Nostradamus predictions uh oh!


Registered Member
I was reading a very interesting article today about Nostradamus and his predictions about this christmas through january.
It was about the War in the middle east and how soldiers will die from nuclear explosion and the chemicals will travel over seas and kill tons of innocent people. It talked about the swarm of locusts and on the coming of new year look into the sky at the orbit of mars and visitors such as aliens visiting or something like that. Also talked about the poisoning of the missouri river and terrorism in missour (uh oh i live in missouri). Its very interesting you should read it but i dont know if its on the net i read it in a magazine.
So, when it doesn't happen, how will that be explained?

People have been making rubbish prophecies and telling us the world is going to end for ages. Nostradamus told us that it was going to end in July 1999 (I remember it well, me and some friends went to tempt fate and have a drink in a pub called 'The Word's End' in Camden, London).

So, why did Nostradamus make prophecies beyond the time he forsaw the world ending?

Or was the article you read a bunch of shrink the facts to fit the prophecies and let's not worry about the bits that don't fit even if they stick out like sore thumbs journalism.
Those fate-tempting punks of yours may have SAVED US ALL!

Ande there shalle be an Ende to the Worlde/
And the Talle and the Shorte and the Not so Tall nor so Shorte/
Shall go upon the Road bei Camden Plice to that Ende/
Ande Have a Drinke.
I have been sooo interested in Nostradamus for so long! Just lik eTarot cards, ever since I heard about him, even though not knowing much about the subject, I felt it was something worth learning.
I actually watched a special on him on one of those History channels. He was sort of a shaman, as I understand. He practiced medicine and that sort of ting. But the point is, his prophesies are some what accurate, depending on how you look at it. Some say they are too broad and it might just be poetry inspired by limited free speech at that time. But I think he truely deserves credid for what he did, credid for the "warnings" he gave us. Maybe they were not in the intent to be "warnings" but I believe in what he did.
However, him being a man of long ago, and him being an individual we cannot fully rebuild, his quatrains and his "predictions" shouldn't be translated in just one way. He might have had a meaning behind a line that is sort of hidden, if that makes sense.
Anyhow, people have predicted the end of times for a very long time, but maybe they were reading the time itself wrong. And again, he might not even have been talking about the end of all living.
Well, this is all just my opinions, and I have a lot more =)! I just think he shouldn't be doubted, not taken seriously. He should simply be given credit to, and taken under consideration...or until we all learn more about him.

I am reminded of the hoax that was perpatrated some half a century ago.

A man set about mailing out numerous predictions. i.e.: 100,000 saying a certain stock would make a major jump in the market and suggest that it be bought immediately. He solicitated no payment for his advice.

But he also sent out 100,000 claiming the stock would take a dive and to unloaded it immediately.

The consequence was regardliess of what happened 50% were surprised that this prediction came true.

He next mailed out new predictions to 50,000 of those that he had advised correctly claiming another stock was on the block to buy and another 50,000 to sell immediately.

The result 50,000 people got two predictions correct in a row.

Rather than elabotate a long story it followed that

#3 - 50,000 right on
#4 - 25,000 right on
#5 - 12,500 right on.
#6 - 6,250 right on
#7 - 3,125 right on
#8 - 1,562 right on.

After 8 incrediable predictions in a row he then sent these folks a letter claiming to have uncovered the biggest stock potential of all time and that to benefit they should send him whatever amount they could afford and that he would handle their investment and make them rich. The more they could send the more he could make for them
#9 - 781 got rich and were more than glad to re-invest in a double your money scheme
#10 - 390 takers
#11 - 195 takers
#12 - 97 takers
#13 - This guy is incrediable he hasn't missed a prediction 12 in a row, send him everything we own. 48 takers
#14 - 24 takers
#15 - 12 takers
#16 - 6 takers
#17 - 3 takers
#18 - 1 taker

He splits with the accumulated cash and all were losers except him.

I have forgotten the exact numbers and progression but it was millions. He actually got caught since some of the losers had began to complain to the Fed's and he was investigated but as Fed investigations go it took time and he had accumulated a massive amount of money in the process.
Originally posted by JesseMckee
I was reading a very interesting article today about Nostradamus and his predictions about this christmas through january.
It was about the War in the middle east and how soldiers will die from nuclear explosion and the chemicals will travel over seas and kill tons of innocent people. It talked about the swarm of locusts and on the coming of new year look into the sky at the orbit of mars and visitors such as aliens visiting or something like that. Also talked about the poisoning of the missouri river and terrorism in missour (uh oh i live in missouri). Its very interesting you should read it but i dont know if its on the net i read it in a magazine.
bunch of BS,if you ask me,how could this dude Nostradamus who lived 500 hundred years ago
know anything like nuclear weapons will exist,
the person who translated those predictions obviously did not translate it right,
terrorism can happen almost anywhere,as people can travel so freely,
and the polution?heck its in every damn river thats near industrial areas,not just Missouri,
Q25... i would like to point out that there have been many predictions made by past intellectuals as to future inventions etc. EXAMPLE: de vinci had thought up helicopters, planes etc. centuries before the wright brothers flew the first plane... the fact of the matter is, he might have used what knowledge he had and assumed the human race was intelligent enough to make something of it over the next 1000 years. :p