Now what is NASA hiding?


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
This latest picture from the Spirit moon lander on Mars would be fairly boring and not really worthy of note, if not for one small fact; It seems that NASA's deceit and cover-up artists missed a spot!


What's that just a little lower than center frame? That's right, it's one of the Martian space rabbits that NASA hasn't told the public about! Why are they withholding information about Martian lapines? The people disserve answers!

Happy Easter you nut jobs!

Pictures of mere earthly rabbits may be found here:
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hehe space bunny. and look at all those mysterious rocks. Very mysterious.
VRob, are you denying the existence of the space bunnies that are CLEARLY SHOWN in that picture? You must be one of those awful closed minded skeptics that I have been warned about.
This place is f**ked up real bad....

Bah :mad:

Oh....if anyones here is intrested in the rational and positive discussion of UFOS/Aliens then check out

Also, notice the absent of chronic narrowminded skeptic gimps
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Yes... let's examine one of their top stories:

ALIEN abductions are generally considered the stuff of legend, Hollywood, and conspiracy theories.

However new research by brewing giant Grolsch has named the Great Orme as one of Britain's top places for extra- terrestrial kidnappings.

A brewery. Telling everyone that aliens keep showing up at... a British tourist spot. Maybe Molson's could "reveal" that aliens show up at football games.

But let us dig deeper. I can see it now...

"In a survey of Grolsch customers, it was found that many suffered frequent disorientation and loss of consciousness. Grolsch drinker Lloyd Boyd tells us:

'I was having a normal evening, drinking a few Grolsch lagers. As I started my seventh, I noticed a dizzy sensation in my head, and that I was feeling sleepy. I must have passed out somehow; when I came to and looked at my watch, an hour had passed. It must have been aliens,' Lloyd surmises.

Many other drinkers of Grolsch products have reported similar, alien-related disorientation and blackouts - often reporting lost time and physiological after-effects such as nausea and headaches.

This news update is brought to you by Grolsch.

Remember, please binge responsibly."
VRob said:
What does 'disserve' mean?

It means a clever pun.

I imagine the "nut jobs" would be anyone offended by this thread :p
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Once again, a form of character assasanation or in this case "website assanation", if you look below that news item (was reported by most media) you will see other more serious items.
Star_One said:
Once again, a form of character assasanation or in this case "website assanation",

[nutjob] Well those so called "character assassins" are going to be sorry once Martian rabbits that NASA failed to warn the public about start assasinating them![/nutjob]