Valued Senior Member
Now we're getting somewhere. Complex numbers are quite useful for engineering; without them it would be impossible to do something simple like design a Tcebychev filter, some of the coolest use of complex math there is. I'm saying only, there are inappropriate places to use it, and making the speed of light proportional to time would be one of those situations. We really do need an entanglement clock before an entanglement based hypercomputer is going to work.From Wikipedia:
So the Bloch sphere is a re-labelled Riemann sphere? And since it's also the complex projective line, maybe there's a way to view entanglement in that context?
Except, you have two spheres, or projective lines. Their product is a tensor space, sort of a vector with twice as many dimensions.
Also note that because this Hilbert space 'drops' into the same one where coins have real probabilities--measurements are real-valued--you can do some of the gating stuff with real vectors, the tensor products are then quite trivial: 00 is the tensor product of two 0-states (I've omitted the Dirac notation), and so on. Tensoring two real bits (not qubits) gives a real 2-bit register.
Like the example you see of an XOR gate being equivalent to a CNOT gate, modulo some thing or other.
An XOR gate almost resembles an entanglement test (anti coincidence) all by itself, like it could be an entangled/not entangled gate used for synchronization of the qubits. Could we make an XOR gate system synchronized to observation? It has to be photonic, unless Delft can do it with Majorana fermions and superconductors. Entangled photons are easier to adjust timing with fiber optics.
Observing an entangled state is going to simultaneously flip the state of one (or all) of the other entangled states. An entanglement gate would have to do this, even if this isn't necessarily what it is you wish to happen.