Non – stop engine (II)


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Few months ago I had chance to post topic here about a non stop engine model. Now it has been improved and works well, and I wold like to introduce my new model here.

1. Tools and facilities:
- The main component of this model is a wooden toy with dragonfly shape. Its head is a rectangle which is curved upward, with long tail
- A sharp pillar
- A medium sizes magnet (In attached screenshot it is the round and black piece)
- A tiny magnet

2. Model
- Stick the tiny magnet under the tail of dragonfly shaped specimen. The gravity of magnet makes this specimen settles down toward the tail.
- Then, touch the sharp peak of the rectangle head of the specimen very slightly into the top of the pillar. It makes the balance status of this dragonfly toy is very unstable. It is very easy to drop down as seen in attached screenshot
- Put the medium sized magnet at the base of the pillar so that its upward pole is the same as the downward pole of the tiny one (i.e. south to south, or north to north), and they are face to face as shown in attached screenshot
- Keep the whole system in an insolated room, with all doors and windows are closed to prevent air wing influence.

3. Operation:
- The attraction force between 2 magnets makes the tail of the specimen is pulled down slightly, before it is up again. Then a new period starts with the up and down movement of the specimen tail, again and again etc.
- The position of the medium sized magnet is adjustable so that it can give best result to the movement of the specimen. If the distance between magnets is so far, the force intensity is so weak to result in movement. Otherwise, the strong attraction force from the medium sized will also prevent the specimen from moving.

I let my model there overnight to make sure that there is no stopping. And luckily it does not stop until now.

I post my article here so that any interesting individual can follow and replicate my experiments.

All of my expectation that you can contact me and replicate my experiment

Thinh from Vietnam
I let my model there overnight to make sure that there is no stopping. And luckily it does not stop until now.

But it did stop. Minimize friction, and the period of movement will be large, seemingly not ending, but if you measure the starting swing, and then later measure again, it will be less, even if a small amount.

Your title says engine. To be an engine, it must convert its motion into work. This thing you've made is very efficient, but the minute you try and hook something up to get work out of it, it will stop rather quickly. The least intrusive way would be to have the magnet pass across wires to induce a current in them. Problem is, that will also have a reaction against the mechanism, slowing it down, because it's not producing energy, just maintaining the little bit of energy you put into it for a long time.
Hi Rhaedas,

It was slow down, but it did not stop permamently. I repeated many times, it vibrated slightly whole day with the same intensity
If it slows, then it will eventually stop. The rate of slowing may decrease, but it will, nonetheless.

And this is just its own motion. As I said before, if you tried in any way to harness it as an engine, it would stop quickly. The only source of power is what you put into it to start its motion.
Well, obviously not...

It seems like this kind of experiment is done in disbelief, after hearing the teacher explain conservation of energy, or reading something about it, like frequently is said here. It seems to be done to prove what common sense tells us, that things are not always as they seem, or that things set in motion will move for a long time, as if maybe they could be "helped" to move forever? Interesting, though, is that there's this concession:

I let my model there overnight to make sure that there is no stopping. And luckily it does not stop until now.

What luck indeed! Much better than to build it so well that it would take years to stop, with one eye glued on it the whole time, just to make sure.
Well, obviously not...
Are you implying that the OP was presenting this as an example of perpetual motion? That seems clearly not to be the case, and so I think the smuggness shown by Aqueous Id and you are really just your way of needlessly calling our OP ignorant without actually saying it. Do you think the OP is ignorant of the nature of perpetual motion and thinks his device has the potential for perpetual motion?
He's claiming it doesn't stop, so yes. If there's no input and he's saying it doesn't stop, then that's perpetual motion. Only, he's not waiting long enough to see that it does stop. Or that there's something else contributing to its motion, although he says it was in a closed in area to prevent air movement.
He's claiming it doesn't stop, so yes. If there's no input and he's saying it doesn't stop, then that's perpetual motion. Only, he's not waiting long enough to see that it does stop. Or that there's something else contributing to its motion, although he says it was in a closed in area to prevent air movement.
If that is his claim then you all are right about informing him about physics and perpetual motion. I just am willing to see this as an unabashed promotion of a childrens device that he probably is selling in Vietnam. Like, look for the kit on your store shelves, lol.
Not so difficult to be patient in this case.

I simply put the system in an isolated area and continue with my own works. I visited there occasionally to make sure that it keeps on moving.

For mechanism, the dragonfly toy stays motionlessly when I removed the magnet out of the base of pillar. When it is put again there, the system works
I am not sure if simiilar toys can be found in your area or not, but I think it's not difficult to buy one
Thanks, I'll keep my eyes open. Have fun with it, but your not thinking of hooking it into the electrical grid quite yet, right?
Where can we get a kit to make our own?
They will never produce a kit to make your own. You can't get a patent on a free energy device. It is the only type of thing you could never get a patent on. So then no company would ever produce it because then they wouldn't have a patent and anyone could copy or reproduce it. So hopefully no one will ever need a device that deals with particle pair production...

If anyone actually did invent a free energy device, they would have no claim to it legally and then practically have to give it away for free, and then they would have to sue the pants off of the patent office. It wouldn't be free, it would actually just cost that person a lot of money from losing that legal battle. If someone did create a free energy device they should just give it away to someone for free.
Are you implying that the OP was presenting this as an example of perpetual motion? That seems clearly not to be the case, and so I think the smuggness shown by Aqueous Id ...
You say that so "smuggly".

and you are really just your way of needlessly calling our OP ignorant without actually saying it.
Ignorant of what?

Do you think the OP is ignorant of the nature of perpetual motion and thinks his device has the potential for perpetual motion?
"Non-stop" means "perpetual motion".
They will never produce a kit to make your own. You can't get a patent on a free energy device. It is the only type of thing you could never get a patent on. So then no company would ever produce it because then they wouldn't have a patent and anyone could copy or reproduce it. So hopefully no one will ever need a device that deals with particle pair production...

If anyone actually did invent a free energy device, they would have no claim to it legally and then practically have to give it away for free, and then they would have to sue the pants off of the patent office. It wouldn't be free, it would actually just cost that person a lot of money from losing that legal battle. If someone did create a free energy device they should just give it away to someone for free.

Except that there is no free energy from an over-unity device, because over-unity is impossible. There is no perpetual motion machine, because it's impossible.