

... Dr Radin, i will proove your hypothesis that psychic powers ''cannot'' be proven....

I wonder if he will show up????? :shrug:
Not only that, Av, but you have INTENTIONALLY DELETED YET AGAIN, another thread i made... I will remain consistant: To the question asked> But first, sock puppy is from Spurioforums, which is indeed Draq, which is in fact a finger puppet for those dogmatic and narrow mods who cannot disproove the math i have shown.

I will be as forthcoming as possible... you are trying to playing with my mind, snd by doing so, you(s?) yet still not validate a gaspapo-crapped info, which you cannot proove me wrong about.

You see, this is the true natature of scientists....

1. they either think inside the box

2. they think outside the box, or.////

3. Neither. That is only but ignorance to the highest impunity.
Reiku. You must suffer pretty dreadfully. I understand fully.

Irregardless. What is the point in asking for this doctor, or whatever, ...
Just try to prove your point.
It wasn't a point... i've only been on this medication for fie days now. Before everyone jumped dow my throat saying, ''complain to your DR.'' most of you should know medication doesn't affirm as quickly as that into the equilibruim of the mind.
Psychic Phenom:
Quantum Mind Entanglement...

The word 'psychic' is usually a term that we hardly ever link with science, unless we are watching Star Trek or the X-Files. The truth is some bridges need to be built in the field of the 'unexplainable' phenomena and the rigid world of the explainable science. We already know of the cases of seers, and personal psychic phenomena - it is time we considered people like Nostradamus as being more than mere hoaxes. I often refer to the world of the observer as a world of feeling and emotion - and as we shall see, i suggest two experiments, that will work to indicate this world of feeling.

Our history is full of unexplainable psychic phenomena. Take the tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic. Only weeks - some being the matter of days - before the launch of Titanic, literally dozens of people came forward and made some fantastic claims of seeing the Titanic sink in visions and dreams. They must have all been slightly surprised to hear that it did indeed sink on the first cruise it took.

The world of the mystical and the psychic is not well-investigated by physics. Its a shame, because more of the unexplained mental phenomena could be answered through science, just like the twins, spoke about in last part. I've expressed what i think about the twins - i believe a special correlation exists between their minds - a stronger relationship, than let us say 'Jack and Jill' who live down the street, and this is not only through genetics, but also the fact they came from the same single sperm, and created from the same egg. They are the same, in almost every single way.

Another type of psychic ability (which you might have even experienced yourself at one time or another), is knowing that the phone is going to ring. Now, one might think that this is all coincidence, just sitting at your desk, or watching the TV., and you suddenly think, on the 'spur of the moment', 'that phone is going to ring...' and behold, it does. Perhaps, if it wasn't for my next postulate. Similar situations have arisen, with statistics beyond the realm of mere coincidence.

There are many documented cases, where someone had been sitting in their homes, and again, on the spur of the moment, thinks about an old friend, one that they would normally not ever think about, or perhaps a family member, that they hadn’t seen or heard from in over twenty years, and suddenly the phone rings... and you should know by now how the story ends.

How does this happen? Surely it would seem ignorant, and slightly unreasonable to put it all down to simple coincidence? Before we move on to some other examples of psychic coherence, let us tackle this one, and see how physics could answer the paradox surrounding it.

Physicist Ludvik Bass forwarded a postulate that there is no independent mind - that there is only one single mind and the rest is all a delusion of our quantum natures. As bizarre as this might sound, the idea is in fact highly regarded among physicists, such as Fred Alan Wolf - i refer you to Fred's brave and rather spectacular book, 'The Spiritual Universe,' chapter twelve. He hints that some psychic abilities maybe answered through this one-minded realm. If this is true, it may answer why two minds, especially in the case of the twins, or in the case of long-lost family callers might be attune with each other, in some cases, hundreds of miles away from each other.

There is also the phenomenon in physics called, 'quantum entanglement' - this is where physicists can create two seemingly different particles, in this case let's make it two photons, that have properties that remain instantaneously connected and intimate. It was Erwin Schrödinger that coined the term, 'entanglement'. Might the two minds of twins also exhibit the same strange behavior? I ask the reader to consider it. I haven't heard this theory mentioned as yet to explain psychic phenomena. Though, for such instantaneous effects to occur, this must all happen faster-than-light. Thus, where we might consider the mind of a twin as some kind of mast, it picks up signals moving through imaginary space much faster than present time can keep up.

