O.K. Gang, What do you call this phenomenon?


Registered Senior Member
I suddenly bolted up out of bed early one morning! It was still dark outside. I ran to my daughter's bedroom. She was gone! I looked outside. One of our family vehicles was gone! My husband and I figured that our teenaged daughter must have run away. I got dressed to go look for her. My husband asked me where I was going to look. I said that I didn't know, but I had to go looking. The sun started coming up as I drove by a strip of malls which were all closed (but places where teenagers might go to meet). I looked in the front parking lots of the malls on both sides of the main road. Nothing. Then I back-tracked and looked behind all the buildings at the malls. Still no sign of my daughter or our vehicle.

After having scoured the parking lots of the mile strip of malls, I found myself sitting at a four-way intersection. My vehicle was pointed east, towards the sunrise. However, I could have gone north, south or west as well. I also had the option of getting on the entrance ramp of any one of three different highways. Not knowing which way to go, and in a panic that my daughter had run away with God-knows-who to God-knows-where, I LOST IT!!!

I was sitting in my car, crying hysterically in the middle of this crossroad. I was so distraught, I ended up pounding on the steering-wheel and SCREAMED outloud, "Oh, GOD!!! Where IS SHE???!!!"

I immediately heard a voice say, "East Fifth Street." I was shocked. I stopped crying. I couldn't believe my ears. There I was, locked in my car, alone, with all the windows and doors shut... hearing a voice? I said sheepishly, "What?" Once again I heard, "East Fifth Street."

There was no way I was going to ignore that! So I sat through another light, pondering what to do. "Where is East Fifth Street?" I thought. "Well, there are usually numbered streets in major cities..." (At that point, I was talking to myself). There were three major cities within a 45 minute drive. Since I was already pointing eastward, I decided to head for the closest city, straight ahead.

When I got there, I found and followed the numbered streets until I got to Fifth Street. The sun was up and people were starting to come out of there homes to go to work. I turned right onto East Fifth Street and drove slowly, looking for my daughter. When passing an alleyway, I noticed a light out of the corner of my eye but there were no people there that I could see so I drove on by. As I passed the alleyway, though, the light seemed to get brighter. I had the feeling that I should check this light out. So, I stopped my car and backed it up to the alley. There it was! The sun's light was shining through the alley. It was hitting something so directly that the glare was almost blinding. I couldn't make out what the sun's light was hitting beyond the cars which were up front, but felt the need to go look. So, I got out of my car and walked back into the alley. I couldn't believe my eyes. The sun's light was shining through the alley and reflecting brightly off of the hood of OUR MISSING VEHICLE!!!

I called my husband and told him that I had found the car on East Fifth Street in this city. He asked me what made me look THERE?
Of course, I told him it was a long story. He called the police and he and they met me in the city. I was able to explain the whole thing to him while we continued to search for our daughter. We scoured the neighborhood knocking on doors on East Fifth Street and the surrounding area until we found her a few hours later.

My daughter asked, "How did you FIND me?" I was able to say, "I cannot tell you right now but, please believe me, there is no sense in running away. WHERE EVER you go, I will find you and bring you home. Now what do you say? Shall we go home and try to work things out?" And, we did!

O.K. Gang... What do you call that phenomenon? Hope to hear from you soon... and...

Have a great day!
I think it was your subconscious
mind telling you where she was. I know someone who can tell what their child is doing and thinking at any moment. she has shown me her ability and now I must believe. Before I met her, I read a little on the mind because it was a subject that interests me and found the research fascinating. Supposedly, the
super conscious, as I believe it was refered to, has all knowledge of mankind
events etc. past present and future. Have you heard of remote viewing?
Greetings from The Ancient One. My name is Micheal. I am a psychic/metaphysical
practitioner in Canada. All of us are psychic. It just manifests itself differently for everyone. Women ,especially mothers tend to tap into it a little more readily than men .Look for other signs of this ability. Keep a dream and a waking journal. Write down anything that seems odd.
Look for patterns.Ours is a world of the esoteric and arcane.
Hello Michael (The Ancient One),


I have had many experiences which I would consider psychic. Mostly premonitions. They all had to do with family members in crisis.

Would an audible guiding voice and a visible guiding light be considered within the meaning of psychic?

I have never heard of remote viewing but, if it means what I think it means, I might have experienced it.

One night, when my daughter was 18, she was staying at a friends house. I was awakened from my sleep by a vision of her red car on it's top in the middle of a country road. The car was flattened, and one of it's doors was slightly open. I could not "see" my daughter. The shaking of my body in the bed woke my husband up. When I told him what I was "seeing" he suggested that it was just a nightmare and that I go back to sleep. The vision was too strong so I didn't buy his explanation and said that I was going to call the friend's house. My husband said "WHAT?! It's one-thirty in the morning. They'll think you're crazy!" When I said that I didn't care, and went to call anyway, he said, "You ARE crazy!!!" He stayed in bed. The friend's phone was busy, so I sat in the rocker in our living room just waiting to hear something. I then heard the sound of emergency vehicles and started crying.

It was then that my husband also came downstairs. I could see in his eyes that he knew this was not a nightmare, that I was not crazy and that this was really happening. I searched my mind for my daughter. It was blurry, but finally, I could "see" my daughter walking on the side of the road. I was not sure what kind of condition her body was in, but at least I knew she was alive! I told this all to my husband as I "saw" it.

