Official Seeks Prison for Anti-War Nuns


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Ah, yes. Just what hat every prosecutor wants on his/her resume – June 2003: Put Nuns in Jail.
A prosecutor ticked off more than two dozen arrests involving three pacifist nuns Friday as he urged a federal judge to send the women to prison for damaging a missile silo last fall. Responding to defense claims that the women aren't criminals, prosecutor Robert Brown enumerated the earlier arrests of the Roman Catholic nuns at anti-war protests: Carol Gilbert, at least 13 times; Ardeth Platte, at least 10 times; and Jackie Hudson, five times…

Sentencing was scheduled for later Friday. Gilbert, 55, Platte, 66, and Hudson, 68, face up to 30 years in prison, though prosecutors have recommended the minimum sentence of six to eight years…

Officials said the women caused at least $1,000 in damage. (Full text here)
But, I guess that is the price for wanting to be seen as "Tough on Crime!"

:m: Peace.
6 years in prison for a thousand dollars of damage? that seems a bit excessive.
30 years seems like a rather harsh sentence for such a crime. At the same time, though they are criminals, they did vandalize a missile silo, and they should be punished. It doesn't really matter what political view made them decide to do this damage, they are still criminals.
umm, if the catholic leadership in boston dosnt even get a slap on the wrist for helping out thier underlings in thier endevours to sex up little kids, then why should some vanal nuns get the book thrown at them?
i had a religion teacher who had been arrested 6 times (at the time he was my teacher) for protesting. catholics are into this kind of thing. :)

they certainly shouldn't have damaged property. very un-nunlike. i have my doubts that it happened. nuns lives are dedicated to service so it doesn't do anyone any good to keep them in jail. they should work off the debt instead.