We must also consider the possibility of thoughts time-traveling. Imagine this hypothetical situation. One hundred miles away, a family member might think, 'ah... i want to speak to my father i haven't spoken to in almost twenty-three years...' As the sibling thinks this, their thoughts quantum time travel and meet up in the mind of his/hers father. He then thinks about his son/daughter because of this correlation - and to his surprise, they call seconds later. Remember, this is a hypothetical idea; thoughts may not time travel. They maybe totally bound within our own world of emotion and perception - but if single actions, words or even thoughts about a history can alter what we know as reality around us, i press the theory of telepathy through quantum waves might be possible.

And in much the same way, those female twins would plod through life, not realizing they are sending constant thoughts and messages to their fellow siblings... subliminally setting in their minds, the clothes they might wear to their favorite choice of lipsticks... totally unaware that their minds act as conduits for each others thoughts, resulting in their choices in life. As bizarre as this all sounds, if the reality of all of this is true, and the twins did influence each other in such a way, there must be, and i emphasize the word must be quantum rules that govern these paradoxical and phenomenal outcomes; whether those outcomes are caused by some 'mental quantum entanglement theory,' or by some quantum waves traveling superluminally to each twins mind, so that each meaningful thought or correlated emotion can be next to instantaneous.

Consider the alternative; it is all genetic. If this is so, then we are potentially no more different than that of our fathers, mothers or brothers, in nature and intelligence. Yet, science could prove this as being false; we are, after all, individual aren't we? We could prove this by using cloning techniques, like the famous 'Dolly the sheep'. If we took Einstien's blood for instance, and cloned another Einstein, would he necessarily turn out to be a top-physicist? The answer is no - but that 'no' depends on the type of environment 'little-Einstein' is brought up in. If he is brought up in a scientific environment, he might well turn out to be a scientific marvel, instead of a shoe maker. Let us take this idea for a minute, and apply this rule for those twins in America; they lived totally different lives. Yet, they turned out exactly the same. However, any biological scientist will inform you that coincidence seems more likely than genome influence - but taking into consideration that genetics would have had 'a little to do with it.' However, there must be a line we can make, between coincidence, and downright phenomenal...

If this is true, in the case of the American twins, why isn't it happening much more frequently?

As simple as the above question may seem, it might bring with it a more puzzling answer and to be quite frank, a more amazing 'gee-wiz' type of answer. One might need to consider that the question is a bit misleading. What if, like the case of the twins, actually happens much more frequently than we imagined?

Most twins that know of each others existences go through life a bit like doppelgangers - those mythological beings totally identical - because of their parents clothing them the same way, giving them the same cosmetics, ECT. - really living up to the stereotypical world of identical siblings, not caused by any psychic connection. Even when they grow up, some of these twins will continue doing the same, others will not do so. The other half will intentionally dress differently to maintain their individualities. It is these twins that know of each others existences that really spoils the experiment - corrupts it, so that we will never know if they would have continued their lives being identical and simultaneously unaware of each others existences; as there are many cases of this fact.

So, might it be a case of it happening a lot more frequently, but for many reasons, there are not as many documented cases? The world is a big place after all. There will be a great number of twins worldwide that will live their lives, and never ever find their other half’s, and there is simply no way we could ever know....

This now brings me to the next psychic telepathy phenomena, that some of you may well have experienced at least once in your lives; others, it might be much more frequent. Ever come to say something or do something simultaneous as a friend, brother or even a partner? My mother and father did it all of the time. One would go to say something, and the other would spurt it out at exactly the same time - things as trivial as closing the garage door to getting a glass of water. We cannot take into consideration, things like food here - as it could be answered too simply by our internal clock. However, other things, things on the spur of the moment, and totally unrelated to the situation, often occur between partners, brother, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, friend to friend, work colleagues and even class mates.

