Obesity and Glands


Registered Senior Member

Since I am of a physics nature, I'm pretty aware of the fact that nothing comes from nowhere..

So..given that obesity (the body having large amounts of fats on board) must ALWAYS
be due to an intake of foods, or rather too much intake, it's safe to say, that eating less,
would always be the cure..
With less I do mean less fat and sugar..(relative more veggies and less potato's, rice and other carbs..)

Now on Hypothyroidism:
I kow it's popular belief that this glandular disfunction is often seen as the CAUSE of the obesity,
giving obese ppl an excuse...
Now..what if I were to state, that the reverse is true ? Due to too much carb intake, people get
the thyroid to disfunction, like an overworked engine that simply won't work anymore..
The thyroid instead of needing to put out a daily dose that's regular, had to keep up putting out
ALL the time..and thus has been overused, which lead to it's disfunction ?

Both would show up in conjunction, but the question of one causing the other has been reversed..

In every case study it would go hand in hand...
Has there ever been a case study to check for a case of Hypothyroidism, in which cases no fat people
but only regular weight people have been found with this disorder, and simply kept their weight down,
by eating very little (carbs) ?

For my second, Cushing's syndrome, this would be much similar..
Overeating leading to the disfunction..
Since overuse of a gland (any gland) would lead to a possible disfunction I'd say the same applies here..
You don't get fatback or fat necked, without the carbs to create that fatback or fatneck are actually
put into the mouth first..

I looked again, and there's many more glands in the body whose disfunction is associated with obesity,
or who are blamed for it actually...

But my premise is still sound..eat less, don't get fat...and with that less fat, don't get cholestrol problems..
(there's no gland that can turn CO2 into carbs..)

On the personal level, I don't like it when people use excuses for their failure to kepe their weight in check..
It's not the fact that they ARE fat, but the fact that they LIE about what they ate..and lie about other stuff,
in order to make it appear it's all 'the glands' fault..
If you wanna overeat, fine, but do NOT lie about it..
(Or imma start a case study that will PROVE that fat people, on average,
are way better and more skilled at lying..since they do so with every bite they talk about..)
(damn, I so wanted to keep my personal issues out of it..)

Anwyays..I'm thinking, that before the conclusions are drawn, multiple angles should be
examind BFEORE drawing the end conclusion..
Just because one thing shows up hand in hand with the other, does not make a case for the glands
being the CAUSE of the obesity..they might just as well be the EFFECT..

Now the big question is:

A) Should I simply stfu ?

B) Think of my hypothesis of having merrit ?

(NOTE: Yes there ARE people with DNA defects that cause disfunctions in glands, but thoise are rare..)
(In most case it's just an excuse..in fact there ARE poeple with glandular disfunction, that are NOT obese..)
(They simply eat no carbs..or only very particular ones at an extreme modest rate..)