Noah's flood = Ice melting after ice age


Let go your conscious self...
Registered Senior Member
Merely speculation with very little data, as I haven't read the bible nor do I know exactly what cirumstances surrounded the melting of the ice after the ice age, but, perhaps these two events are one and the same?
seekeroftheway said:
Merely speculation with very little data, as I haven't read the bible nor do I know exactly what cirumstances surrounded the melting of the ice after the ice age, but, perhaps these two events are one and the same?
there couldnt have been world wide flood as there isnt enough water on earth to cover all the land,if there was where did the water disapear to?
Well, again, this is the bible, it's extremely exaggerated in certain areas, and is, in the end, a book of interpretation. They're both floods, vaguely similar, so maybe the idea of "noah's flood" was spawned from the end of the Ice Age?
The most likely explanation for the Noachian flood myth is the existence of earlier Summerians and Akkadians who lived on the flood plains of the Tigris and Euphrates and were inundated periodically. Evidence of catastrophic but very localized flooding is present in the sedimentology of the region. Moreover, the myth itself shows a clear literary origin from the Atrahasis, Deluge, and Gilgamesh stories.

Another proposed origin is the inundation of the Black Sea. That link offers a modest review of a book by two geologists, titled Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries About The Event That Changed History, and has some useful citations in the bibliography for anyone interested in pursuing the subject further.
I have always found trying to connect mythology to actual events as a fun exercize. Noah's Floods is obviously based on the Mesopotamian flood story within the Epic of Gigamish, and there is evidence that that story was based on a catastrophic river flood in Sumeria.

The story about Adam and Eve getting forced out of Eden may be a mythologization of the desertification of the Sahara and Arabia that occured 6000 years ago at the End of the Holocene Climatic Optimum.

I rember hearing various Native American myths that seem to mention the North American Ice Sheet