The phone rang at about 2:00 AM. I picked up the phone, asking in a terrified voice, "How is she?" The person on the other end said, "This is EMT (so-and-so)." I said, "I know who you are and why you are calling. IS SHE O.K.???!!!" The EMT said, "What? Well.. Miraculously, YES! But... HOW DID YOU KNOW?" I told him that he probably wouldn't believe me if I told him and just asked where, exactly, she was.

When we got to the scene of the accident, it was just as I had described to my husband. And, we learned that the fire engines and ambulance had passed my daughter (who was walking on the side of the road)on their way to the scene of the accident (they didn't notice her). My daughter said that she had been waving and yelling at them as they approached her, but that they drove on by. She said that other cars also passed by her without stopping, despite her attempts to flag them down. She could not understand why they didn't see her and stop until she came upon a local cemetery. At that point, she figured that she must have died in the accident and that they couldn't see her because she was dead! (How terrifying that must have been!) They emergency personnel went searching for any occupants of the vehicle and found her wretching with relief in town. (She had finally come across someone who spoke to her. It was then that she realized that she was still alive!)

Anyway, would this be considered remote viewing?
Hello Joyce,

Well, since my premonitions always seem to involve crisis, I find it very refreshing when someone has premonitions about happy events! Actually, there have been two times so far when my daughter has told me that a family member was expecting a new child (before the expectant mother even new about it!). I think that's great!

That accident must have been horrible to witness. I had a similar experience.

My daughter was a junior in High School. She had a 4:00 PM doctor's appointment. She drove home from school with an older friend of the family (I'll call him Tom)who had moved to another area months before. She told me that she and Tom would drive to the doctor's office together so that they would have time to talk and get "caught-up on things" and that she would meet me there. I was overcome by a terrible feeling and I said "No."

My daughter looked at me like I had two heads! There was nothing unreasonable with what she wanted to do! Tom was a trusted friend of the family! "What do you mean, NO?! Why???" Since I did not have a reasonable explanation to give her, I did not say anything.

My daughter said, "O.K., then, I'll meet you there, Mom." Again, I said, "I can't explain it. I know it makes no sense but, I want you to drive with ME to the doctor's office. You can see Tom later." She said, "Mom, that's just it! Tom is leaving again tonight. There won't be another time!" I said, "I'm sorry, but, you are going to the doctor's office with ME." Of course, my daughter must have hated me at that point, but, my gut said, for no specific reason, "Do not let her drive in the car with Tom."

Tom left and we were about a minute behind him, on our way to the doctor's office. When we started our descent over the crest of the first hill, there it was... right in front of us... a head-on collision involving Tom's car and another vehicle. Tom had gone through the windshield and lost his face. He looked dead (But, eventually we learned that he wasn't. The woman driving the other vehicle did die).

Anyway, when my daughter saw the accident, she started flipping-out. While I was still driving, trying to steer around the accident and find a safe place to pull-over to, she grabbed ahold of me and started shaking me, screaming and crying, "HOW DID YOU KNOW???!!! (Shake, shake, shake). I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THAT CAR WITH TOM!!! (Shake, shake, shake). I WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!!! (Shake, shake, shake). HE'S DEAD!!!??? HOW DID YOU KNOW???!!! (Shake, shake, shake).

After calming her down and doing everything in my power to keep her away from the accident scene, I explained that I did not KNOW... That I just had a gut feeling. SOMETHING told me not to let her drive to the doctor's office with Tom.

What was that SOMETHING?
Remote viewing is different than what you describe. My grandmother dreams of muddy water when someone she knows dies or is about to die. It sounds weird but its true. I think that when we are sleeping its a little easier to tap into this power because our conscious mind is pushed aside. Whether its visions or voices knowledge is obtained from out of the blue. This is not my field but I have read a little over the years because of people I know being able to do it in various ways. I have not had any experiences of this nature but I certainly believe its real.
Remote viewing is like somewhat leaving your body and traveling with youor mind using some kind of coordinates,from what ive read. The govt used it during the vietnam war--they had a special unit somewhat like psyops that used remote viewing. But theres a book out,forgot the name, of a man who remote viewed the martians,the moon,etc and according to him the martians are inside a mountain in N.M. and are afraid to come out lol i'll have to look for the book again--its somewhere around our small apt.

Eric Cooper
Angels are messengers. That is their job. They can be good (messages from God), or they can be evil (messages from Satan), but both are messengers.

God loves you and so do I!

Hello,yes those things would be considered within the realm of psychic ability.Its
different for everyone some of us hear things,some see things,some are empathic...
However when judging anything in the realm
of paranormal or supernatural you must ask yourself this: is the person i'm talking
to honest and are the events that surround
the situation real,everything else is interpretation.I tell people i had an alien encounter.Some have said i saw a ghost,others say i saw an angel. OKAY.
I know it happened.I know i saw something,i was unable to move,i lost time..These things are real,what i saw is open to interpretation.Thanks for responding to my post.

That "phenomenon" was God, plain and simple. He helps you all the time in ways like that, but sometimes, as in your case, people are so distraught that He has to make it really obvious. truestory, that was not a phenomenon, that was a miracle. You know what they say, God works in mysterious ways(or something like that).

I'm really not a shorty.
Yes, I beleive that too. Give the credit to God in this case. And never forget to thank him...He shows us all in different way that he is here. It is up to you to have fath in him, and never forget...

Cheri = )