Oh, by the way


IT Gopher
Registered Senior Member
I have retracted the open bet I made. I am willing to put money where my mouth is but as Banshee reminded me there are enough loons out there. I can well do without the complexities of being sued internationally by someone or becoming the next Net celebrity ala misdirected personal E-Mails
Don't knock it

A usenet Troll made some very disparaging comments about another poster on sci.physics. The troll was in .uk the poster .us

The troll was sued, sucessfully, for libel and made to cough up a few thousand dollars and publically apologise.
My goodness, I didn't know it was that bad. Unbelievable! I am not so used to this kind of things, sorry. I am not that much on the internet. Just here and at one other Forum which is in the Netherlands and there I never saw this kind of things happen.

I apologise for my former post...
No Problem

The problem nowadays is that what we right in mails and on boards like this can be viewed by anyone and can have serious consequences. Though the Net does not have the same impact as a newspaper, say, it is starting to get noticed by the authorities and legal types.

Though technically what I write has no legal standing if I make a promise or a disparaging remark towards some one it could come back and haunt me.

A case in point. Some years ago there was a curmudgeon who frequented news://alt.callahans and news://comp.os.vms. Technically brilliant but lacking social skills, as we all do :) . He attacked a bloke, through usenet, who had recently lost a child due to SIDS. The person involved reported the curmudgeon to his management making the point that he was bringing the organisation into disrepute.

The curmudgeon was fired and committed suicide a few weeks later. The furore that invoked for several weeks was intense.

The curmudgeon was Carl Lydick aka "Speaker to Minerals". I can't remember who else was involved. The full story should be on the http://groups.google.com archive.