Odd dream - I woke myself up!


Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
First time ever, i sort of woke myself up by shouting out during my sleep. It was very weird and oddly scary..though i fell back asleep soon enough. I dont do lucid dreaming, i wasn't on drugs at the time or had any in-system either. I was dreaming, talking to some girl (i might have knew her in real life, maybe not, though i think her dream-name was Lauren) and i was turning to ask her something starting with "Wh-". This is when i woke up.. i heard the "WH!" really loud, coming out of my mouth i suppose, and then jolted awake.

I'm still not totally sure if the whole thing was a dream, whether i really yelled out loud or what.

Any ideas what caused this? Thanks all :cool:
I sometimes wake up because I can hear the words 'You've gotta wake up now, your gonna be late' and I wake up. But the thing is, its all in my mind. No-one goes in my room in the morning. Its scary and surreal:eek:
Maybe it was a transition to another dream. That one with Lauren was over, and the loud "WH" was part of the next dream...just a thought.

I've woken myself up before, cept many times I remember that in my head, I said, "Should I get up now? Yea I should." And then I will wake up. The only time I've woken myself up without asking first :bugeye: was when I dreaming about being in a plane, still at the terminal and some kid in one of my classes pushed a red button and the plane turned into a fire ball, and I was just walking around, in the fire...very strange.
Yeah, I've done that too. Also, when I can see it's the beginning of a nightmare, I can also wake myself up. :p
I sometimes wake up because I can hear the words 'You've gotta wake up now, your gonna be late' and I wake up. But the thing is, its all in my mind. No-one goes in my room in the morning. Its scary and surreal
That happens alot to me too. Except i never thought it was scary and surreal, just a royal pain in the ass. :D
When I was in school, I had a crush on this girl. One night I saw her in my dreams. A teacher was scolding her, and she was weeping. In that dream, I was very *very* upset because the teacher made my girl cry. I was so angry, then suddenly I woke up from dreaming -- with my fist clenched, feeling angry and burning inside -- and it was all so weird!