Noah's arc


If Noah's arc crashed on some mountain in the Middle East, how did the two polar bears make it all the way to the subarctic tundra without expiring in the desert heat?
Assuming they left immediately after the Ark dropped on the mountain and there was still a receding sea to swim in.

And that there was an Ark. And that 2 polar bears were present.

Maybe the real question was how they got to the ark? Since they couldn't swim yet in the non-existing sea.
Maybe once the sea formed Noah sailed over and picked up a pair or an ice floe drifted close by that was refuge for a couple of tired polar bears.

I never thought of it until now but why did they take two of the animals that have become extinct since the flood?
i would never suggest a literal translation.

but... logically... if noahs arc existed... it existed along time ago...
so... if we examine history, we can find.. one event..
70,000 years ago... which may have been capable of causing regional flooding of biblical proportions... and killed off most life forms on earth.

it is a simple fact... that before 70,000 years ago... there were lots of different kinds of humans... not just homosapians...

but... after 70,000 years ago... only homosapaians... we survived.

the rest died off.

just like noah family.. they lived.. everyone else died.

you have to realise....

the bible stories... are primative attempts to explain that, which they could not explain in the modern way we do....

personally... i think the stories are fantastic, and very true... from a 3000 year old perspective... and still valid... if we see them as primitive attempts to tell what we now know.....

Roman said:
If Noah's arc crashed on some mountain in the Middle East, how did the two polar bears make it all the way to the subarctic tundra without expiring in the desert heat?
Roman said:
If Noah's arc crashed on some mountain in the Middle East, how did the two polar bears make it all the way to the subarctic tundra without expiring in the desert heat?
If you are referring to the infamous biblical "Noah's Ark"..yes thats with a "K"
then you should know not to take every word in the bible so literally.

A vessel with all those dimensions couldn't contain all or most of the species on the planet today. Either the earth was so few in species at that time or Noah himself would have found a way to genetically extract the DNA of all the species and store them in a giant container vessel..i.e the "Ark"

And if the ark did come to rest on a mountain called" Ararat" somewhere near the Turkish-Armenian border assuming the continental plates haven't shifted after thousands of years,...the polar bears would probably have hitched a ride on a whale that headed northwards.

don't forget those cute little penguins too....they are good swimmers!
Roman said:
If Noah's arc crashed on some mountain in the Middle East, how did the two polar bears make it all the way to the subarctic tundra without expiring in the desert heat?

Answer is; They swam. :D
Roman said:
If Noah's arc crashed on some mountain in the Middle East, how did the two polar bears make it all the way to the subarctic tundra without expiring in the desert heat?
The world in their view, was the Middle East (and probably some extent beyond it) so world flood would be the title for the "known world" where they probably had no idea of polar bears.

What could be the remains of Noah's Ark has been found near mount Ararat.

Noah's Ark
Well for instance, that there is no known wood called "gopher wood," which is what the Bible says Noah used in the construction of his boat. And I don't believe it is possible for all the species of the world to be represented on the Great Boat that there is no possible way for eight people to feed and care for that many animals for the length of time the Ark was afloat. The sheer numbers and weight alone would overwhelm a fleet of Arks.

I theorize that a boat the size of the Ark would surely have capsized and sunk from the fury of God's storm. There may be a boat on Mount Ararat, but it most assuredly cannot be Noah's Ark.

Skeptics point out that Mount Ararat was once a cult center for medieval monks who could have positioned wooden crosses and even boats to commemorate the site of Noah's landing. Perhaps the ark is actually a remnant from that culture. Furthermore, the mound excavated, although large and impressive, is located in such a position as to make a convincing fortified stronghold in ancient times.

What really complicates the issue is that the Turkish government has officially declared the unusually shaped mound to be the official resting place of Noah's Ark. That doctrine effectively precludes any further excavations on Mount Ararat for the relics seen by Navarra, Hergobian, Davis, and the others. Some speculate that this is exactly what the Turkish government intended to keep foreigners from swarming all over the northern face of the mountain and presumably spying on their military fortifications.
Cyperium said:
The world in their view, was the Middle East (and probably some extent beyond it) so world flood would be the title for the "known world" where they probably had no idea of polar bears.

What could be the remains of Noah's Ark has been found near mount Ararat.

Noah's Ark

More likely it's the 'Queen Mary'.
While I am not a believer in any religion, I am interested in studying various historical events possibly providing a basis for religious stories. For example, Asimov had a humorous explanation for the loss of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea. The following is valid hsitory rather than humorous fiction.

2 to 5 (maybe ten) years ago they turned up evidence of rapid flooding of the Black Sea basin about 7000 to 10,000 years ago.

It is well known that the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea lose more water to evaporation than is replaced by either rain or water from various rivers feeding them. There is a net flow from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and then to the Black Sea.

There was a long period of time when the Dardanelles and/or the Bosporus Straits were closed (perhaps due to an earth quake), resulting in the partial evaporation of the Black Sea. About 7000 to 10,000 years ago an earthquake (or perhaps the persistence of water pressure) resulted in the opening of the straits. The level of the Black Sea rose very rapidly inundating many villages on or close to the previous shores of the Black Sea. This event might very well have been passed on to subsequent generations and be the basis for various flood stories.

BTW: Millions of years ago, the Mediterranean completely evaporated when the Straights of Gibralter closed. When the straights later opened, the Mediterranean was filled very rapidly. It is claimed that the event would make Niagra Falls look like a leaky faucet in comparison.

It is also believed that the Black Sea basin was flooded circa 10,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago, when there was a final 'push' of the Ice-Age melting (which started circa 18,000 years ago and ended circa 12,000 years ago, raising the oceans some 100 meters; with the final 'push' raising the oceans another 15 meters or so, just enough to begin flooding the Black Sea basin, which at that time had been below-sea-level farmland/grazing land. They've photographed some undersea sites, I believe, and are likely planning more expeditions.

The fact that it is in the proximity to where all of the 'Noah' stories seem to have originated (and there are several others, all very similar to the one recorded in the Bible), and of about the correct time-frame, that the flooding of the Black Sea makes for a very probable source origin of the 'Noah' story.
Vega said:
A vessel with all those dimensions couldn't contain all or most of the species on the planet today.
Maybe it was like the TARDIS. Larger on the inside than the outside. I mean, if God could alter the nature of light such that rainbows could be produced after the flood but not before, surely he could alter the inside dimensions of the ark in a manner similiar to the timelords.
The most likely explanation is that a primative form of bear was aboard the Ark. They got off, and released the bears, the bears left and started a new population. Genetic drift occured, alleles change, natural selection chose fitness in the changing regions as they migrated and moved, starting new populations here and there, other populations leaving or being seperated from its parent population. Once the bears got to the north pole, it was as far as they could go, so they adapted, reproduced and grew.

That would be a scientific explanation of the whole deal, and your probobly asking (why didnt the humans change?) well we did, the farther north we went the decendents of Noah became lighter, like the polar bears.

Now you might argue that the people who believe in the Ark dont believe in evolution. Well it doesnt fucking matter does it.
Did Noah thereafter visit all the continents, selectively placing different kinds of plants on each? If so, why did he place the Cacti in the Americas only, but the almost identical looking desert Euphorbias in Africa only? I guess to confuse all of us in these latter days to believe in evolution? And how did he keep some 500,000 different species of plants alive on the Ark, when so many do not reproduce by seed?
convergent evolution is a great thing, and since the flood was probobly more of a local event such things were probobly not effected