Note to Whatsupyall

Should Whatsupyall follow this advice?

  • Yes, for sure

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • He should at least think about it

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Definatly not

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Moderators feel free to delete this post, but I feel what I have to say needs to be said.
I am an extremely tolerant person (Tolerance is a sign of weakness) and this member is very annoying for many reasons. Now, instead of banning him, I would like to help him get his point across without giving everyone here a good rib tickle

First point - Giant Purple Squid Monkey

Please oh please stop saying this. It doesn't add anything to your posts and does not back up anything you have said. But yet you use it many of your posts. Why?

And man could potentially make one of those just as man created god (imho)

Second point - The Caps lock

As you may already know, this is not a toy. It should be used respectfully. I find the caps incredibly annoying to read and the same thoughts could easily be conveyed using lower case! Do you think that if you yell, it get's your thoughts across. It doesn't. To be honest, it makes you sound like a child sulking

Third point - The insults

You call all atheists stupid (stereotyping, tut tut) and yet you do not add anything to back your claims up. What gives? By insulting other members here you are inviting every single person here to insult you in return. Not a wise desicion seeing as tho many people here are great at insults. Me included.

Try negotiating your points or getting them across peacefully. If you disagree with someone, say so. But don't follow the 'I disagree with you, now fuck off' routine that some people follow. Just say that you disagree with them and state why. If you still cannot sway them, at least you have tried.

Forth point - Respecting beliefs

How can you expect people to respect what you believe and take you seriously when you don't show any for theirs? Respect is a privelege, not a right. Try and understand peoples situations and locale. Not everybody is like you. if you think that, you should go and see a doctor and have him check to see if you're Autistic.

Fifth point - Just chill

Come on now, relax. Have some fun, but don't go to far

I hope this helps you in some way.
And as I've said before, mods feel free to delete, but I am hoping that if Whatsupyall follows this advice we'll start getting some proper debates going in this area

The only advide I have for whatsup is to at least try to be a Christian in the true sense of the word. When Jesus said "Love thy neighbor", did he mean insult them, annoy them and think yourself superior to them? I doubt it. So please whatsup, either be a Christian and live by the message of Jesus or stop insulting actual Christians by calling yourself one, when in actuality, you aren't.

Did you know that the pope at the time of the crusades ruled that "love thine Enemies" only meant enemies that were also Christian.

This permitted Christians to go ahead and slaughter anyone who wasn't already a Christian and who wouldn't readily convert.

Perhaps whatsup hasn't been updated with the news that that ruling was revoked centuries ago.

Your attempt at polite advice is well worth the trouble. Let's see if it ends in a positive result.
everyone but Xev and a few other peoples here are SO freakin PC.

Whatsup is an idiot. Total fucking asshole moron... it's not difficult to figure out is it? Why do you continue to talk to him? He should be ostracized. Tolerance is one thing, but it doesn't mean you're included socially. Spin your wheels if you will, but your efforts are better spent reading something from someone with a mind that isn't horribly horribly pointless.

if you agree with him then please, respond repeatedly, respond frequently.

For the rest of you, just kind words of good sense: Ignore him or you'll encourage him.

Let's just say we are giving him a little bit of rope here. You know how ropes can be used right?
I guess on a positive note though: A lot of people come up with a lot of interesting angles by which to refute his stupid ass. So ya know, maybe though personally he's a useless loser, he serves the higher purpose of fodder for the rest of us. Truly noble.
Originally posted by Cris

Let's just say we are giving him a little bit of rope here. You know how ropes can be used right?

That would be a good point if he would up and use it already.. ya know?

he serves the higher purpose of fodder for the rest of us
This was true, however, he now seems to be simply repeating and regurgitating the same stale and already debated issues, and with the same responses that we have already dismissed.

So I think we are rapidly approaching the point where our courtesy and patience is reaching a limit and a more final course of action will be more desirable.
Originally posted by Cris

This was true, however, he now seems to be simply repeating and regurgitating the same stale and already debated issues, and with the same responses that we have already dismissed.

