Official Revelation on UFO controversy

Peter Dolan

Registered Senior Member
Well, this thread isn't officially revealing anything about the UFO controversy rather it is to simply elicit some responses as to what your reaction would be if such aforementioned revelations were put forth by the powers-that-be to the world media. I'm assuming that ones' reactions would depend entirely on what the official revelation contained i.e. if it were simply an acknowledgement of unidentified flying craft having violated various airspaces the world over for half a century (at least) or something more dramatic such as a revelation that other intelligent life forms piloting these craft are being sequestered as "guests" somewhere/someplace and will be brought forth shortly into the public domain. Again ones' reactions would depend on what the official revelation contained concerning the intentions of these "visitors" from beyond. Well, let's make this quite simple. Say tomorrow whilst you're doing your day to day affairs, the news breaks that official acknowledgement of unidentified flying craft and their occupants is now confirmed as having been kept secret for the past fifty years out of public safety concerns, but that now the silence has been broken in part to make the public aware of the "big picture," etc., and that while the world's governing bodies haven't been able to ascertain the clear intent of said "visitors," it seems quite certain that any and all hostile intentions would have been made clear by now by the "visitors" if such were the case. Thus, this preliminary official release concludes. Well, what would your reactions be? In all fairness, I guess I should put my reactions down first. Having just heard such an "official" release of information, I would at first sit back and say, yes I knew it! Project SIGN hit the nail on the head (well for the most part) and then I would sit back and say, boys don't trust them. Unclear intentions bespeaks of manipulation. I would remind myself where the "current" hubbub of UFO reports started with i.e. the atomic airbase at Roswell, where other UFO reports seemed to be clustered around i.e. many nuclear facilities/sites for that matter, and lastly think why would these "visitors" have such a long interest in such areas? In short, I wouldn't trust them. Well, how 'bout it, any other responses?
I think I would be rather pleased that me and all the "sci-fi" people were finally proven over the rest of the population. I probably would interested in seeing the official goverment response to that, and whether their theory fits into my own. Public opinion probably would be somewhat disastrous, what with conservitaves and all non-beleivers being smashed, but I'm not sure if the full "babies thrown out of windows" chaos would come into play.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
The first thing I would do would be to get my company to give me an employment contract so I don't get ousted by little alien buggers who work for cheap. Then I'd join everybody down at Trial's Pub because Robert, the barkeep, throws a party on any occassion. Then I'd stagger home (it's great to live within walking distance of this place), seeing many aliens and a few Elvises on the way, and collapse into bed.

It's not much of a plan, but it's a plan.