I feel you have still not understood the problem with your jpg image equation in #88. Please note that in spacetime interval equation the j (or i) does not appear. You were not ducking, it's just that you did not get it.
Why dont you look at spacetime interval equation in some standard text and see if j appears the way you painstakingly typed.
You must be referring to the interval defined with all those (delta x)^2, (delta y)^2, (delta z)^2, and -(i*delta t)^2, is that it?
Then cool your jets. I wanted you to get a geometric picture of the situation, so set x = y = z = t = 0 for the origin. Plant a vertex of the resulting right triangle right at the origin of your coordinate system. And PRESTO! a Minkowski spacetime interval connecting two points separated by light travel time appears between the coordinates 0,0,0,0, and x,y,z,t2. (t1 = 0) mathemagically appears. The interval expression I gave in post #88 only needs a single physical dimension for each term under the radical because it is assumed the interval is referred to a geometrical origin 0,0,0,0 planted in space, as much as you all know I hate doing that in space without inertia.
Same arguments apply as I stated in post #88, only now you can geometrically see the assumption Minkowski made about time. To throw in the only other wrinkle; plant one entangled electron in atomic structure at 0,0,0,0, and adjust distance coordinates until its entangled twin is centered at x,y,z,t2.
Start a photon propagating from 0,0,0,0 and watch it ever so slowly approach x,y,z,t2. Flip the entangled electron at 0,0,0,0 and INSTANTLY, the electron at x,y,z,t2 changes state. The photon, on the other hand, is still between those points; in fact, it hasn't even moved in your mock Euclidean relativistic space yet. That's because Minkowski in his wisdom set time itself proportional to the speed of light. Works fine for v<c. Doesn't work at all for entanglement.
The entangled pair is part of the same waveform, you see? If we chose to do the same experiment with entangled photons, it would work only a little differently. You'd need to wait (light travel time) until the entangled photon actually reached x,y,z,t2, but after it passed that point, flipping the entangled state of its twin photon, trapped in a delay line or whatever, would also instantly flip the state of the photon at (or slightly beyond) the point x,y,z,t2.
Is that a little bit clearer than post #88?
A second central point came up in the discussion regarding QFT's edict that particles of matter or antimatter are ideal points. Finally I realized, they do this only because what follows in QFT simply does not wish to deal with the idea that it takes some as yet unspecified fundamental force to hold something like a quark or an electron together inside of atomic structure. Is it entanglement? Is it Higgs? Is it some combination? Who would know? No one who decided they don't really need to know; that's for certain. Someone with a very low regard for something as fundamental to physics as the conservation of energy, no doubt. By that reasoning alone, a single electron should simply fly apart due to the repulsive effect of its own negative charge, shouldn't it? What exactly keeps it from doing so? Does anyone really believe the Lagrangian for atomic structure is a complete compendium of the forces holding matter together without a knowledge of this force? That we even know anything at all about quarks is something of a miracle too.
No wonder such folk are loathe to hear about the discovery of something like the Higgs boson. How in the world they somehow managed to predict it even existed over 50 years ago is truly mathemagical.
Think more critically about the science and math you already think you know.