OBE = Pseudoscience?


Registered Member
I am currently in an Earth Sciences class, and we are doing a unit on pseudoscience. On the list was out-of-body experiences, or OBEs. (This is the subject I'm doing my project on.) I just want to ask, how do you know when you are having an OBE or projecting an astral form, and when you're just having a strange dream?

(o^.^o) Ed

Welcome at Sciforums. That you may post long and happy here at the Forums.

An OBE is a state of mind in which you can 'travel' elsewhere, even to other Spheres if you like. A/P is projecting your astral body to a certain place. This you do with one particular place to go, in mind.

A strange dream is not perse a vivid dream or a Lucid Dream. It can tell you a lot about your daily life. The stranger the dream, the better you remind it and then you can go from there and try to find out what the meaning can be comparing your daily life.

A Lucid Dream is a dream in which you yourself can act and react. From out a Lucid Dream you can get an OBE. The feeling you can fly, for instance. Most of the times you can see your body laying on your bed in such cases. It is not for everybody the same though. Different persons, different experiences.:)

I disagree with you that it is Pseudo-Science...
What is your definition of a strange dream?
If you are doing something out of the ordinary you should know it.
I sometimes drift into sleep when meditating (so do buddhist monks. They solve that problem by having another guy whack you on the head at regular intervals). When that happens I just sleep. When the meditation is good and spacey you feel it. You´re there.
It´s easy to tell the difference :)
Well I wouldn´t call astral projecting a science anyway.
It´s more of an art wouldn´t you agree?
So please go ahead and call it pseudo science or even anti-science.

Could science be considered an art?
Suppose it could. Dadaistic Science. Now that´s something right there :cool:

Spiritual exploration and experimentation is a science or school for the spiritualist. The cause and effect is carefully mapped by the student.
In time the student realises truly the meaning of the map not being the territory. Then one drops out and laughs at all confused dogma.
Then you awake and life is just a dream.

All students of any school reaches this point. Studying is not doing.
The essence is doing and being. Whether something is valid is up to the participant. Do or don´t. Optional.

Reality is vapor so why question any form it takes?