Object for AI (Expert System)

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Registered Senior Member
Just some thought...

I think basic philosophy for writing news, WWWWWH (What, When, Where, Who, Why, How) will be good to implement on Expert System. News philosophy is based on: to satisfy people about things they want to know, as expert system does. Good news have to contains explanation about; What it's all about, when and where it was happened, who is/are people there, why it's might happen, and how the things happen / should done. Good Expert System also developed to answer questions satisfied enough. And "fortunately" most people satisfied enough to got info from news, wich answer their WWWWWH.

Using "object", recent programming languages define "things". It was a great breakthru since "object" have "function", "event" and "poperties". Newer programing language such as Java (by James Gosling) using "class" as a "blueprint" for objects. But basically, i think it's also still object.

So... i think Expert System basically doesn't really have to "understand" with it's own expertise. What it have to do is to satisfy people who ask. So it will need a good managed "knowledge mapping" system.

Now, let's see the picture on attachment... (ignore the colors in the table, it's now only have means for me).

If we make all of knowledge as an object which have "2D properties" as shown in the picture, almost all terms in the world can be defined. People will ask "What is ~", "What for ~", "Who have ~", "How to ~", "Where ~ from", "Why ~ do ~", etc.
For computational purposes the propertis also can be a function. Event-driven OS basically using "When ~ do" (the event) and "How to do ~" (method), "What are ~" (variables), "Who is/do ~" (function name), and so on...

Next step, by using such sophisticated recursive function and back-tracking algorithm, to put "temporary" answer as next question to the system itself, it (probably) will give answer that "make sense enough" for people, or even for other Expert Systems in the network. The machine will be "smarter" and really seems to "undersand"...

...And Matrix World will then developing itself :D ...
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Oops... the attchment...

Oops... I forgot the attchment...
Here it is...
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could you just read my neural network implementation algorithms,approaches thread named "CYC OR COG"


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