NSA Declassified Documents: UFO's


Truth Beyond Logic
Registered Senior Member
The National Security Agency (NSA) has released online via it's website hundreds of declassified documents on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. Users who wish to view these documents will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 3.0 or later. That document reader is available at Adobe's website, or Download.Com. The first thing one is struck by is that on the first page of the Freedom of Information Act section of the site, the "Frequently Requested UFO Documents" section includes the line "Records Does not Exist" and it takes you to a page which displays a list of UFO related terms which their are no records for. However, when one clicks the link for ALL NSA's released documents, an entire section of UFO's is discovered.

The majority of the documents are COMIT or Communications Intelligence Reports. An examination of these reports however reports that the majority of these documents have been highly censored. The only words visible on the majority of the COMIT reports is "UFO seen at XXXX (Probably Ballons)" in most cases.

In addition to these highly sensored reports, the NSA has released several publically available press articles from magazines and newspapers.

Finally, the NSA has released to the public a partially censored transcrypt of the Eugene Yates's Affidavit, which was used in the 1980 trial "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA". This affidavit was during the trial given to the Judge by video and was not allowed to be viewed in the public area of the trial because it contained sensetive information.

The NSA's FOIA is reachable at the URL:

The NSA's UFO documents are reachable at this URL:
i find this rather ironically, they say they wanna give information free, but what do they do? they censor the whole documents... this is not free info, this is just what they want u to know, nothing more, nothing less, they just wanna give us the idea we can get all the information, while actually we're almost in the same situation as years a go... one word ... patethic wankers (oh no that are 2 hihi)
Anyway thanks for the good nfo's xevious ! good work
yeah thanks Xevious. I appreciate the info too. Its such a shame that they classify documents like that though. Who do they think they are and why do they do it. I have heard its because of something like 'there will be mass suicide and destruction etc etc' So they dont trust us with the information. Well what are people going to do if there is proof that alien intelligence exists? Move to another planet!?? :( I dont even think that such proof even disproves god (maybe to some but not the mass religions (i dont think)) Mind you, i suppose they dont want opposing countries to see the info do they!? :( not thought of that. :confused:

Forget this, i was just rambling
they're among us
