Oh the joys of organised religion

yep...thats right...that is what religion does to homosexuals....they are born in a strictly religious family they suppress their homosexual feelings by becoming priests and when they cant take it no more...they abuse young boys. My theory coming true. Men want to be men even if they are gays.

no really, one of my uncles is a priest.
i always wondered why.....hmmm...

and daph, what does gayness have to do with this?
a gay man doesn't have to go pedopile.
So Flores is proud of countries of her religion, eh? Idiot.

The religious police, the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, usually known as al-Mutawa'een, are mandated to ensure strict adherence to established codes of moral conduct. They are known for being brutal — for example, beating people who do not pray at the required time. They also have more latitude to arrest and detain women than men because there are more constraints placed on the behaviour of women, and therefore more potential for offending behaviour. For example, women are vulnerable to being stopped, beaten and detained for infractions of the rules relating to dress, such as showing ankles or the face.


Nasiroh, a young Indonesian woman, went to Saudi Arabia in 1993 to earn money as a domestic worker. She told Amnesty International that she was sexually abused by her employer, falsely accused of his murder, and then tortured and sexually abused by police officers during two years of incommunicado detention. Officials from her embassy did not visit her once. Her trial was so cursory that she did not know she had been convicted. She still has no idea for what ''crime'' she was imprisoned for five years.

Arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention are common practice in Saudi Arabia. Throughout the period of questioning and investigation, the suspect is denied access to the outside world together with access to legal assistance. ''...We don't consider the presence of lawyers a prerequisite for the delivery of justice'' stated the Saudi Arabian Embassy in London.(13)

Electric shock torture has been widely used in Saudi Arabia. In May 1994, Gulum Mustafa, a Pakistani national, was said to have been severely tortured in a detention centre for drug offenders in Jeddah shortly before he was transferred to Priman Prison. The torture included insertion of a metal stick into his anus and electric shocks. He reportedly was left bleeding and unable to walk, and was not given any medical attention.


Facilitated by arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention, torture has been used by members of different security forces, including the PS, military intelligence, criminal investigation police and members of the armed forces, against political suspects as well as common law prisoners. It has been invariably used to obtain confessions or as a means of punishment.


Beatings all over the body, including with rifle butts, iron rods, cables and sticks
Rape, sexual assault, threat of rape of the victim or his or her relatives in his or her presence
Electric shocks applied to the body of the victim
"Kentucky Farruj": suspension from a metal bar inserted between the hands and knees which are tied together
Victim being urinated on
Victim walked on while being made to lie naked on slabs of concrete
Lengthy solitary confinement, in at least one case for six months
Victim being shackled for lengthy periods
Burning with cigarettes
"Falaqa" (beating on the soles of the feet)
Victim being doused with cold water
Suspension of the victim, sometimes upside down, from the ceiling or window of detention cells while subjected to different forms of torture
Whipping and lashing
Sleep deprivation and being kept in adverse weather conditions
Victim being tied to chair or bound with ropes while being subjected to other forms of torture
Forced head shaving and insults
you're definitely well informed

but i could say the same for any other religion.

so, Flores hit a nerve huh?
*gotta find that thread where it originated*
Re: So Flores is proud of countries of her religion, eh? Idiot.

What the hell is this fool zero talking about. I'm a muslim American and hell yes I'm so proud of my country of birth and origin America. If you hate Amerca so much, then take it to WE&P, you'll find buddies over there to support you.

I hope second generation is good enough for you, unless you are determined to insult my great great grandpa place of birth.
Re: you're definitely well informed

Originally posted by Marigny
but i could say the same for any other religion.

so, Flores hit a nerve huh?
*gotta find that thread where it originated*

Nah, she hit me nerve as heflores a while ago, and I can't even remember.
Re: Re: So Flores is proud of countries of her religion, eh? Idiot.

Originally posted by Flores
What the hell is this fool zero talking about. I'm a muslim American and hell yes I'm so proud of my country of birth and origin America. If you hate Amerca so much, then take it to WE&P, you'll find buddies over there to support you.

