Nodding disease - baffles science.

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
At the moment if stats are correct up to 4000 pubescent children are terminally ill with this incredibly sad disease.

location South Sudanese/North Uganda border.
relatively recent onset. although first observed in the late 60's in the southern parts of the Sudan.

No solid ideas of transmission or casuality by the WHO

I do have a few serious ideas about casuality but can not discuss them. Possibly your input may help indirectly.

What feelings about this disease causality are inspired by the videos? [no matter how naive you think you may be as sometimes intutive responses are better in times like this]
Patrick is one of more than 3,000 children in northern Uganda who are suffering from a mystery ailment known as "nodding disease". For several years, scientists have tried- and failed- to determine the cause of the disease that has claimed at least 200 young lives in the area
My first thoughts in response to the question of cause would be to examine what has changed in this region in the period prior to the appearance of this disease.

That it affects almost exclusively children is very interesting. That it was first observed in the late 1960's is also interesting. What new developments were taking place globally about then that may have contributed?

Though their is considerable speculation about this being a disorder caused by external vectors because of the presence of parasites, I'm not sure if this is the case. Are parasites capable of being that specific to age?

Age relationship could be pointing to something in the DNA. What could cause a change in the DNA that would then affect the subsequent generations?

That's where my mind goes on first examination of this information. :confused:
I'm not a doctor, however I can see why they are looking at the parasite's potentially being linked to the problem considering the initial "Sleeping Sickness" ( caused by the tsetse fly larvae.

I'd go completely out on a limb (since I don't have the CDC's information in regards to what regions of brain are suffering atrophy) however retardation and stunting of growth is likely thyroid related, considering the nature of how the tsetse fly's larvae can transverse the blood brain barrier, it could be suggested that either the larvae is directly assaulting the regions that deal with hormone release, or the larvae's producing a toxin/protein that's effecting production. (larvae eats, produces waste and that waste is either a protein or toxin. If it's a toxin it suggests it's not viral)

However like I point out, it's complete supposition with no foundation.
Another possible avenue that also occurs is the mention of vitamin B deficiency in the following video as vitamin B is known to have neurological effect. The noted association between reactions to food and temperature change provide another clue, I'm thinking. The brain requires enormous amounts of energy and how does the body respond if this energy is not available during the developmental process? Do the neurological pathways just not form or do they break down?

Reminds me of gardening where all my seeds germinate similarly under controlled conditions but then some of them do not thrive, even though I give them identical care. :shrug:
I am the sort of guy who looks for what is not being mentioned amd i watch those two videos and read up a bit and note there is no mention of the fact that all chidren are in the pubety life cycle. All children are pubescent. They are maturing into teenagers but never really get there.
Why this is not mentioned in any of the reports is amazing to me, yet this appears to be the case.
Now if you refer to the nature of puberty in Eastern or Yogic terms, energisticaly then relate back to Chineses medicine, reflexology, and associated alternatives and THEN relate to conventional hormonal develoment studies in children especially regards to sexuality and fertiity, you may see a possible clue.

However it is why the connection between 4000 odd children if the situation is neither viral nor bacterial nor toxin that is the mystery.
If it is not viral,
not parasitic
not bacterial,
not toxin,
then what could it be?
Another possible avenue that also occurs is the mention of vitamin B deficiency in the following video as vitamin B is known to have neurological effect. The noted association between reactions to food and temperature change provide another clue, I'm thinking. The brain requires enormous amounts of energy and how does the body respond if this energy is not available during the developmental process? Do the neurological pathways just not form or do they break down?

Reminds me of gardening where all my seeds germinate similarly under controlled conditions but then some of them do not thrive, even though I give them identical care. :shrug:
spot on.! IMO.. a den mothers intuition is amazing...I agree. It is indeed a lack of energy symptomology. Severe enough to cause a child to sleep walk whilst awake... sort of thing.
The energy is needed not only to promote growth but is absolutely needed to sustain any growth that is achieved. It appears there is not enough of either available to the children.
In Eastern Thought this amounts to a devastation of the Kundalini, the life force energy. The children are dying whilst awake, a most tragic state.
I'm not a doctor, however I can see why they are looking at the parasite's potentially being linked to the problem considering the initial "Sleeping Sickness" ( caused by the tsetse fly larvae.

