OBEs or Outer Body Experiences?


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
OBEs or Outer Body Experiences have happened to many people all over the world. I am know expert on these things but I think they are very spiritual.
I know most people do not believe that there is a spiritual realm but I do. I have heard stories of people who would have OBEs and they would be dramatic and they would have things happen to them like getting raped (these were not just women), after these occurances they became Christians and these attacks stopped and I heard of one of them leaving his body and going to heaven. And also my friend felt like she was levitating (this is while she was lying down) and saw angels almost as if she left her human body and her spirit was seeing these things.

What do you guys think on the subject?
Take a dose of ketamine, come back and give us a play by play of your experiences.

Ketamine does make sense on how people who have a near death experience but in these instances that these events occured they weren't dying. But in an instance when Ketamine could have come into play is to go to www.higherpraise.com and click on 'To Hell And Back'. Anyway when these things have happened at the time they were in a sound environment. When my friend had reacted to the injection she wasn't going to die but it could have seriously affected her reproductive organs. (if this is making no sense read the first post again).

Is their anyone else with a theory?
I still believe in the spiritual side of it all.
Shrodingers Cat, What does the Cat see? (couldn't say how plausible it would be as a theory)
a theory.......? you might chekout Gyrus.....you ca read him online....checkout out his essayt titled 'Dionysus Risen'....he talks of an OBE being more ---and always get this word spelled wrong...sumtin like 'aprioperceptive'....not sure if spElled right, but it MEANS that the experiencer of an 'OBE' doesn't necessarily come OUT of the body s such, but explores INside body......you must read howhe puts it, more in depth

my own view..is that we have been led to believe that consciousness is like a little madn in the back of the head that look outta our eyes. ie., you got one i got on
but i feel that what ever consciusness IS it is flexible to say the least.....so for example there have been reports by people tat suddenly on the operating table during surgery tey cxonsciously are seeing from ABOVE!....now tis idea can confuse us if we believe in te consciousness simply MUST know its place behind the eyes. but sometimes it doesn't you see
If you can actually leave your body, this alone is supernatural, while your consciousness exists, it does not have mechanical function of its own, how is it possible for instance to see things without eyes?
how can you hear without ears?
how can you smell....you get the point.

To be realistic one has to consider OBE's as no more than wishful thinking and medical induced delusion.

Whatever causes it, it is just a dream/nightmare, i have had dreams where i actually see myself, but i do not consider it as a OBE, they don't exist, OBE is the name of the delusion,it might sound weird but your brain is more clever than you are ,the YOU is not as clever as the whole brain so it is easy for the brain to fool YOU.

I know this from when i am asleep, when i'm having dreams inside the dream i believe things are normal and it is real even when stupid things are happening things that in waking life you would not accept.
All.For.One said:
OBEs or Outer Body Experiences have happened to many people all over the world. I am know expert on these things but I think they are very spiritual.
I know most people do not believe that there is a spiritual realm but I do. I have heard stories of people who would have OBEs and they would be dramatic and they would have things happen to them like getting raped (these were not just women), after these occurances they became Christians and these attacks stopped and I heard of one of them leaving his body and going to heaven. And also my friend felt like she was levitating (this is while she was lying down) and saw angels almost as if she left her human body and her spirit was seeing these things.

What do you guys think on the subject?

I've had a number of Outer Body Experiences. Like itching, feeling rain hitting my skin, accidentally touching something hot, and lots of others.

Oh - I guess you probably meant Out of Body Experiences, right?

No such thing, really, they are just mild forms of hallucinations.
alright try this..........you admit we need body to interact wit world. to have sex, eat, go from here t there.....as do all bodies....if i was in two plces, 3,4,5 nth places it'd all get fukin confusin riiight?....so tat mode, teordinary on is understandable....but......but IS that our ONLY mode
we are an incredible instument aren't we?
do you tink it has only ONE mode? what do you say?

also...when someone dismisses somone's profound experience....and i can assure you it ISprofound---as 'a mere hallucination', what do you mean? i am not being funny, but i sense that when pople use termslike that, they are just using them as a form of protective shield. it means nutin is what i mean when looked at
duendy said:
alright try this..........you admit we need body to interact wit world. to have sex, eat, go from here t there.....as do all bodies....if i was in two plces, 3,4,5 nth places it'd all get fukin confusin riiight?....so tat mode, teordinary on is understandable....but......but IS that our ONLY mode
we are an incredible instument aren't we?
do you tink it has only ONE mode? what do you say?

also...when someone dismisses somone's profound experience....and i can assure you it ISprofound---as 'a mere hallucination', what do you mean? i am not being funny, but i sense that when pople use termslike that, they are just using them as a form of protective shield. it means nutin is what i mean when looked at

:D I don't doubt that it means "nutin" to you. But it's still the real answer.
what's real? your answer? how do you kow THAT aint an hallucination? one that is fostered-rigorously-on you by the State Centra Control Propaganda 'Service'?
Some people made experiments with OBEs. xperiments like putting a random card in some high place, then they obe and then they will see it. They "came" back to the body and confirm that indeed they saw the card (ie, the card while obe = real card). These experiments were made by normal people doing obes, and they will only confirm their own experience.

They do not confirm that to science comunity, only for themselves (see the site www.astralpulse.com/forums and make a search).

Some people claim that OBEs are just hallucinations, others state that its real. Dont have time right now, must go. I will post more later.
Stryder said:
Shrodingers Cat, What does the Cat see? (couldn't say how plausible it would be as a theory)

I'll just explain this a little better, The theory is that if you normally exist as a multiworlds entity, and for some reason you perchance stumble onto a paradox. (If one paradox was to occur to one person on this planet, then every interaction they make would generate a "butterfly effect" of paradoxes, where the person they interact with then interacts with others etc)

Such a paradox could place you into a Duality state, where one of your states sleeps the other is moving about. It's not that your "out of body" but your out of sync with your multiworlds makeup. Eventually the reason the experience stops is Entrophy due to the paradoxes mounting up you eventually decide which universe to be conscious of.

Kind of a quantum reality mitosis.