OBE and Reincarnation.


Registered Member
Hi all,

Im new in this forum here.

i wanted to ask about something.

As my religion doesnt believe in Reincarnation.
so untill now, i cant 100% believe in the Reincarnation, so i must read alot about this theory to be sure if i have to 100% believe in it or no.

My religion is "Islam" ,,, so im asking you if anyone here know anything related to Islam and Reincarnation ,,if anyone read any article that contradict or support Reincarnation in Islam ,,pls share it with me.
I would like to know opinions here about Reincarnation and its relationship to Islam that can help in understanding Reincarnation more clearly.

Another thing i want to talk about.

Im an Astral Traveller, and before yesterday, i had an experience.... I Astral travelled.... During this experience, i went to a friend and i was watching him, and it was the first time with me to enter his house!!
After finishing this experience, i was talking to that friend and i was describing what his home looks like to prove to him that i was astral travelling.
i felt that during this experience, my spirit was in another body, not a human body, a fly's body...this small insect !!
and when i told that to my friend, he was surprised because there was a fly in his room and was flying with strange way and stop on his nose etc ... .!!! and that what i realy did during the experience.

Everything he and I said, was real !!

I believe that i realy was this insect !!

i just want to ask ... how come my spirit can interact with another body when im still alive??!
and how come for a human spirit interact with an insect body or any other body other than human body ?!!!

I would like to recieve replies for my two topics and i would like to know any web site that deliver free online books about Reincarnation.

i would like to know , if this is a type ,,,any type of Reincarnation??

Hope you can understand what i mean .

Thnx alot :)
Unfortunately you have crossed into a blurred line here. It's just a matter of faith. I think that the answer is different for everybody and it just depends on what you believe about the reincarnation thing. My mother was always frowned upon by our neighbors because she would openly call me an old soul in public and they thought that was horrible, this was during the eighties. Some signs of an old soul or reincarnation would be that you are very mature, even from a young age. Sometimes you feel like you've been somewhere before but haven't, deja vu. Dreaming about different time period is also a clue. About the OBE, are you certain you weren't dreaming? There are such things as prophetic or prerequisent dreams. It all just depends on what you find to be true and I wish you luck in finding that truth.
I had a few Arabic companions in school. This just came to me which is why I didn't write it last night. Don't hold me to it word for word, it has been six years. It was about Halloween time and there was a ghost show that said something about the ground around gravesites moving. They said something about an old dessert tale that said that the buried are not dead. The sands move because the buried are waiting for the times when the Archangel will blow his horn and ressurect them. Just a tid bit. Good luck.