So I think we are rapidly approaching the point where our courtesy and patience is reaching a limit and a more final course of action will be more desirable.

I have to agree, but would like to consider the possibility that he might feel somehow vindicated by being kicked, and/or would come back under some other handle. (it wouldn't be hard to spot him though eh?)
General, useless notes

Did you know that the pope at the time of the crusades ruled that "love thine Enemies" only meant enemies that were also Christian
I thought it worth a moment to dredge up papal infallibility, especially since such a declaration directly violates the Bible ... hmm ... just a minute .... Ah, here it is:
You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5.43-48)
Thus, just as a sidebar, it would appear that His Holiness was ... wrong. However, such notes are largely inconsequential, for as you note:
Your attempt at polite advice is well worth the trouble. Let's see if it ends in a positive result.
We can only hope.

Tiassa :cool:
Can we just review

How many people think that Whatsupyall has actually taken into consideration what I have mentioned?

I have noticed that his arguements are 'cleaner' as in he doesn't insult fact, I've seen a few rather witty comebacks. I'm yet to see any more Capital Letter paragraphs, but I haven't looked at every single one of his posts so I can't really judge

Whether the change I have noticed was because of this, I do not know.

Whatsupyall, if you would care to comment, I would gladly appreciate it. Even a "Fuck you" would suffice.

He only posts in religion, yet he is very uneducated on the subject. I argued with him once. It was one of those things where he would answer his own version of your question. So, I dont read his posts anymore.

Anyway, anyone who uses all caps and "hacker" language should be kicked off the forum. That dribble is so inconsequential, and I can't even read it because the punctuation is so messed up.

Well, I hope he actually thinks his actions over. Be hard like the rock, but as flexible as the water that falls against it.
Wow this guy seems like a real @$$! What this about his lang. he seems to be somewhat legible to me? It is not like he speaks l33t or anything is it?

this is l33t for whatsupyall:
8rI|\|9 h1|\/| |)O\/\/|\| +|-|4+ bL0od |)R1Pi|\|g +A|\/|po|\| P0ps1c|{lE 5+ic|{!

no seriously he probably is a lonely 35 year old that lives with his mother and jacks off every time some one talks about him and recognizes his little insignificant existence. He is probably doing it right now!
Respect is a privelege
Where will you go if you cannot respect all ideas? Anyone can teach you something? Whether you learn the disired message or not is not important. Are you so sure that you know something that you can say what is and is not?

How many people think that Whatsupyall has actually taken into consideration what I have mentioned?
How many people have taken into consideration what he says? Or is everything he says completly invalid? From every conversation thier is an understanding to be gained.

I have seen allot of people take to opposite side of Whatsupyall. Accept it is more readily accepted by the community on Sci-Forums. If the majority had the same preception as Whatsuyall then it would be you that is ostrecised.

Whatsup is an idiot. Total fucking asshole moron... it's not difficult to figure out is it? Why do you continue to talk to him? He should be ostracized. Tolerance is one thing, but it doesn't mean you're included socially. Spin your wheels if you will, but your efforts are better spent reading something from someone with a mind that isn't horribly horribly pointless.

He should be ostracized. Get off your high horse Wes.

no seriously he probably is a lonely 35 year old that lives with his mother and jacks off every time some one talks about him and recognizes his little insignificant existence. He is probably doing it right now!
WellCookedFetus what do you think you are doing?

This has just gotten mean. Thor if you wanted to give Whatupyall some suggestions...PM him. This kind of post usualy turns into tar and feathering. Have some consideration.

This thread disgusts me.
That would explain Americans, at least

Respect is a privelege, not a right
That would explain much about the idiotic cruelty of Americans.

Joe, having never met Bob, has no reason to award Bob the privilege of respect. Thus, Joe behaves disrespectfully toward Bob. Bob, having no reason to award Joe the privilege of respect, and in fact in the face of reasons to disrespect Joe, sets about the same.

And neither one of them could stand the weather.

I see it every day in my neighbors. It's time to get ready for the storm.

Tiassa :cool: