Noraid, St Patrick and the morality of terrorist fundraising

Pinocchio's Hoof

Pay the Devil, or else.......£
Registered Senior Member
It's only been 10 years since the IRA killed 29 Omagh 1998..!
30 years of raising money to help fund terrorism, and St Patricks day (in America) being the most popular fundraiser for the IRA and Irish paramilitary forces (or terrorist's as they are now known)....
I hope it has hit home, post 9/11 the effects of a terror attack has on a country.....
The fact that out of 40 million Irish-Americans, millions of dollars has been given to a terrorist organisation by US sympathisers....
it was only after 9/11 they called for a clampdown on IRA funding

a good book on the 'Romantic simplicities' about "british occupation' held by many Irish-American activists, whom he labels "arcadian dreamers' of an Ireland of the past, is THE AMERICAN CONNECTION by Jack Holland.

I hope you spared a thought on St Patricks day for the soldiers killed trying to protect the Irish from the Irish


And wonder if any of the money will go on to help those who have suffered the worse...i.e the innocent.

Its hard to comprehend why we are allies with those who have supported a terror campain against us....

So I wonder if monies raised this year have gone to a better cause than they did ten years ago and spare a thought for the victims of Omagh who were killed by a terrorist organisation which relied on the US for funds

yet we are so-called "CLOSEST ALLIES" .
You cannot change the past but using the age old expression..."let he who is without sin cast the first stone"... Terrorism is Terrorism and should not be supported anywhere by anyone without excuse..........

About the terrorist organizations which organize parades.- Fund raisers and the arts of money laundering.- How parades help to build bombs and contribute to the violence in Northern Ireland.
Have you ever attended a fund raiser in a pub for a St. Patrick's day parade?
If so you will have noted that there are many ways that money is collected. You are charged admission at the door which goes into a cash box. In my experience there is no receipt and at times it is unclear exactly what organization is collecting the money. Without accounting no one knows where the money is going. Once inside the fund raiser still other fund raising opportunities exist- sales of chances, tee shirts and other products. Where does that money really go?
Chances are that your local parade or Irish festival committee keeps excellent financial records. Such records do not always list the final destinations of the funds. An organization may call itself an " Irish Charity",however, checks with the state government may find that no registered charity by that name. The charity may be one in name only or perhaps the official status of the charity has lapsed.
It is an easy matter for Charities to be completely out front with the consumer by publishing the tax exempt or, charity status numbers on all official publications and documents bearing the name of the organization. If this number is not present it should be obtained and then later verified with the issuing agency. Other charities such as NORAID may be registered charities but they may very well also be arms of terrorist paramilitary organizations which solicit funds technically to care for prisoners when in fact they are really saving the central organization money which it in turn, spends on terror. Qualifications required by government agencies may not be identical to the standards and values of the donor.
It is important to know exactly where your money is going. At festivals inquire where the funds for sodas go- Who gets the profits from beer sales or whatever... and then, what do those organizations in turn do with the money. You may be suprised at what you find out!
The actual cost of Parades also is a matter of concern. Do the fund-raisers really have to collect such a huge amount of money? Could it be that some of the costs such as for Parade Insurance are extremely high? Why should it cost so much for a parade to simply pass down a public street- sure there are city fees but do you know exactly how much they are?- try contacting city hall!
Read the Statement of the Ulster Cyber Community on St.Patrick's Day Parades and Related activities:

So I hope any monies raised on St Pat's day has gone to better use now than the 30 years before 9/11....And do not be so harsh on muslim's who donate to their causes because they are as blind as all those who have donated to Noraid.....Peace out from a SO-CALLED ally....?
People would rather not think about such things.

Or even hear about them.

Many Irish Americans were enthusiastic supporters of Irish independence; the Fenian Brotherhood movement was based in the United States and launched several attacks on British-controlled Canada known as the "Fenian Raids". The Provisional IRA received significant funding for its paramilitary activities from a group of Irish American supporters — in 1984, the US Department of Justice won a court case forcing the Irish American fundraising organization NORAID to acknowledge the Provisional IRA as its "foreign principal".
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Most don't care because they don't see the IRA as a rapidly growing threat like radical Islam.

They also didn't care before Islam became a threat....we have no reason to be allies (apart from the governments being buddies) yet we are allied with those who rallied against us......

And it doesn't escape the fact that the citisens of the US funded terrorism AGAINST US for naive purposes....

Why should we care about the US's fear of Islam there is a large % of Islamics in the UK perhaps we shouldn't care if they fund terrorism on US soil
People would rather not think about such things.

Or even hear about them.

But it does not escape the fact that they have funded terrorism against their allies the US may forget easily (but thats denial) but we who were at the recieving end of the IRA'S terrorist activities REMEMBER WELL....

truth hurts...The 8 children who died 10 years ago......should they be forgotten because its possible that US $ fundeed the killing.....look at their faces raise a guiness and praise the IRA for there bravery in denying these children life
a quote about Congressman Pete King, the Europeans and terrorism
June 9th, 2006
It's hard for some of us Europeans to understand how it can be that an American prominent in public life who was for years regarded, with reason, as a leading supporter of the IRA can now be the Chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee. It's even harder to accept that he goes on CNN and the BBC to accuse the Europeans of having no experience or understanding of terrorism.

