Non Newtonian Forces


It seems that to identify a potential that is not described within current models, then there is something new to address in physics.

This paper shares experiments that illustrate the findings;

Has this been observed in current (cosmological) models by anyone on this site?

Without a solid understanding of this effect, limits to non-Newtonian forces appear very weak and prone to criticism. This in turn demands reliable assessments of the precision and sensitivity of the experimental set-up, for instance also by means of blind tests as proposed in Section IV. It will be also necessary, in order to avoid unintentional bias in the data analysis and to collect diverse feedbacks, to allow for a broad data sharing among various experimental groups and phenomenologists interested in independent analysis. This is possible at zero cost through internet resources and simply adopting what is already implemented in other subfields of physics, most notably in astronomy and high-energy physics, with data archives available to all interested astronomers and physicists.

it seems the scientist (Italy) within the publication are seeking others to share and observe the data.

Who would like to walk this through and see if there is tangible grounds to pursue the evidence?
Ummm I think you've misread this abstract.

The author gives a broad review of the current status of experimentally testing the Casimir Force, and suggests a new way to quantify it. The importance is that many experiments are looking for short range modifications to Newton's Law, and the Casimir force is expected to be a background which must be understood.
Ummm I think you've misread this abstract.
if perfection was my middle name, than i could say impossible

but being that i read 'current' material i find there is far more than most realize

such that this is talking about the '5th force' as it has been touched on by many for the last 'few' decades but some are unaware

hence the thread

The author gives a broad review of the current status of experimentally testing the Casimir Force, and suggests a new way to quantify it. The importance is that many experiments are looking for short range modifications to Newton's Law, and the Casimir force is expected to be a background which must be understood.
agreed... as QM has a few uncertainty issues

within the document it shares more

___________It is understandable that, due to the exponential suppression in the distance dependence do to a finite λ, even for a large α the signal contribution due to the Yukawian term will be masked by the long-range Newtonian term unless experiments are performed on a scale comparable or smaller than λ. Such Yukawian forces are expected in many attempts to unify gravity to the other fundamental interactions. While variegate mechanisms have been proposed so far predicting gravitational-strength Yukawian forces [8], we would like to remark on the fact that even in minimal scenarios aimed at incorporating gravity into the standard model one should expect such forces. Indeed, by assuming that spontaneous symmetry breaking is the way to consider diverse interactions as different manifestations of a unified picture, the unification should give rise to the presence of new intermediate gauge bosons with characteristics in between the parent interactions. The successful electroweak unification is a prototypical example, as it predicts a new gauge boson, the Z0 particle, with features in between the purely electromagnetic sector (it is electrically neutral like photons) and the purely weak sector (it is massive similarly to the W± bosons). By analogy, if we believe that spontaneous symmetry breaking is the universal path for unifying fundamental interactions (which will be scrutinized with the forthcoming experiments at the Large Hadron Collider), we should expect short-range gauge bosons with intermediate coupling between usual gravity and the other interactions. Unfortunately, without further assumptions, the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking does not give quantitative hints on the couplings and range of the interactions. These parameters can be only determined from experimental inputs through new phenomena, which will be the counterpart of the discovery of the neutral weak currents (and the consequent measurement of the Weinberg angle) for the successful electroweak unification. This motivates the search for non-Newtonian forces in the broadest range of distances and couplings. ____________

it seems that casimir is being measured to 'possibly' account for what gravity is............