Oh OH, Hang On to Your Hats

Hardly "all but assured", but interesting. Methane could also be produced by volcanos. Why is this a religious issue? Are we to bow down before the farting martians?

Are we to bow down before the farting martians?

Point being the number of posters here that I have seen vow there is NO life other than on earth. It about time they start to think of a new goal post.

If they are there we may indeed need to do a bit of bowing.
I agree that we shouldn't necessarily presume MacM's motives for posting this in the Religion Topic, but is farting martians really the only religious aspect that occurs to you?

His reasons are his reasons, but I see a connection. Sure it's not immediately apparent in his post, but this is Sciforums, and compared to the history of the Religion Forum, I'm willing to go so far as to assert that farting martians ain't the connection.

(Of farting Martians, I'm vaguely recalling a bit in Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions about matchstick aliens who communicated by dancing and farting; their attempts to communicate with humans apparently ended when one of them was accidentally struck to light a cigar. Beyond that, though ... speaking of flatulent aliens, has anyone seen Boobah?)

Your statement isn't false but is certainly misleading.

Since as they point out methane dissapates in about 300 years being disassociated by sunlight. The following from information on Mars volcaneos.

"The changes in climate may persist to the present day, but the rest of the history of Mars was finished 3.5 Billion Years ago."
It seems possible. Even if life didn't evolve there, microbes from earth could have been ejected during one of the major asteroid hits, and landed on mars. I have also heard that there could be life on mars-carried there by our mars probes that were improperly sterilized. If there isn't life there, should we engineer something to grow there and change the atmosphere?

It seems possible. Even if life didn't evolve there, microbes from earth could have been ejected during one of the major asteroid hits, and landed on mars. I have also heard that there could be life on mars-carried there by our mars probes that were improperly sterilized.

I expected this claim. However:

1 - The arguement is equally reversable. We may exist as being seeded via a Martian meteorite as well.

2 - The Martian meteorite that was analyzed a few years back seemed to have fossils unlike any seen on earth.

So it will really comes down to what if anything is found.

At this juncture it would appear at best is a draw (like life forms and undending arguement about how it got there or here) or an alien life form which would make the case for independant origin.

If there isn't life there, should we engineer something to grow there and change the atmosphere?

In all likelyhood we will one day. But if there is any independant life there it will be a long time before mankind will choose to take over its habitat.
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