Now that is real faith


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member

""I know it's real; it is the power of God," Wolford told the Washington Post Magazine last year. "If I didn't do it, if I'd never gotten back involved, it'd be the same as denying the power and saying it was not real."

The irony is that ideas of natural selection fueled and justified a lot of the genocide attributed to communism


Not to forget Nazism, and the eugenics programme championed by Margaret Sanger, which is still in effect today under the guise of abortion.

The irony is that ideas of natural selection fueled and justified a lot of the genocide attributed to communism

I could say that about capitalism too. Remember, both world wars were started by capitalist states...

Natural selection also works by wars too. (we might don't like the idea or how it is executed, but clearly, the stronger's genes survive)
Google genes of Genghis Khan and see how wildly spreed they are...
I'm pretty sure genocide is not natural selection.
I agree. I don't think genocide counts as natural selection. If it does, it is on an extreme stretch of technicalities.

However, some scriptural texts, most certainly do support genocide and report genocide has having been ordered by God. So while we are at pointing fingers..... look at all those pretty mirrors.
I'm pretty sure genocide is not natural selection.

Well, we are getting offtopic here, but natural selection is basicly, the stronger survives. In genocide (or war) the stronger kills the weaker, so you decide if the definition applies...
So the jews were a weaker race than the nazis?
Well, we are getting offtopic here, but natural selection is basicly, the stronger survives. In genocide (or war) the stronger kills the weaker, so you decide if the definition applies...

I do agree that natural selection applies to war (a general term meaning violent conflict in which there is a perceivable resolution). But genocide is not technically war. Genocide is when one group decides the other has no right to exist. There is no reasonable resolution to this problem because as long as the one exists the other will not be satisified. War can be a means to achieve it but it is not always necessary. Even the holocaust didn't draw the concerns of the United States until we were attacked. The American government didn't officially care about the holocaust. We were attacked by Japan, otherwise we would have never gotten involved. Then we started our own Ethnic abuses here by putting Japanese in concentration camps. It's hard to look back and honestly say that the US was better than Germany. Though most citizens of the world individually speaking are disgusted with genocide and ethnic abuses in general, governments have turned a blind eye to it for ages and have justified their will to do so.
But genocide is not technically war.

It really doesn't matter. I will simplify it, the might is just, that is basicly natural selection, it doesn't matter what form it takes... And it also doesn't matter if we like it or if it is moral or not.

Natural selection is just what it is. It is like gravitation. You can hate it when you fall on your ass, nevertheless it exists. Not to take it too far, but that's why I am for the death penalty, if criminals can kill, but society can't, it means that naturally, criminals are selecting who lives and dies, and not society.

And yes, bad as it sounds, when the nazis where getting ride of the mentally disabled and such, that was natural selection too. Similarly, when you let an idiot to be president and that guy sends people who voted for him (and others) to wars to die, that is a feed back of natural selection. Don't elect stupid officials, and you won't have to die in vain...
It really doesn't matter. I will simplify it, the might is just, that is basicly natural selection, it doesn't matter what form it takes... And it also doesn't matter if we like it or if it is moral or not.

Natural selection is just what it is. It is like gravitation. You can hate it when you fall on your ass, nevertheless it exists. Not to take it too far, but that's why I am for the death penalty, if criminals can kill, but society can't, it means that naturally, criminals are selecting who lives and dies, and not society.

And yes, bad as it sounds, when the nazis where getting ride of the mentally disabled and such, that was natural selection too. Similarly, when you let an idiot to be president and that guy sends people who voted for him (and others) to wars to die, that is a feed back of natural selection. Don't elect stupid officials, and you won't have to die in vain...
precisely the sort of thinking afforded by a godless world view that empowers overlooking the moral prohibitions for genocide

It really doesn't matter. I will simplify it, the might is just, that is basicly natural selection, it doesn't matter what form it takes... And it also doesn't matter if we like it or if it is moral or not.

Natural selection is just what it is. It is like gravitation. You can hate it when you fall on your ass, nevertheless it exists. Not to take it too far, but that's why I am for the death penalty, if criminals can kill, but society can't, it means that naturally, criminals are selecting who lives and dies, and not society.

And yes, bad as it sounds, when the nazis where getting ride of the mentally disabled and such, that was natural selection too. Similarly, when you let an idiot to be president and that guy sends people who voted for him (and others) to wars to die, that is a feed back of natural selection. Don't elect stupid officials, and you won't have to die in vain...

When you put it that way, then yes, genocide is a form of natural selection. It doesn't seem to be natural, but that is a remnant of old theistic thinking. That we are somehow not part of nature, so anything people do is not really natural. But the reality is, we are part of nature, so if we do something it is natural. If we create weapons of metal it is because we have the ability to create and use them. Because we have evolved the ability to do so and as such use those abilities to our fullest advantage.

I stand corrected, as much as we do not want it to be, genocide is a means of natural selection. Unless a more logical explanation of what natural selection is can suggest otherwise, I have not an argument to refute your assertions.
precisely the sort of thinking afforded by a godless world view that empowers overlooking the moral prohibitions for genocide


Genocide can count as a form of Natural selection, however, the Theory of Evolution does not promote nor support actions: It only describes the nature we live in.
The bible, on the other hand promotes genocide.
Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB
Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT
This is aside from the more recent popular Christian notions promoting bigotry and isolation of groups, including gays. This is aside from it instructing parents to beat or stone disrespectful children, plus instructions for stoning people in general, without a fair trial.
Witch hunting and burning and the like...

You know lightgigantic- That really was the worst claim you could have made.
While one can fall under that category, your faith actually promotes it. oops?
Here: Have a shrug:shrug:

C'mon everyone: Group Shrug.

It really doesn't matter. I will simplify it, the might is just
In Evolution, there is no just or lack of justice. The might is victorious, perhaps. That is all. It is a description of events, not supportive of any events. It merely describes it.
We live how we live. Even if we choose to live by a moral standard we invented- if we find it agreeable- and this leads to "See Below..."
Not to take it too far, but that's why I am for the death penalty, if criminals can kill, but society can't, it means that naturally, criminals are selecting who lives and dies, and not society.
This is off topic... But I will bite.
There are two basic problems with the death penalty.
One: Innocent People on Death Row. - There are many more than we'd like to believe. And if we kill them, it will be too late to try (keyword TRY) to make ammends should they be exonerated. That, alone, is good enough to not support it.
I'm against the entire prison system we have, actually. I believe it does far more harm than good.
Two: The D.P. is morally unbalanced. By murdering murderers, we are no better than they are.
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Genocide can count as a form of Natural selection, however, the Theory of Evolution does not promote nor support actions: It only describes the nature we live in.
The bible, on the other hand promotes genocide.
Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB
Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT
This is aside from the more recent popular Christian notions promoting bigotry and isolation of groups, including gays. This is aside from it instructing parents to beat or stone disrespectful children, plus instructions for stoning people in general, without a fair trial.
Witch hunting and burning and the like...

You know lightgigantic- That really was the worst claim you could have made.
While one can fall under that category, your faith actually promotes it. oops?
Here: Have a shrug:shrug:

C'mon everyone: Group Shrug.
On the contrary, if they were the prominent views of christians or if they were as bad or extreme or not met with overwhelming refutation on the same authority as you pretend they are we would live in a radically different world ... perhaps something like cambodia circa 1970
