Not looking good for "Nessie"


Truth Beyond Logic
Registered Senior Member

The so far most comprehensive search for Nessie has ended. A sattilite and sonar search has not found Nessie anywhere in Loch Ness. While it is far more difficult to prove something does not exist than it is to say something does exist, the case against the Loch Ness Monster is gaining more weight.

Naturally, objections from those that will still believe will follow and if the arguments are rational and reasonable, the debate will still not be settled.
Amazingly, no amount of rational evidence is likely to convince the believers in “Nessie” that she doesn't exist. Her fans have a powerful affection for the absurd; this won't sway them a bit.

:m: Peace.
To be fair, not all the photos have been debunked, and some are just forgotten by skeptics - namely the earlier sonar and submarine photos.

It will be some time before it's all figured out - their is a case for, and against the existance of the creature.
hm, even if...

Nessie were still alive, i mean, how long can this creature live?
and through pollution, climate change, the lack of food, more or less...

it's probably dead by now and the only reason why it would still be alive is through peoples imagination.
A creature of such mass would require high amounts of food and in that dinky lake it would run out it's food supply pretty fast.
Ok Sarge,
My Scottish hubby says you need to check your facts on the loch itself there are caves under that sonar will not reach also there is passage that leads out to the Atlantic so that food source is not an issue there is also a constant source of fish in the loch so from the mouth of a Glaswegian and that’s the only place I know of to get the more accurate info on the loch that is where it stands lol maybe we should all look it up first???
Poor nessie or it could just be that Scottish ego and way of life that shouts "I’m right I’m always right and if I'm not right it’s shite!"
lmao :p
Originally posted by goofyfish
Amazingly, no amount of rational evidence is likely to convince the believers in “Nessie” that she doesn't exist. Her fans have a powerful affection for the absurd; this won't sway them a bit.

:m: Peace.

you mean kind of like the people who follow ufos. gods, and aliens right? I have said it over and over again, If you want to believe in something bad enough, then you will eventually see it
The popular explanation among believers at present is that it's a family of plesiosaurs trapped in the loch. The ice age, I think, throws a kink in that assumption. Even with Loch Ness being 800 feet deep, wouldn't it have been frozen solid during the last Ice Age? How thick was the ice cap on Scotland anyway?

And if there were a colony of plesiosaurs living in Loch Ness when the glaciers came down, and if the loch hadn't frozen completely solid, thus allowing them to swim around under the ice like goldfish in a pond (and I suppose they would have had to punch breathing holes in the ice like seals), what would they have eaten? If the surrounding landscape was totally locked down in ice, there wouldn't have been any nutrients to wash down into the loch to nourish the food chain that ends in the salmon that Nessie is supposed to eat.
Originally posted by nexxa
...there is passage that leads out to the Atlantic so that food source is not an issue there is also a constant source of fish in the loch…
There was a UPI report in the early 90s that described the results of a thorough ecological study of the loch (which I cannot find online at the moment) that found Loch Ness incapable of supporting even one creature the size of a Plesiosaur, let alone a group of large predators. There is insufficient biomass in the lake to support anything other than large fish, perhaps a primitive sturgeon.

In any event, real or not, Nessie sucks. She's lame.

I mean, gimme a MONSTER to believe in. Nessie's a big, shy, dumb, fish. What fun is that? Why are people so into that? I want something that represents a danger; that kills and rends and shreds. Something to scare kids with. What I'm saying is, Nessie would be more interesting if she was like that gator in Lake Placid. There're even a few Yeti stories which include human bones found in caves and stuff, and one or two Bigfoot stories where they attacked trailer parks (even that's a little lame).

I want a story where some guy comes out of being lost in the woods and says a big missing link jumped out and ate his brother Earl alive.

:m: Peace.
While reading this thread, I thought about two things : God and Jesus. It's not a religious thread but just think about the easiest (Jesus), it's like Nessie : no proofs!

So, of course we can't prove that Nessie exists, but that's more easy to believe than a guy who walks on water...

For information : I think that Nessie exists ;)
Maybe nessie is Jesus! I mean, like you never see the two of them together, do you?
I believe Nessie was created by scotland so the place it self would attract more peoples attention.
Originally posted by 420Joey
I believe Nessie was created by scotland so the place it self would attract more peoples attention.

Yes, it's all a deviously clever plot by the Scottish board of tourism! Those bastards, they knew just how to play with our hearts and minds!
The legends about Nessie have existed for thousands of years.

Everyone ought to remember that at one time, meteorites were considered just as much a rediculous and far-fetched a notion. It wasn't until the 19th centurty that the commoners notion that rocks fall out of the sky was accepted by scientists. Before that, they were considered a myth too, and those who said rocks fell from the sky were ridiculed as crackpots and "stupid uneducated" people by the seccular scientists of the time.

Just because someone says "It's all a myth" does not mean the phenomenon does not exist, but only that the kind of evidence they want has either not been found or they aren't aware of it.
Originally posted by Xevious
The legends about Nessie have existed for thousands of years.
Thousands of years?
I know it sounds good, but is there anything to support this?
And a legend is still a legend without some kind of evidence.

:m: Peace.

This is a good article on the Loch Ness Monster, which shows the history of the legend tracing back to the Celts and Romans, and even earlier. The article also mentions that the debunked footprint and the 1934 photograph were done by the same man, and the debunking was partly the work of paranormal investigators, not skeptics.

It was written by someone who wonders but isn't convinced, just as I am likewise wonders, but sits on the fence.
The best way to know is to see if Nessie sightings decline. Remember, "Mothman" sightings ended long ago once people quit paying attention to people who claimed to see him. If Nessie stops getting media coverage and the sightings persist, their is a better chance their is something real.
Mabye things arent looking that bad. Check out the thread about Loch Ness in the Earth Science forum. May be convincing?
the scientists that did the survey with sonar said it was completely possible for something the size of the loch ness dinosaur to be hidden in one of hundreds of caves that they would never have enough money to survey

a thermal effect created by the breaking of the ice crust would tend to oxygenate the water to generate thermal currents

the underwater tunnel would also act like a pump to presurise
the surface crust and suck back plancton and other nuetrients
so there is a possibility but im not clear of the ice age facts as they are percieved by the scientists

groove on :)