I'd go completely out on a limb (since I don't have the CDC's information in regards to what regions of brain are suffering atrophy) however retardation and stunting of growth is likely thyroid related, considering the nature of how the tsetse fly's larvae can transverse the blood brain barrier, it could be suggested that either the larvae is directly assaulting the regions that deal with hormone release, or the larvae's producing a toxin/protein that's effecting production. (larvae eats, produces waste and that waste is either a protein or toxin. If it's a toxin it suggests it's not viral)

However like I point out, it's complete supposition with no foundation.
As you know sometimes the act of "brainstorming an idea" can prove very successful. There is nothing wrong with your contribution about the possibility of insect parasite. The WHO have been spending much time trying to isolate this aspect.
However so far there is no evidence other than comparative historics to go on. Yes it does have similarities yet all tests prove negative to a paracitic premised pathology. Apparently they have been involved with this for up to 10 years so many many tests must have been carried out in this time.

So your comments are appreciated.. and possibly if you wish to extend on the idea of the "puberty energy crisis" your interesting and unique "bent" on things may yet dig up further clues.
Cultural/religious aggravation:
I do have a personal vested interest as I have good friends [unaffected] currently living in the region. [we have a large Sudanese refugee rehabilitation community here where I live]
One thing that they, as Sudanese, know initmately is that the predominant religion of those suffering the desease is a special or particular form of Christianity, referred to as Miaphysitism In which they have a particular view point on the reality of the Christ that is distinct in a fundamental way to mainstream RC type Chritianity. Apparently forced into a sort of religious isolation many centuries ago due to the conflict this contradictory view meant to the existing regime. *not this is not able to be properly confirmed so must be considered as "loose evidence".

How this relates to the topic?
Well as you know most religions offer strong morality based regulation especially for their children and especially regarding sexuality, marriage and propogation issues and as this appears to be a puberty orientated issue there is a possibiity that cutural/religious based restraints on the children may be aggravating the situation. That assuming a weakness is present biologically the pycho-somatic pressure applied due to religious restraints may be enough to bring on this problem.

Some religious group for example will apply restraining pressure of various forms to children when they reach a certain age, circumcision for both males and females is not unknown and other more intimate and severe forms of "restraint" as a rule generally to minimise premarital "sin".

From an energistic point of view when considering that there may be a underlying weakness the psycho somatic effect of these [1000+ year] historical tradition restraints may be enough to provoke a desease threshhold to be revealed.
And of course they the adults will not consider the above as a possibiity because their devotion to their religious beliefs could be too strong and have a blindimg effect. Generally keeping these things secret .. even amongst themselves.
Also knowing that these children are refugees from an incredibly brutal war that has recently be somewhat resolved [ South Sudan independance] and given the intense brutality the male population has proved to be capable of, virtually anything and I mean anything is possible regarding the use of religious restraint on children approaching puberty.

...just thoughts..
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Someone needs to set up a foundation, or perhaps (more wisely) a new branch of an already existing one, so some additional resources can be thrown at the problem. I'd donate in a heartbeat. It's probably the one thing that would make the biggest difference really.

Or have I somehow missed the fact that this has already been taken care of?
Someone needs to set up a foundation, or perhaps (more wisely) a new branch of an already existing one, so some additional resources can be thrown at the problem. I'd donate in a heartbeat. It's probably the one thing that would make the biggest difference really.

Or have I somehow missed the fact that this has already been taken care of?
I agree however the short web search I did failed to find any specific donation centre for this issue.
The Ugandan Red Cross are heavilly involved in material support for the established care centres for the children [ fortified food stuffs ] A donation to them may not go directly to the issue but into a Global Ugandan Red Cross fund
Just thought I'd post some news of the web from Uganda:

The nodding syndrome that has been ravaging parts of northern Uganda is being contained after 96% of the victims have been discharged in better condition, says a health ministry report.

Besides, no new case has been recorded since March when the Government first intervened with campaigns of mass sensitisation and treatment in the region.

According to Dr. Bernard Opar, the national co-coordinator for nodding syndrome, 302 of the 313 children who were admitted in critical condition had been discharged by Wednesday.
good news!
Last post was in 2012.
It's now 26/10/2014 and no new cases have been reported in 2 years. Still no understanding of causation nor why the illness suddenly ceased to create new cases.
It is worth noting that the notorious Joseph Koney who has terrorised these parts for over 30 years [ invisible children saga] has also more or less been neutralized. [ no recent activity of note ]
Regardless of causation etc, it is excellent news that this situation appears to be no longer a serious threat.