NYPD need to be disarmed


Valued Senior Member

Ousmane Zongo was shot on May 22 at a Chelsea Storage Warehouse during a raid on a bootleg CD operation.

...there are now two conflicting versions of what happened the day Zongo was shot.

Seidou M'Fomboutmoun, a witness now cooperating with the district attorney, said Zongo ran for his life after a plain-clothes officer aimed a gun at his head.

His story contradicts what police have said ? that Zongo was shot and killed during a struggle with an officer wearing a badge.

?The witness clearly says that the policeman didn't identify himself as a policeman and had his gun out and pointed at him,? Sharpton said. ?Why would a man who was not involved in a crime, who was not being pursued by policeman, start a fight with a policeman with a gun out if he knew he was a policeman??

The continued violence against innocent people in NYC is a problem which is not taken seriously enough.
The police force is supposed to be there to protect people. If an instituition that is in place to protect people routinely terrorizes them, then it either needs to be done away with or changed drastically.
My solution: Take away the guns. If the police could only kill people by beating them to death, then it would be much harder for them to claim they thought it was someone else or were in personal danger. I'm sure people will say that this would place them in danger, but at this point more people are being killed by the police then are killing police, so the total number of deaths cannot help but be lowered. In addition there are pleanty of non-lethal weapons that they could be using (right now the aim seems to be to increase the chances of killing suspects, as the NYPD uses hollow point bullets which are banned by the UN) regardless, police have bullet proof vests and are paid well for the risks they take and the general public is not therefore it seems unreasonable to allow the police to kill members of the general public to reduce the risk to themself.

as the NYPD uses hollow point bullets which are banned by the UN

To make it fair they should re-legalise copkiller bullets. Using hollowpoints is trying just a little too hard to kill people.

Seriously though, I can't imagine why it would be justified to shoot an unarmed man even if he was struggling with you. Club the shit out of him, use pepperspray, a choke hold, by all means, just don't shoot him. And 4 times?

The reason the guy ran(if he did) was because this kind of thing happens too often.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child

To make it fair they should re-legalise copkiller bullets. Using hollowpoints is trying just a little too hard to kill people.

Seriously though, I can't imagine why it would be justified to shoot an unarmed man even if he was struggling with you. Club the shit out of him, use pepperspray, a choke hold, by all means, just don't shoot him. And 4 times?

The reason the guy ran(if he did) was because this kind of thing happens too often.
Not only should cop killer bullets be legal, but cop killing itself should be legal(at least for African-Americans). Its the only logical postion given that the courts have ruled that its acceptable for cops to shoot people for looking like they might have a gun, or in this case just bein near a spot where a crime was committed. They are clearly a danger to people. If cops can shoot people for looking dangerous to them, why shouldn't people who might look dangerous to cops be allowed to shoot them, given that the cops really are dangerous? Of course this is ridiculous, but its the only position that is consistent with the courts letting cops get away with murder.
If we deal here with moral values considering shooting a cop in a certain situation , Id like to point out the fact that ethics are manmade , and mine ethics think I should survive best way I can , if thats by shooting a cop then thats whats gotta happen .
Weither he is violent or nice , it is all not morally relevant .

But surely thats not the way civilization can work , so we need a social contract , and I think this social contract should go far beyond just disarmement of NYPD , but a totally revisioning of its governing system and the context its in .

The African-Americans* are mentioned and should be firstly mentioned since they can be seen as NYC's most suffering ethnic group . Im less familliar with the Hispanic ethnicities in NYC , but I think they are more a question for LA . Americans feel free to correct me if Im wrong on this , I am not sure on Latino-NYC .

However the projects are horrigic and terror through authority reminds me of nothing but legal occupation . The enslaved-peoples of NYC are looking for self-determination through culture , which is Islam . Mecca (NYC) should have the right to claim legal self-determination if it does not agree on the actual social contract , and the biggest obstacle of this obviously is NYPD terror . There are 1.9 Million Black people in NYC , Im sure at least 1 M is willing to self determine their status as a civilized human being . The Islamic community is large in NYC in the form of native sects amongst Black Americans . They surely can by numbers form some semi-independance , then shooting at hostile occupiers in NYPD uniforms would be a legit target to hit . But they as organizations dont advocate violence but the opposite , so only street-kids who dont stick to knowledge are gonna shoot and so they are treated like criminals and smash around crazy by those NYPD gestapo .

I should send'em some Hamas videos :D

Untill social contract isnt reasonably respected (based on basic human accepted rights) , they should hit till they upgrade , even into total independance if that is whats necesarry and desired .

What the hell hapened to the Panthers ? If anybody has some valid information to share on Black self-determination and militancy in NYC please do , Im always very interested in the subject to learn about . I should probably make a thread on it in politics ....