Not sure if this is the right place.

On a Justice issue and a moral issue, In the UK in the past women tied themselves to parliament etc to get equal rights.
Now women have more rights than men, and men have no rights in issues of moral importance involving their own children.
I would like to see a campaign or a new law that allows men equal rights involving their own children, which Uk men do not get.
Of late I have watched a person suffer, even being border line suicidal because of this issue.
His ex-wife simply will not let him see the children using them, using this to hurt him, he is currently un-employed and the legal system will not help him, social services laughed at him, the police threatened to lock him up if he persisted in trying to see his children, so he is left a broken man with no apparent rights, not allowed to even say happy birthdays etc to them, so I ask why have men not got no equal rights any more, why have we become second best and not equal to a women?
On a Justice issue and a moral issue, In the UK in the past women tied themselves to parliament etc to get equal rights.
Now women have more rights than men, and men have no rights in issues of moral importance involving their own children.
I would like to see a campaign or a new law that allows men equal rights involving their own children, which Uk men do not get.
Of late I have watched a person suffer, even being border line suicidal because of this issue.
His ex-wife simply will not let him see the children using them, using this to hurt him, he is currently un-employed and the legal system will not help him, social services laughed at him, the police threatened to lock him up if he persisted in trying to see his children, so he is left a broken man with no apparent rights, not allowed to even say happy birthdays etc to them, so I ask why have men not got no equal rights any more, why have we become second best and not equal to a women?

Do you know anything about that man's case? Did he abuse his children or do you know? Did he beat his wife? Did he use drugs/alcohol that made him a person who couldn't be trusted? There are many things that can and do happen between a woman and man that sometimes result in the rights of one or the other taken away to help either be safe. Just saying it isn't fair doesn't tell us much about the case.
Do you know anything about that man's case? Did he abuse his children or do you know? Did he beat his wife? Did he use drugs/alcohol that made him a person who couldn't be trusted? There are many things that can and do happen between a woman and man that sometimes result in the rights of one or the other taken away to help either be safe. Just saying it isn't fair doesn't tell us much about the case.
No physical abuse involved, was a good dad, took them on holiday a couple times of year etc, never beat her, but was a bit controlling with her and that is the reason for divorce. There has been no order or court order made saying he can not see his kids, Just her refusing to let him see them.
He can not afford legal fees, can not get legal aid, no one will help him to see his kids, he is expected to just not see them on her say so, and the police will enforce it if he knocks on the door etc and demands to see his kids, there is no rights for a father, anyone of your wifes or gf's if you have kids, can say see ya , you are not seeing the kids again, and you simply have no rights unless you can afford to get a solicitor. Yet women need no solicitor , just there say so.

I am saying this fails on human rights issues, and being equal to women in our rights.
No physical abuse involved, was a good dad, took them on holiday a couple times of year etc, never beat her, but was a bit controlling with her and that is the reason for divorce. There has been no order or court order made saying he can not see his kids, Just her refusing to let him see them.
He can not afford legal fees, can not get legal aid, no one will help him to see his kids, he is expected to just not see them on her say so, and the police will enforce it if he knocks on the door etc and demands to see his kids, there is no rights for a father, anyone of your wifes or gf's if you have kids, can say see ya , you are not seeing the kids again, and you simply have no rights unless you can afford to get a solicitor. Yet women need no solicitor , just there say so.

I am saying this fails on human rights issues, and being equal to women in our rights.

Seems rather strange that a court won't allow visitation as long as someone is there with him when he sees his children. He could appeal the decision to a higher court perhaps and see if they could overturn to findings of the lower court. I've never heard, in America, where a father can't see his own children unless something happened that would endanger the children or put them in harms way like kidnapping them for himself and hiding them.
Seems rather strange that a court won't allow visitation as long as someone is there with him when he sees his children. He could appeal the decision to a higher court perhaps and see if they could overturn to findings of the lower court. I've never heard, in America, where a father can't see his own children unless something happened that would endanger the children or put them in harms way like kidnapping them for himself and hiding them.
What court , it has not been court, there's no court saying he can not see his kids, just her say so. He can not afford to get a solicitor and go court, you can not obtain legal aid, he has no means in the world of seeing his kids, the police will arrest him if he goes the house and tries to see the kids, they will call it disturbing the piece. She is refusing to communicate with him or let him see his kids, and he has no rights that will allow him access by law.
If he took them from school that would be abduction even though he is the father he has no rights according to the law to see his own kids just on the basis that his ex, does not want him to see them and have a father.
What court , it has not been court, there's no court saying he can not see his kids, just her say so. He can not afford to get a solicitor and go court, you can not obtain legal aid, he has no means in the world of seeing his kids, the police will arrest him if he goes the house and tries to see the kids, they will call it disturbing the piece. She is refusing to communicate with him or let him see his kids, and he has no rights that will allow him access by law.
If he took them from school that would be abduction even though he is the father he has no rights according to the law to see his own kids just on the basis that his ex, does not want him to see them and have a father.

This seems most bizarre and I've never heard of it happening as you describe it before. Not saying it can't happen but that I have never actually heard of it. You say that he can't afford a lawyer but doesn't the country always have a free lawyer for those who can't afford one? If not where do criminals turn to to receive help so they are represented when they go to trial if they don't have money? If I were this person I'd turn to the media and have them put this case on the TV or newspapers for no one should not be able to visit their own children.
This seems most bizarre and I've never heard of it happening as you describe it before. Not saying it can't happen but that I have never actually heard of it. You say that he can't afford a lawyer but doesn't the country always have a free lawyer for those who can't afford one? If not where do criminals turn to to receive help so they are represented when they go to trial if they don't have money? If I were this person I'd turn to the media and have them put this case on the TV or newspapers for no one should not be able to visit their own children.
In the UK you can not get free solicitors/lawyers for this type thing because it is not of a criminal act. That is why I said the point of equal rights, women gained equal rights etc but seemingly have gained the edge when it concerns letting a father see their children, the Uk is quite morally corrupt with a failed system regards to a fathers rights.
They brought out a thing called parental responsibility, and even if the father is not living at the address still suppose to have a say in medical issues, education and things of importance, however there is nothing in place to even enforce this, the womens refusal is not a crime or is there a law against it.
It doesn't matter what the law is if you don't have enough money to go to court to enforce it.

He needs to get a job to be able to enforce his rights and to help support his kids. She appears to be the one doing that right now. There's got to be more to this story however.

If he wasn't causing problems she wouldn't (most likely) be trying to keep her kids from seeing their father.