O' Amen


Registered Senior Member
After mentioning in a previous thread that Amen at the end of prayers was not the redundancy of proclaiming it be the truth, but was originally derived from the game I said I am surprised that no one has asked me who it was a name for yet. Still no one has. This is what I mean by confirmation bias, only seeking that information which fits your religious mythology. So, I am just going to tell you. Amen was originally a deity associated with the power of creation. Later preists through syncretism made him one with Ra claiming that Amen was a deity of power for which Ra and Amon would indwell eachother as Amen-Ra. In one of many religious reformations, Horus replaced Ra as the sun god and Amen was said to indwell with Osiris. His fathers name was then Osiris-Amen or O' Amen for short. Horus was the reincarnation of Osiris, one with the father and so the Osiris-Amen title also applies to him. So at the bigging of prayer a Christian prays to Osiris, O' Amen, father and at the end of prayer invokes the "true" name Amen of his son Jesus, who was Horus who is also O' Amen being one with the father saying, in the name of thy son Amen. The hebrew word amen(let it so be) wouldn't be invoked as a diety would in this manner. So the next time you Christian folk hear something you really like and want to exclaim AMEN know that you are really exclaiming a priaise to Osiris.

On another note, in much the same way as Amen-Ra or Osiris-Amen were were representative of different deities said to indwell eachother as a form of syncretism the Israelites did the same thing with El, one of their gods prior to Hezekiah and Josiah's religious reformations that created monotheism. For example Elohim is prural for the gods of El. The indwelling of El with Osiris is El-Osiris and the etmology then goes El-Azarus, Lazaros whom was risin from the dead in three days as was Osiris.
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You know, all words had to come from somewhere. That doesn't make language unoriginal and therefore something to be discarded.
water said:
You know, all words had to come from somewhere. That doesn't make language unoriginal and therefore something to be discarded.
I'm not arguing against language. I am telling you were the religion ultimately comes from.
Trilairian said:
I'm not arguing against language. I am telling you were the religion ultimately comes from.

Who cares? All the Christians I know that say "Amen" intend it to mean the same as the Hebrews - "let it be so."

All of your wonderful research is meaningless in terms of "words." It's the intention that's important - not the "word" or it's original source. That has no value at all.
Trilairian said:
I'm not arguing against language. I am telling you were the religion ultimately comes from.

Where does religion come from?

You are ultimately arguing against language. Words can be traced back -- surely. Does this automatically mean that what they name is borrowed as well, and thus unoriginal?