nuclear powered?


Registered Senior Member
From what I've read, people who have been close to UFOs have suffered serious radiation poison. Is it possible that UFOs derive their lightning fast speed and usage from nuclear energy?

I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but I always thought that UFOs manipulate the Earth's magnetic energy fields to move the way they do.
If, by UFOs, you mean alien spacecraft visiting Earth, then how could any of us possibly know whether they fiddle with gravity or nuclear power?
The classic example of Radiation exposure is Vicky Landrum and Betty incident.yes,most of the UFO cases report exposure to raiation.Private Balckholes?(Supernova control in Lab).

Yeah there could be a number of reasons why they have radioactivity as a biproduct, some of them may be beyond us (after all, at the moment they're the ones giving us anal probes. Soon the tables will turn though!)
It is logical to have a hybrid engine such that you could run high radiation in deep space (such as gamma rays) while turn off for non-radiation travel source such as lorentz in the planets atmosphere. Either way, the fuel source would be pretty hefty such as a fusion reactor or matter/antimatter system.
Originally posted by zion
The classic example of Radiation exposure is Vicky Landrum and Betty incident.
Ah, yes. Nothing like classic
fiction to help you sleep at night.

Sci fi?

not really,they sued american Govt for that.the case was registered,sine both of them were convinced that some kind of govt machinery was involved here.since the Diamond shaped UFO was encircled by several military helicopters.

both of them have never recovered again.please be careful when you consider serious things like this as scifi.entertainment?

