Oh yeah

Welcome to sciforums, ElGuapo.

Prehaps you would give us a clue as to why you think so...
Welcome J.Lo.....

(a senior that was in the computer lab at the time of my using the sciforums)
Welcome to Sciforums ElGuapo. :)

May you be a happy poster here, in all the Forums. :)
Tell some more about your 'character' please. Is it from 3 amigo's? Why is he so awesome...? ;)
another rare republican joins the scene... :bugeye: :eek:

Now I am curious. :D
Who the hell is that El Guapo character? Are that 3 amigo's the same guy's as The Good, The Bad And The Ugly? :bugeye: And all republicans? :p

El Guapo, where are you? Clarify some things for me please...;)
Okay, here it is...

El Guapo is that fat guy who pitches for the Boston Red Sox. (Kinda makes you wonder why he's called El Guapo, eh?)
Anyways, I couldn't think of anything better at the time.
Are that 3 amigo's the same guy's as The Good, The Bad And The Ugly?

No, no! 3 Amigos is a funny stupid ass movie that I seen when I was like 7 or so. Anyhoo, El Guapo was the bad guy. I think it translates to notorious or bad guy in spanish:confused: Sorry, not a bilingual - yet:D
No, star, it translates to "The Handsome One."

tee-hee-hee...I love spanish....

Yo encado la cama con amigos tu heheheheheheh

(loosely translated it means I love the bed with your friends, I don't know how to say 'sleeping with')
No, star, it translates to "The Handsome One."

Ahhh, was wondering bout that:D I know sapo means frog:D I used to listen to this song when I was little... Sap, sap, sapoooo......:D