Observation & Opinion on Diabetis


Registered Senior Member
Hello Members,

I have previously posted just similar Opinion as mentioned below Elsewhere, but I want more comments from you and others on the same. So pls give your comments:-

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This issue can be something very important.

In this respect I want to know the following points:-

1. Sugar is a simple food whereas insulin is a highly sensitive
hormone. Diabetes is a hereditary disease. If sugar can be the responsible factor for this hereditary inheretance or Insulin? In other words, In Diabetes two changes takes place in type2. First, the blood sugar increases, second, the insulin secretion in blood also increases side by side till pacreas is working properly. Now which of these two will be the responsible factor which can cause additional genetic manifestations/hereditory inheritance or additional polyphenism. Sugar or Insulin?

2. If it is insulin, then if Insulin resistance will be caused by insulin or sugar(read ist posting)
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Now which of these two will be the responsible factor which can cause additional genetic manifestations/hereditory inheritance or additional polyphenism.

this just reads as nonsense.

are you trying to say that insulin resistance is a disease with a heriditary predisposition? But this wouldn't exclude either sugar or insulin as the cause. Not to mention that it is unclear how sugar or insulin would induce the disease in only a certain genotype.
this just reads as nonsense.

are you trying to say that insulin resistance is a disease with a heriditary predisposition? But this wouldn't exclude either sugar or insulin as the cause. Not to mention that it is unclear how sugar or insulin would induce the disease in only a certain genotype.
I usually gets sence out of nonsence by applying logical basis/basics.

Yes I say that insulin resistance is a disorder with a heriditary predisposition due to parents/grand parent's unnatural & unhygienic irregularities. I want to relate sugar/insulin as a cause to heriditary predisposition to know that which can be the direct responsible fator for causing the insulin resistance. If sugar is capable/more capable to cause the heriditary dispositions than the Insulin, it can be predicted as a root/direct cause or direct responsible factor but if it is not then the insulin can be predicted for this purpose.

What do you mean by >>it is unclear how sugar or insulin would induce the disease in only a certain genotype<<