Now It's Global Cooling

The point is that the IPCC is warning us of prolonged global warming due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases. It's all over the news. But if the new data is correct, linked with the knowledge of ice ages, then everything gets turned on it's head!
Short term trend only.

Anybody who knows anything about statistics, and global warming knows that the prediction is increased variance as well as increased averages.

It proves nothing, other than that there's a short term cooling trend.
Short term trend only.

Anybody who knows anything about statistics, and global warming knows that the prediction is increased variance as well as increased averages.

It proves nothing, other than that there's a short term cooling trend.
I'm just saying that if the cooling trend continues and there is found to be a genuine gravity anomaly with the pioneer spacecraft then my theory gains confidence.
I'm just saying that if the cooling trend continues and there is found to be a genuine gravity anomaly with the pioneer spacecraft then my theory gains confidence.

No it doesn't because anyone can see base don that graph short term annual-decadal cooling trend superimposed on a longer term warning trend.
Why do think that the ice age cycles have stopped then? Or do you think it is just delayed perhaps? (article related to cooling)

Now why would you go and jump to that conclusion?
You're making an awfully big assumption.
And you're full of ****, nothing i've said even remotely resembles this (that I think the ice age cycles have stopped).
I'm also 100% confident you haven't understood what that article has to say, nor any of the science behind it.

Here's an idea, why don't you go into the earth science section, look at a thread I started in there involving the physics of the green house effect, and get a clue.
So you think it is just delayed then?? graphic showing Arctic sea-ice increasing

What I think is that you're an idiot, and a dishonest one at that, for comparing a record low to an unremarkable year, and claiming it's representative of some sort of trend.

Here's the truth:

Note the general downward trend of the bar graph.
Here's some more of the truth, data going back to 1953:

Yo Trippy, that might be a bit scientific for the 'common' man. A simpler proof is simply blue ice. Watch any nature documentray filmed recently in the Arctic, and you'll see exposed blue ice. The more Ice is compressed, underneath tons of other ice ice, the older, and bluer it is. It being revealed show that the covering has thawed.

So when you see things like this;


You have to stop and think. Well, we don't. Common folk should.
Trippy and Phlog; thanks for the ice cap data, it was very interesting. I concede that the general trend is surface warming. Yet you both haven't answered the simple question: when do you think the next ice age is going to start? Never or thousands of years from now? It's a simple question.
Trippy and Phlog; thanks for the ice cap data, it was very interesting. I concede that the general trend is surface warming. Yet you both haven't answered the simple question: when do you think the next ice age is going to start? Never or thousands of years from now? It's a simple question.

It's also an irrelevant question, that I choose to answer with a tautology - it'll start when it starts.
On the one hand you have the fact that the sun isn't as active as it usually is (At least in regards to logged records)

There is then also the factor the more that the sea's warm, if only by a degree, the more moisture evaporates into the air. Which in turn turns into clouds, which block out the sun from heating the surface, so you end up with cooling.

It's obvious that there is indeed an equilibrium between hot and cold. Those things that made it too hot upset the balance and we are going to suffer the consequences of it swinging between hot and cold until it sorts itself out.