Not Even God.



Not Even God.
There is a non-place that not even God can fathom
let alone enter, not even in "his" most wildest dreams.​

This non-place is Modern Physics' Quantum-gap that somehow exists Timelessly between any of Physics' particles, like electrons.

If a person could find the impossible- miracle he would need to enter this non-place (which is between two of Physics' electrons) he would be in this non-place that Physics' calls the Quantum Gap -- a non-place where no particles can enter -- EVER, NOT EVEN if these particles were Gods... not even if these Gods could perform impossible-miracles. (All miracles, even impossible miracles, need a "place" to work, they cannot exist let alone work in a non-place. )

But if such an impossible-miracle allowed a person to go beyond the gods and enter this non-place called Quantum Gap such a person would realize that in this non-place there is NO Universe -- ANYWHERE.

Over 5000 years ago some Hindu Sages, around the Indus River in India, studied the way their thoughts appeared to work in effortless-meditation. In this study of thoughts they figured out this EXACT same non-place Physics calls its Quantum-gap.
These Hindu Sages called this same non-place Atman -- it was a non-place because not even gods can fathom it, let alone enter it -- NOT EVEN in their wildest dreams, a "place" where there IS NO Universe -- ANYWHERE.

The Hindus called their study of thoughts that gave them their Advaita, otherwise Samadhi, the "Supreme Science." This Supreme Science is the Monism that has been handed down to us in a quagmire of pious dualistic words called Advaita.

The only apparent difference between the Monism of Modern Physics' Quantum Mechanics and the Monism of Advaita is the words. The exact same words that allows Physics to not only built its Universe but make it expand ... these exact same words can appear so different
that they make the exact same Universe vanish into the thoughts of Advaita
so that not even God can find it
not even in His most wildest dreams.

-- Really Reality.