Congressman Pete King (Republican, New York), has been attacking the European Court of Justice's rejection of the US-EU agreement requiring airlines to supply to the US authorities, within 15 minutes of a plane taking off, 34 pieces of information on every passenger flying to the US, including who's flying, names, addresses and credit card information, how they paid, their health records, what they eat on the flight[1] — and where they're going after they enter the US:

Pete King, a US Congressman who chairs the homeland security committee of the House of Representatives, was outraged that Mr Moraes [member of the European Parliament] doubted the US's word that the data was dealt with responsibly.
"I know how committed the department is to security, to privacy," he said. "For him to say not to trust… I don't know why, I mean, Michael Chertoff (the Homeland Security Secretary) is a former federal judge, a former federal prosecutor and a man of impeccable integrity…
"What we have to do is try to find a way to resolve this. But ultimately if we don't get what information we need, we will have to take what action we think is necessary." The Times, 30 May 2006

Representative King has explained, in recent CNN and BBC interviews, that the Europeans can't understand the need for this information to be handed over because Europeans have no experience of terrorism in their own countries and no understanding of the security needs of the US following 9/11. Mr King is also audibly concerned about the al-Qaeda threat from Canada (try to take this seriously, please):

It's worth considering Congressman King's record of activity and comment over Northern Ireland. Ed Molony, in the New York Sun of 22 June 2005, wrote:

Since the late 1970s, a Long Island congressman, Peter King, has been aligned with one of the most violent terrorist groups in recent European history, defying critics in his own Republican Party and elsewhere, and yet managing to prosper. Now, however, Mr. King and the Irish Republican Army appear to have come to a parting of the ways.

After years spent stoutly defending the IRA and its often bloody methods, Mr. King recently called on the group to disband and bring the seemingly endless Irish peace process to a final and successful conclusion. Frustrated with continued IRA criminality, Mr. King is now in an unaccustomed position: His stance on the IRA is tougher than that of either the British or Irish governments, although it is in lockstep with White House advisers…

Once a vocal and frequent House champion for the IRA's political wing, Sinn Fein, and its leader, Gerry Adams, the 60-year-old, Queens-born Mr. King has said nothing about either on the House floor in years. The politician once called the IRA "the legitimate voice of occupied Ireland," he was banned from the BBC by British censors for his pro-IRA views, and he refused to denounce the IRA when one of its mortar bombs killed nine Northern Irish police officers. But Mr. King is now one of America's most outspoken foes of terrorism.

Six weeks after September 11, 2001, he told WABC radio that the military should use tactical nuclear weapons in Afghanistan if it was believed that Islamic terrorists would deploy chemical weapons on American soil. … In 1980, Mr. D'Amato, then the senator-elect, fulfilled a campaign pledge and went to Belfast on a fact-finding trip, taking Messrs. King and Dillon with him. It was the start of Mr. King's long entanglement with the IRA, and he took to it with the zeal of a convert.

[Following a visit to Ireland in 1980] [h]e forged links with leaders of the IRA and Sinn Fein in Ireland, and in America he hooked up with Irish Northern Aid, known as Noraid, a New York based group that the American, British, and Irish governments often accused of funneling guns and money to the IRA. At a time when the IRA's murder of Lord Mountbatten and its fierce bombing campaign in Britain and Ireland persuaded most American politicians to shun IRA-support groups, Mr. King displayed no such inhibitions. He spoke regularly at Noraid protests and became close to the group's publicity director, the Bronx lawyer Martin Galvin, a figure reviled by the British.

Mr. King's support for the IRA was unequivocal. In 1982, for instance, he told a pro-IRA rally in Nassau County: "We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry."

In the years after the [IRA and INLA prisoners'] hunger strike, Noraid was a major player in New York's Irish-American politics. That was most evident in the yearly election of grand marshal of the St. Patrick's Day parade, when Noraid sympathizers were chosen each year. In 1985, the group threw its weight behind Mr. King. When he won and led the procession in top hat and tails, before an estimated 2 million spectators, the Irish government boycotted the parade. Efforts to persuade Cardinal O'Connor and the city's political establishment to follow suit failed.

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Most don't care because they don't see the IRA as a rapidly growing threat like radical Islam.

most English,English muslims, Muslims don't care about the growing threat to the deceptive governments ....but hey ho swings and roundabouts...
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when the IRA first started it was known as at error orginisation but it was not it was them fighting against discrimination so when the time came to end it many people felt that it could still work but they done horrible things which left the world hating them but th IRA where not the only ones the bitish army killed many people and so did the UVF who were the first violent group in ireland.
when the IRA first started it was known as at error orginisation but it was not it was them fighting against discrimination so when the time came to end it many people felt that it could still work but they done horrible things which left the world hating them but th IRA where not the only ones the bitish army killed many people and so did the UVF who were the first violent group in ireland.

my in gripe is they targeted women and children,(their own people) the army didn't....(it doesn't make them blameless) but they stopped the Irish killing themselves....remember holy cross.....?
and it is Immoral to fund any terror organisation whether american or not
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