I hope second generation is good enough for you, unless you are determined to insult my great great grandpa place of birth.

Is it just me or do you have the intelligence of a pork chop? "countries of her religion" indicate Muslim countries. The US of A is not a Muslim country. :rolleyes:

If your family originated from a Muslim country, and if you're proud of the way the government does things there, I'm determined to insult you and your family down to the ancestor. Thanks very much, I bid you good day, ma'am.
This is the last time I mind that annoying dog bark. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt for too long....You have been placed on my short so far 3 persons ignore list, so congratulations, you'll never hear me comment on your barks in the future.

My list have grown to:
- Allah Mathematics
- Jeremy
- Zero
Originally posted by Flores
This is the last time I mind that annoying dog bark. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt for too long....You have been placed on my short so far 3 persons ignore list, so congratulations, you'll never hear me comment on your barks in the future.

My list have grown to:
- Allah Mathematics
- Jeremy
- Zero

Only because you can't respond to my last post? There's only one reason for it.

Because it's so undeniably correct, you'd rather back out than make a stand. I take this as a victory.

And Flores, this is also the last time I will even look at your camel face. I do you the honor of placing you on my ignore list, ma'am.

*tips hat*

I bid you good day. May you receive blessings on your journey.

Though I doubt if you even have an ounce of the mental discipline involved in not clicking "read post".
Camel face? Zero come on, you may not agree with many of her beliefs but why drag her entire family or even her face (which is quite attractive by the way) into the mix? Why do we all have to personalize our posts against individuals? The U.S is made up of people from all over the world who are proud of their heratige (note all the hyphenations Italian-, African-, Irish-). You cannot ask Flores to carry the burden of brutality taking place in muslim countries anymore than a liberal European can ask the average white American to carry the burden of slavery and the treatment of native indians.
I personally believe in some sort of supreme being but I do not believe in religion. It seems like people worship the institution more than the diety.

Why do people need churches anyway? They seem to just get in the way (and go out on the occasional witch-hunt, crusade, jihad, or the like) so why not eliminate the middleman?

"Why couldn't he have joined a mainstream religion... like Oprahism or Voodoo?" From the Professor in "Futurama"
Eliminate Jesus

Originally posted by Clockwood
I personally believe in some sort of supreme being but I do not believe in religion. It seems like people worship the institution more than the diety.

Why do people need churches anyway? They seem to just get in the way (and go out on the occasional witch-hunt, crusade, jihad, or the like) so why not eliminate the middleman?

You are terribly right! The "middleman" distracts the individual from the concept of the Whole...as in being One with God, since the "supreme being--the Spirit of God--lives within each of us. There is no need for a "middleman." I'll say it again: The human race is the face of God on Earth. We are God.
I'm not sure religion is any worse of an institution than any other. It can bring about positive, as well as negative conditions. Let's not forget that to be consistant in fashion, to avoid organized religion, it would also be wise to avoid political parties and such....
Originally posted by Zero
Originally posted by Flores
This is the last time I mind that annoying dog bark. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt for too long....You have been placed on my short so far 3 persons ignore list, so congratulations, you'll never hear me comment on your barks in the future.

My list have grown to:
- Allah Mathematics
- Jeremy
- Zero

Only because you can't respond to my last post? There's only one reason for it.

Because it's so undeniably correct, you'd rather back out than make a stand. I take this as a victory.

And Flores, this is also the last time I will even look at your camel face. I do you the honor of placing you on my ignore list, ma'am.

*tips hat*

I bid you good day. May you receive blessings on your journey.

Though I doubt if you even have an ounce of the mental discipline involved in not clicking "read post".

Awwww that is SO cute :p
So ...

Are Zero and DJ Supreme offering themselves as evidence of the produce of life without organized religion? Or are they relying on the more dignified critics of organized religion to represent them?

Tiassa :cool: