Oh noes! I'm more racist that I thought.


Stop pretending you're smart!
Registered Senior Member

I just don't see how I can be racist; every race on this planet has equal opportunity to get on my damn nerves, especially white people. LOL

Joking aside, this article does cite some disturbing information.

The authors divided 120 non-black participants into the roles of "experiencers" and "forecasters." The "experiencers" were placed in a room with a white person and a black person, who played out pre-arranged scenarios for the experiment. The scenarios began when the black role-player bumped the white role-player's knee when leaving the room.

In the first scenario, the white person did not comment afterwards. In the "moderate" case, the white person said, "Typical, I hate it when black people do that," after the black person left the room. In the "extreme" case, the white person remarked, "Clumsy n****r."

Someone help me out with the bold statements:
Just exactly what do they mean 'I hate it when black people do that'? Do what? Are black people sterotypically knee bumpers when they leave the room or something?

Note to mods: I posted this to discuss the article and its results. My intentions are not to start a race war or incite racist responses.
That's a really retarded study. I doubt anyone is racist enough to think black people are serial knee bumpers. They should have had the black guy spit watermelon seeds on their floor and fuck their daughter, then check the whities reaction.
I personally would have been pressed not to be like "hmm, that's pretty black of you bro", but I would have remained polite. Hence my racism rating of %37.
That's a really retarded study. I doubt anyone is racist enough to think black people are serial knee bumpers. They should have had the black guy spit watermelon seeds on their floor and fuck their daughter, then check the whities reaction.
Yeah, but that's what I don't understand. I've never even heard that stereotype about black people before.
Had that person bumped my knee (and not said 'excuse me'), I would have reacted to him the same way if he was any other color, by giving him a dirty look and replying, 'dude, watch where you're going please.'
And I don't understand the food stereotype. I'm about as white as they come and I freakin love watermelon and fried chicken. I think that's more of a Southern thing than a black thing.

I personally would have been pressed not to be like "hmm, that's pretty black of you bro", but I would have remained polite. Hence my racism rating of %37.
Had I been in the room with you if you had done that, I'd have probably fallen out of my chair from laughing so hard.

Let me ask all of you this:
There is this girl that works in the same building as me. She's white and more or less drop dead gorgeous. However, she will only date black guys.
When I found that out, I lost a lot of respect for her. Not because she dates black guys, but because she ONLY dates black guys. IMO, unless that is just a superficial preference, there is no reason she should have that mentality.
A black guy doesn't have anything more to offer to a woman, in terms of a relationship than a guy of any other race. Why would she sell herself short like that? Even if it is just superficial, I find superficial mentalities hard to respect as well as discriminatory/prejudiced ones.
While I do prefer white women, I would have no problem dating a black girl if the right one came along.
I've also dated Asian girls and Hispanic girls (I love Hispanic girls too).
the bold statements aren't the problem.
the problem lies in the very first sentence of what you quoted.

What's the problem with the first sentence? You mean the setup/layout of the experiment itself?
The study (assuming CNN was reporting it accurately) sounds retarded. They seem to be claiming that people were racists because they usually chose the white person to be their partner, even though they had already made the black person seem clumsy and rude. If you reversed things and made me pick between a random black partner or a white partner who I knew was prone to bumping into people and not apologizing, I would probably pick the black guy.

Even in the most extreme category where the white person made overtly racist remarks, they were basically making people choose between having a partner who seemed clumsy and rude or a partner who seemed racist. It might have been more interesting if the white person had just blurted out something racist for no apparent reason, and they hadn't introduced any incentives against picking the black partner.
(Insert Title Here)

Dr. Lou Natic said:

That's a really retarded study. I doubt anyone is racist enough to think black people are serial knee bumpers.

It does sound like somewhat simplistic a study, but knee-bumping is merely an example insofar as I'm familiar with the sentiment that black people are less aware of, and therefore less courteous toward, other people. The stereotype exists in my corner of the country, at least.

• • •​

Anyway, just for kicks, I took the skin tone test linked in the CNN article. That was an interesting experience. Taught me more about how my mind responds to implied patterns—e.g., hitting the buttons themselves. Still, I admit I was surprised when my result suggested a strong automatic preference for dark skin. I knew that I respond more harshly toward whites in terms of race issues and offense than others, but, hell, I'm something of an aberration. Only two percent of the web-based respondents generate that result. (70% of web-based respondents prefer light skin to dark, with 27% each showing strong or moderate preference.)

At any rate, I've requested the papers upon which this test was based. It will be interesting, I think, to find out what it means.
Haha, I just took the skin tone test. I think the most poignant moment was when I tried to put the word "love" on the "nigger - bad" side and got a big red X.
Seriously though, that's pretty fucking stupid too. None of the people's faces were black, they were just tanned white people, I do hate tanned white people I must admit.
They should have had photos of real white and black people.
You could tell, from that test association test and the questions, that they're working from the premise that racists mindlessly dislike darker skin tones in general. So a racist would like an albino negro but dislike a white guy who had been working in the coal mines. Obviously these people don't understand racism at all.
As a racist myself I found it insulting. I love dark negroes, but dislike dark indians, I like white people, but dislike light skinned asians and arabs, even if they are lighter skinned, etc. Shade of skin really has nothing to do with it.
Oh I moderately favoured dark skinned people, but realistically that sleazy brown white person look is my most hated of peoples, so the whole thing is bullshit.
Let me ask all of you this:
There is this girl that works in the same building as me. She's white and more or less drop dead gorgeous. However, she will only date black guys.
When I found that out, I lost a lot of respect for her. Not because she dates black guys, but because she ONLY dates black guys. IMO, unless that is just a superficial preference, there is no reason she should have that mentality.
A black guy doesn't have anything more to offer to a woman, in terms of a relationship than a guy of any other race. Why would she sell herself short like that? Even if it is just superficial, I find superficial mentalities hard to respect as well as discriminatory/prejudiced ones.
While I do prefer white women, I would have no problem dating a black girl if the right one came along.
I've also dated Asian girls and Hispanic girls (I love Hispanic girls too).

Maybe she is only sexually attracted to black guys. :shrug: I had a friend in college who never outright said she only dated black guys, but it was obvious what her preference was. I'm not dating anymore, but I'd only date tall, non-smokers, and no fat guys. I knew what I wanted and wasn't going to waste my time on someone I didn't.

I don't exactly get the article thing though, were they just judging the reaction of the subject regardless of whether the scenario made since or not? Of course if someone bumped my knee I would probably say "sorry" just in case it was my fault and that would have been that.
"The Skin tone test and the creation of false positives"

Please, attempt to humor me and this my response, especially all of the non-believers in current remote brain wave anaylsis and biofusion studies, preferring the safer stance of denial of such technology's existence beyond mere "conspiracy" theory.

It is possible to form the creation of a "false positive" through the repeated reference into another individual's psychological belief system. Especially, when the problem of the "captive auditor" is forced to repeatedly be exposed to audible racial slurs or other personally offensive statements asserting the individual's sense of their own belief system is based on lies.

Evidence, asserted as by such researchers to be fact, is based on the read out of algorithms that are common to all human beings in facial, physical and environmentally identifying factors which we each process on a subconscious level.

For instance, I am walking down the street and I see female walking toward me. I process, subconsciously and quickly, her hair color as blond, her body type as overweight and her clothing as professional. This is normal human processing of our surroundings and is done repeatedly throughout the day in all of our social encounters.

Only when an unethical researcher, computer processes this neurophysiological information, then, repeatedly and with subversive intent asserts back to the research subject that they have a racial, physical, gender, etc, hate or bias and accompanies the same audible assertions to the research subject repetitively, and always against a certain class or group, along with a repeated strong sensory negative stimuli, whether physical pain or the mental pain for the research subject that accompanies hearing repeated hate bias assertions that are far from one's own belief system.

It is like being stuck in the room with the KKK for years, but you can't get out. See Justice Black Supreme court comment on the issue of "the captive auditor" under the sections dealing with "The Freedom Of Speech." The reverse argument I am waiting to present when I someday obtain my own day in court to expose these biotech research violations.
Maybe she is only sexually attracted to black guys. :shrug: I had a friend in college who never outright said she only dated black guys, but it was obvious what her preference was. I'm not dating anymore, but I'd only date tall, non-smokers, and no fat guys. I knew what I wanted and wasn't going to waste my time on someone I didn't.
Like I said, it's their preference/opinion. They are entitled to it. Just like I'm entitled to have my opinion of having no respect for them because of it.
I can understand your preference for non-smokers and no fat guys (I also refuse to date fat chicks) but unless you are over 5'8-5'9 yourself, the tall preference seems superficial to me.
Like I said, it's their preference/opinion. They are entitled to it. Just like I'm entitled to have my opinion of having no respect for them because of it.
I can understand your preference for non-smokers and no fat guys (I also refuse to date fat chicks) but unless you are over 5'8-5'9 yourself, the tall preference seems superficial to me.

aren't most things that attract a person to another person superficial? I can't stand across a room and be attracted to someones brains.
aren't most things that attract a person to another person superficial? I can't stand across a room and be attracted to someones brains.

I don't know. You tell me. You seem to be the resident expert on everything around here.
And apparently from what you've told us about your husband, you're attracted to power, definitely not looks. :rolleyes:
But the answer is no. Superficial is being with/having someone/something solely because of their looks. While I'm not going to date someone that I don't find attractive, I'm not going to be with them just because of their looks.
And yes that preference IS superficial. There is nothing a black man can offer a woman in a relationship, that a man of any other race couldn't (and vice versa). It's superficial and I have just as much a right to dismiss that as a trait of a 'poor excuse for a human being', as that person does to act superficial.
I prefer white women, but I would date a woman of any race.
I don't know. You tell me. You seem to be the resident expert on everything around here.
And apparently from what you've told us about your husband, you're attracted to power, definitely not looks. :rolleyes:
But the answer is no. Superficial is being with/having someone/something solely because of their looks. While I'm not going to date someone that I don't find attractive, I'm not going to be with them just because of their looks.
And yes that preference IS superficial. There is nothing a black man can offer a woman in a relationship, that a man of any other race couldn't (and vice versa). It's superficial and I have just as much a right to dismiss that as a trait of a 'poor excuse for a human being', as that person does to act superficial.
I prefer white women, but I would date a woman of any race.

Ha Ha, You get that impression about the sponge too huh.

I agree with you, I would not date someone that had nothing that attracted me to them physically. I would not date someone just because they were gorgeous. I actually went out with a gorgeous guy (fireman's calendar and all) and at first he seemed pretty nice but then his ego just keep coming through more and more. I found him less and less attractive after that. I can not stand ppl who are so full of themselves. I rather have someone less attractive on the outside and more attractive on the inside. It bothers me when you hear a woman/man say that they would take a lot more shit from someone because of their looks. They have a lot more leeway for someone that is gorgeous vs a less attractive person. Personally I wouldn't take shit from either, regardless of how hot they are. That is the problem with some of these ppl that are very good looking. They figure they can act like bitches or assholes because it will be overlooked in exchange for their beauty.

I have always seemed to attract black men and could easily have dated them.
Personally I am just not physically attracted to them though. I mean there is the exception there, but in general it is not my preference. I wouldn't say " I will only date white men" If I met someone of another race, mixed race that I liked and found attractive I would date them too.
mike said:
Someone help me out with the bold statements:
Just exactly what do they mean 'I hate it when black people do that'? Do what? Are black people sterotypically knee bumpers when they leave the room or something?
Do anything.

The measurement attempts to be of a generalizable negative association or tendency to prejudice, available for a variety of situations. By choosing a basically neutral situation, the availability of the prejudice is made clear.

That helps separate an internalized general bigotry from actual judgment or specific personal event/memory.

It also helps keep the subject from twigging to the situation, which might foul up the results in some way.

Personally, I think the major problem was their use of something like an anagram test as measure of affinity. The real prejudice they might have measured there is that white people are generally better at anagrams, and the subject wants to win.

I measure as completely neutral - allegedly, without racial prejudice - on tests like the Implicit Apperception reflex exams. But I might choose a white person over a black, knowing nothing else, in some kind of anagram contest, despite said white person's exhibited bigotry. What's bigotry got to do with anagrams?
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but unless you are over 5'8-5'9 yourself, the tall preference seems superficial to me.

Sexual dimorphism buddy! Most women like taller guys. Most men like women to at least be a couple inches shorter than them. I'm 5'6" and, while it's not a deal breaker, I like dating men who are at least 6 ft. Right now, I'm dating one who's 6'5" and it's AWESOME :D
Lol, anyone who is convinced they arent at least a little racist is being naive (coming from an Indian/Black guy). It can be as miniscule as a stereotype, or as grand friggin slam as a colt.
Oh noes! I'm more racist that I thought

Other than the bad spelling in the originator's posting topic title, is there any reason why my suggestion has been entirely overlooked as part of the argument?