Oh Pity Me!


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
Okay so it's not earth shattering to any of you and it's hardly of any scientific significance, but I'd value support from some of my friends here.

Thing is my cat died:rolleyes:

Beb was right in the 'pick a card' post.

He was a twin and his sister remains with me. She calls for him a lot and wanders about the home.

He was 14 years old and I saw him as a constant in a sea of variables. Many relationships, and quite a few homes have seen him and his sister by my side.

It's strange how attached we become to animals who share our space, but I realy do feel like I lost a child.

Silly really
Sorry to hear that, bbcboy, all I know to say is shit happens. Most of the time we know that our pets will pass on before us. It is sad but it happens. We are never ready for it, are we?
Sorry to hear about your cat BBC. :( Although I think he probably thought you were his and not the other way around. Cats are like that IMO.

What was his name?
Oh hell Bbcboy.:( It happened to my little cat last December. I hurt for you and your cat's twin sister. You know, 14 years is not that old for a cat. Mine was only 7 years old and she was found dead on the kitchen floor by my son.

Remember him with love and joy, 'cause that is all what remains. I sincerely hope he didn't had to much pain when he went over to the other side. He will stay with you as your guardian angel.

Please, hug your she-cat a whole lot, now her brother has left her.

Cats and other pets, get like mates, staying with you in your home and sharing your life. It's really sad when this kind of things happen. It leaves an empty space.

All my love to you and the Lady Cat...
I can only say that I know how you feel. I lost a budgie and a guinea pig. I can't think of anything but time to make the pain go away.
this is such a sad thread! hugs to you bbc! atleast you still have the other cat to help you get though it. the two of you will help each other.
Huge thanks and big hugs to all of you.
Pine_net his name was Tonic (His sister's called Gin which says a lot about yours truly :D )

I feel a lot better right now and you guys helped !!

We buried him in my mums garden under the huge apple tree that grows there.

I think of him fondly (and sometimes sneak a little weep to myself cos I'm a big jessie and I don't care who knows !) Off to the vet with gin cos she has an ear infection. It never ends does it.

Once again, thank you all. Your words mean a great deal and prove the forums are still a great place to be.

Have a gin & tonic and think of me :D

I think I speak for all of us in saying,"glad to be of help and comfort. We're a proverbial shoulder to cry on.":)
a fox got into our chicken house yesterday

it killed almost all of them

i gess its so what they are only chickens not like my cat but one of them my sister hand raised for her bio from when it was a day old

It used to follow you around and you could pick it up and stuff

it was so cute

it was one of the ones the bloody fox took


i hate foxes