Now this is more like it!

Sir. Loone

Jesus is Lord!
Registered Senior Member
Now this is a better web site! It great! Now it's star gazing time! It's robots and alien bashing time!
It's the new and inproved Exoscience.
Smell that fresh paint! Well it's cool!

welcome to the dark side
i can feel your evil energy growing with every new post :D

hey if ya dont believe in ufos why post on the board for ufo things?

are you trying to start discussions?
what happened to your home page thing?

god is by his very nature an alien!
if he were human he would be corrupt :D
or would he be a women?
a black dwarf women with a speaking impediment maybe?
and 4 arms and 2 heads and extra legs for running faster than the circus recruitment people :D
how would a person know if they were talking to god or an alien?

grove on all :)
Bash UFO's ?


Hi, nice web site isn't' it? :D
I was not bashing UFO's but bashing the myth of what they really are!:eek:

God has already had came to Earth as a man (God Man), in the person of Jesus Christ and will someday, maybe in a generation or so, will return to Earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is not a woman.

:) Get to know Him, or you will later but don't let it be too late!
Jesus loves you !
I like to study and read on this and other sites about astronomy and scientific research and discoveries, and maybe dig up some funky old bones to.;) Not to bash anyone's beliefs, but to debate. And also stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ, and my faith in Him and His word. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my paths.":cool:

We are more then 'mutated-apes'!
We humans are created in the image of GOD the Creator of all things!:)
Please try to confine all zealotry to the appropriate forums. In my opinion, "Jesus" is relevant to only one forum on this board, and "Free Thoughts" is not it. Brought up under any forum and your message is considered off-topic and is a candidate for deletion.

Likewise, UFOs are not a topic of discussion outside the Pseudoscience forum.