, at least fossil fuels.
The map defines the stage of prehistoric earth, which allows other condtitons to be looked at, wiether they are biological or non biological.
It certainly appears that Russia and much of the world is under a water.
The map is cross referenced with fossil records, paticulary with that of egg nest populations of Dinosaurs to define the accuracy of the waterline relavant to life. in other words the dinosaurs lay there eggs in certain regions because that is the land avialable to them for that purpose.
The greatest form of life that we would exspect to find on earth in this condtion is sea life and plant life. With large regions of the earth covered in plant life, resulting in generations of decaying matter. it the appears that many oil deposits may be of biological origin. wherein plant life that has died in successive generations are covered by ocean sedimate, layer after layer over time. (land slides, land collapses, tides ect..). Acheologist do find plant fossils that are as big as islands, that are defined as floating islands of plant life.
If we look further back past the water line and the dinosaur egg fossils, it becomes quite possible that the atmosphere was not only nitrogen but contained also large amounts of CO2 that was placed in the atmophere by Volcanic eruptions. This event provides a means of carbons presence on the earths surface, rather than at great depths. The placement of CO2 in the atmosphere of earth may reach simular conditions to that of the planet Venus, in earths case however the CO2 was forced to the surface by the rapid tempiture absorbtion or nitrogen, in other words the the daily cooling of nitrogen during night times caused the condensation of CO2.
Such a event would result in the oceans of the world absorbing the CO2, makeing the earth appear black. from space it might appear blackish green (we will call this time period just before life the
BLACK PEARL period).
Overtime the carbon would settle to the ocean bottom, given the topograhy of the ocean floor at the time some valleys and raveens would be full of carbon which would exsplain earths coal deposits. in much more shallow regions such as in marshes, swamp land ect... the releases of hydrogen as a result evaporating oxygen would make peroxides and hydrogen avaible for the formation of tarpits ect....
eventually we see the rise of the dinosaur and the gradual evaporation of the ocean untill we have what the world looks like today.