One might say, 'ah, but this is natural... give them enough time together, and they will be rubbing off each other.' Maybe. I find this explanation as being more a personal decision, rather than proof itself. This seems to be quite a common occurrence between friends and family, and the answer maybe a psychic answer - especially when two people, of whatever relationship, come out with things at completely the same time, without any motive - things, therego, totally on the spur of the moment. It is, as you might have imagined, also an extremely common phenom in twins. (Parents should know this fact).

I am sure that most of us will have our psychic stories; and if we took all of these stories, every single one in the whole world, at least one of them must be a true psychic experience - who could deny it, apart from the hardest hearted scientist? Unfortunately, this is the problem - that last sentence speaks for itself, because it is, after all, the hard hearted scientists we want to get through to... isn't it?

How do two separate entities, like the two twins, actually become to be aware of each others feelings, including other psychic phenomena? Some might not like my entanglement of the mind theory, so, for me, only one other thing can answer this phenomena, and it is through the Dirac Sea of negatively spinning particles. I felt we needed to consider this virtual vacuum of particles, and their connection with the real particles - the place unto which everything is made up of, like me.

Before impregnation, a single sperm needed to travel to that single egg. Until then, the egg was unfertilized and was a collection of real positive particle manifestations that had their virtual links/particles communicating to them across the vacuum. Even though the 'empty' vacuum of space has an infinite amount of negative virtual particles, there is always one particle that interacts with a real particle. It is here, we can assume, special correlations between a virtual and real particle; especially in biological awareness.

Then, after the single sperm fertilized the egg, the egg splits... and as i believe, something remarkable happens. Suppose i consider that thoughts and feelings can be affected, just as easily as solid matter is affected by the negatively charged vacuum of particles, then, communication between virtual and real particles must be quite frequent - and indeed exists through quantum rules of uncertainty and of Exclusion. This communication between the real and virtual realms create a balanced relationship between every particle that makes up an entire system, like an egg, and thus a split egg, the two seemingly independent, separate pieces, must still interact with each potential egg in the vacuum.

Now, with this all in mind, we have the real split eggs in this realm, and virtual split eggs in the other realm. Now, the negative energy of the vacuum might predict my emotions, and thoughts. If both twins experience any emotion, near-or-less at the same time as their brother/sister, then a certain frequency is acting in the vacuum, influencing one twin’s emotions exactly the same as another twins emotions.

If we take our imaginations to the potential vacuum, the eggs, where once, one whole egg. Now this might mean that one potential egg will always have a special correlation with the other potential egg, and equally, a real egg with another real egg (but only meaningful through simultaneous real/virtual relations. This might mean that a virtual entity might not only determine a thought or emotional outcome for its real entity partner, but two real entities might have similar, maybe identical thoughts or feelings at any one time, through a meaningful relationship in the virtual vacuum. Is this is what is happening?

To finish this part, i want to suggest another experiment, but first I’ll explain the need for it.

There are many cases, when let's say, a woman is walking down a road and for some reason she shudders, and however this knowledge came upon her, she turns round to the exact spot where someone is intensely staring at her. In fact, I’m sure most of us will have had this bizarre experience. I know i have experienced it. It's so strange as well - because you can be in crowd of tens upon tens - like a busy stall, or the supermarket. How do the observed know the objective fact they are actually being observed? What triggers this sensation when anyone comes to observer anyone else?

First we need to obtain evidence to whether it exists or not. Might quantum waves have something to do with this? Whatever it is that causes this directionality, for this reason i call the 'navigational experiment,' see diagram. I think it is possible to prove that this phenomenon is real.

Just like the twin experiment, there is a room in which the observed twin sits in, except that now there are four extra rooms; one north, one east, one south and one west room to his room. Then, his/hers twin will randomly move from one room to another. Each time a room has been chosen, the twin shall observe his/her twin intensely. The observed twin needs to see if they can sense accurately which room they are being observed from - hence the effortless ability to do this on the street. If they can do this, it would mean that somehow in the very act of simply observation seems to rush information from the direction it is being observed; at least, we get this impression.
This sounds like a good topic for the formal debates forum.

My psychic abilities tell me that JamesR will swab the deck with you.